冠军赛|Junior WSD暑期已备动议解析发布!

2024 NHSDLC年度冠军赛 还有两周左右的时间,就要正式开打了!各类赛事的报名时间也进入了最后一周的倒计时!


Junior WSD暑期已备动议解析




Junior WSD 暑期已备动议


THW choose the job they are passionate about.


This House believes that environmental concerns should always take precedence over economic development.


This House would genetically engineer its children.


· 2024年度冠军赛8月3-7日

· 2024线上全国邀请赛 8月17-19日



It is important to build strong cases for upcoming competitions and the junior world schools nationals is definitely no exception to this rule. This article will go through the prepared motions for the competition and provide you analysis for each topic. While it is useful for students to read this article, they are encouraged to work on the motions by themselves and include their own ideas in the case-building process.

冠军赛|Junior WSD暑期已备动议解析发布!

The first motion “This house would choose the job they are passionate about” concerns the career decisions individuals make in life.

For proposition, it is important to explain why workplace satisfaction is more important than financial stability. Teams should characterize why a job people are notpassionate about leads to a bad workplace experience. Explain why you are unlikely to make friends with co-workers, why you will dread going to work every morning, why your work will leave you stressed out and unable to enjoy your time off.

It is useful to note here that money cannot buy things like friends and time – which means that the quality of life of individuals will go down unless they enjoy their job.

On opposition, teams should argue the opposite point. First, characterize what kind of jobs people are passionate about. These are typically jobs that are fun, low-effort, and not that useful to society, such as painting, becoming an author, or being a football player. As a result, there is not a lot of demand for these positions, meaning it is difficult to maintain a stable job with a high salary.

Then, explain why financial stability is more important than workplace enjoyment. It is useful to highlight how much stress and anxiety poverty causes, such as worrying whether you can pay your bills next month or having to move your family to a smaller apartment.

冠军赛|Junior WSD暑期已备动议解析发布!

The second motion “This house believes that environmental concerns should always take precedence over economic development” is about climate change and its consequences to humanity and the planet as a whole.

From proposition, it is important to be strategic and not let opposition claim that your policy will lead to economic collapse. Therefore, it is wise to give structural reasons why pro-environment policies are likely going to lead to economic growth.

A useful thing to mention here is the fact that there is a lot of money invested into research and development for green technology and that investing into eco-friendly companies early may lead to profit in the future, when clean energy becomes the norm.

In addition, proposition must emphasize the catastrophic impacts of climate change that will happen unless humanity acts quickly, highlighting the urgency and intensity of this issue.

On opposition, however, it is important to point out that many states, especially developing countries, do not have the capacity to implement green technology. Cheap but polluting sources of energy are necessary for industrialization, particularly in predominantly rural regions that did not have the historical opportunity to develop themselves. Therefore, to ensure that billions of people get out of poverty and escape disease and starvation, pollution is a necessary evil.

Furthermore, it would be clever to frame from opposition that economic growth is a prerequisite for environmental protection, as having more money means that you have more funds to spend on green technology in the long-run.

冠军赛|Junior WSD暑期已备动议解析发布!

The final motion “THW genetically enginner its children” is the most speculative motion of the set, as genetic engineering is still an underexplored area of science due to ethical concerns. Therefore, it is important to employ creativity and philosophical thinking when creating arguments for this motion.

The first thing to note about this topic is that it happens from the perspective of a government, not from the persective of parents, meaning that this is a policy that would apply to society broadly. The fun thing to think about from side proposition concerns how you would implement this debate. The motion is a policy motion after, all, and it changes greatly based on the model of side proposition.

You should frame which genetic traits would be genetically modified, whether you would limit the policy only to genetic diseases or if you would include other traits like height and strength. Would you make all kids go through this or just those whose parents consent? Would the government or the parents choose? It’s up to side proposition to decide.

The opposition team needs to react to this model and the debate will look very differently depending on how it is modeled.

For opposition, I advise flexibility in their response to the model. Additionally, opposition should stress the fact that genetic engineering is not technologically advanced enough and that unintended consequences might arise from using this technology on humans.

Secondly, it is relevant to point out that many governments are corrupt or tyrannical and would use genetic engineering in nefarious ways.

Finally, you can make the case that it is unethical to allow the use of this technology, as it could reinforce cultural biases against certain physical traits, such as skin color or neurodiversity.



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