雅思写作7.5分素材:社会生活类之大家庭还是小家庭好? gives people more privacy and personal space给人们更多的隐私和个人空间 lead to greater contentment and well-being带来... 2023-06-17
雅思写作| 衡量国家成功的最重要因素是经济增长还是社会公平稳定? the most important measure of a country's success这是衡量一个国家成功与否的最重要标准 Economic progress is often seen... 2023-06-16
雅思大作文7分范文及解析:传统观念不适合现代社会 观点类大作文,社会类话题 Some people believe that older generation's traditional ideas are not the right way to live,... 2023-06-16
新闻热点 雅思6/6.5/7分的差距到底有多大?如何快速提分? 众所周知,大多数英国优质院校的雅思要求都在6.5或者7分。但现实是,许多烤鸭的分数总是卡在6分上不去,或者卡在6.5上不了7分... 2023-06-14
雅思写作7.5分语料:政府应该为大学生付学费吗? have the government pay for college or university fees让政府支付学院或大学的费用 On the one hand, having the governme... 2023-06-14
6.10大陆雅思大作文8分范文及解析:是否要纳税 观点类大作文,社会类话题 Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state . To wha... 2023-06-12