
GRE阅读备考经常有一些迷思(myths),其中一条就是出现 qualify 的选项大概率就是正确选项。不知道小伙伴们有没有笃信过这个原则呢?



01qualify 的词义以及考法

首先,我们需要明确 qualify 的词义以及考法。

American Heritage Dictionary 对 qualify 的定义是: to modify, limit, or restrict, as by listing exceptions or reservations





①For example, T.H. Breen argued that the consumer boycott was a brilliantly original American invention.

②Breen did acknowledge that a few isolated boycotts may have taken place in other countries.



真题中考察了第②句话的功能,很明显,第②句指出了第①句中的人物观点的一些例外情况,从而让观点显得没有那么绝对极端,所以是对前一句观点的限定,因此这道题的正确选项就是“qualify a point made in the preceding sentence”。



Prominent among theoriesofthe functionofsleepisMeddis’ immobilization hypothesis, which holds that sleep, rather than servingarestorative function, playsaprotective role during times that animals cannotbeusefully engagedinother activities.Meddis reasoned that animalsnotimmediately threatenedbypredators wouldbesaferifthey passedthetime sleeping.

However, that hypothesis cannot easily explain why one often observesareboundinsleep timeorintensity followingaperiodofsleep deprivation. Neither does the hypothesis explain the existenceofvarious statesofsleep, which themselves maybeassociated with different functions.

In the context of the passage as a whole, the highlighted portion serves primarily to

A. present the thinking that led scientists to qualify a widely accepted view

B. describe the basis on which a hypothesis was advanced

C. illustrate the kind of reasoning that is applied in a branch of science

D. explain how a hypothesis can be tested empirically

E. relate the analysis that refined a tentative explanation






Since the 1970s, there has been a movement in African literary studies toward the recognition of national literatures in newly independent African states, such as Cameroon, Senegal, and Benin. But while in some of these national literatures there has undoubtedly emerged a sense of corporate identity, often marked by clear thematic and formal progressions, it remains an incontrovertible fact that the European languages in which these literatures are expressed have only an official acceptance:they are neither indigenous to the cultures on which they have been imposed, nor are they national in any real sense of the word.This must limit the claims of any of these literatures to national significance, however abundant the corpus or coherent the internal configurations.

The highlighted portion of the passage serves primarily to

A. support a conclusion stated later in the passage

B. qualify an assertion presented earlier in the passage

C. suggest an explanation for an anomaly mentioned in the passage

D. offer a tentative answer to a question raised in the passage

E. justify the use of a term introduced earlier in the passage





02总 结



03作 业


The greater the distance an island is from a continent (assuming islands are of similar size and elevation), the fewer plant and animal species it will support but the greater the distinctiveness of those species. As an example, compare Trinidad and Tobago with Puerto Rico. Trinidad and Tobago are two sister islands lying off South America, to which they were once connected by a land bridge. Their combined land mass is little more than half that Puerto Rico, but their native avifauna totals approximately four hundred species, nearly twice that of Puerto Rico’s.However, all the bird species on Trinidad and Tobago, with the sole exception of an endemic guan, are found either on the South American mainland or elsewhere.Contrarily, Puerto Rico’s native avifauna totals only two hundred and forty species but includes sixteen endemic species, which, except for two occurring in the nearby Virgins Islands, are found nowhere else in the world.

The highlighted sentence serves primarily to

A. acknowledge a possible flaw in a generalization presented at the beginning of the passage.

B. cite evidence to support a possible explanation for a phenomenon mentioned in the preceding sentence

C. qualify a claim about the relationship that usually pertains between an island’s size and its relative abundance of animals species

D. establish a contrast between the relative proportion of endemic to nonendemic species on Trinidad and Tobago as compared with Puerto Rico

E. point to a possible way in which species native to the South American mainland might have come to inhabit offshore islands.


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