上两次我们讨论了SAT常考的一些语法知识点,但让同学们感到头痛的不仅仅是这些语法题,更多的是所谓的阅读理解题。在SAT改革后,已经取消了写作部分,而是把对写作知识的要求归入了Reading and Writing,以选择题的形式出现了,所以同学们需要注意,有些题貌似阅读理解题,其实是写作题。那么SAT是如何通过选择题型来考察学生的写作能力呢?我们今天就来看看一些常见的写作测试题类型。
首先我们要搞清楚,SAT考察的写作能力,并不是创意写作和叙事写作的能力,而是academic writing学术写作的能力。这一点在以前有写作部分的时候就是如此,现在也仍然如此。所以,大家不要觉得自己平时经常写日记写故事,应对SAT写作就没太大问题了,因为这是两个完全不同的类型。
学术写作中最常见的一个类型,就是argument essay,或者说persuasive essay。在美国留学的同学们应该对此比较清楚了,国内同学如果没接触过,简单来说,这一类型跟语文课上教的议论文有些类似,讲究用各种论据来论证自己的观点。在我们的“学术写作“课上有详细讲述,常见的argument essay论据evidence有四种类型:facts and data,examples,visuals,and expert opinions。一篇好的argument essay这四种evidence往往都要有,所以它们也是SAT必考的写作题内容。
我们先来看看下面这道题,它考察的是对facts and data 论据的使用:
The novelist Toni Morrison was the first Black woman to work as an editor at the publishing company Random House, from 1967 to 1983. A scholar asserts thatone of Morrison’s likely aims during her time as an editor was to strengthen the presence of Black writers on the list of Random House’s published authors.
Which finding, if true, would most strongly support the scholar’s claim?
A) The percentage of authors published by Random House who were Black rose in the early 1970s and stabilized throughout the decade.
B) Black authors who were interviewed in the 1980s and 1990s were highly likely to cite Toni Morrison’s novels as a principal influence on their work.
C) The novels written by Toni Morrison that were published after 1983 sold significantly more copies and received wider critical acclaim than the novels she wrote that were published before 1983.
D) Works that were edited by Toni Morrison during her time at Random House displayed stylistic characteristics that distinguished them from works that were not edited by Morrison.
虽然facts and data是最有力的一类论据evidence,另一类论据,图表visual,也是现实中经常用到的一类论据。而且因为table表格中的数据信息较多,如何分析解读来支持自己的观点,这一点不仅是我们平时写作时需要注意的,也是SAT经常考察的写作知识点。以下面这道题为例:
Number and Origin of Clamshell Tools Found at Different
Levels Below the Surface in Neanderthal Cave
Depth of tools found below surface in cave (meters) |
Clamshells that Neanderthals collected from the beach |
Clamshells that Neanderthals harvested from the seafloor |
3–4 |
99 |
33 |
6-7 |
1 |
0 |
4-5 |
2 |
0 |
2-3 |
7 |
0 |
5-6 |
18 |
7 |
Studying tools unearthed at a cave site on the western coast of Italy, archaeologist Paola Villa and colleagues have determined that prehistoric Neanderthal groups fashioned them from shells of clams that they harvested from the seafloor while wading or diving or that washed up on the beach. Clamshells become thin and eroded as they wash up on the beach, while those on the seafloor are smooth and sturdy, so the research team suspects that Neanderthals prized the tools made with seafloor shells. However,the team also concluded that those tools were likely more challenging to obtain,noting that ______
Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to support the research team’s conclusion?
A) at each depth below the surface in the cave, the difference in the numbers of tools of each type suggests that shells were easier to collect from the beach than to harvest from the seafloor.
B) the highest number of tools were at a depth of 3–4 meters below the surface, which suggests that the Neanderthal population at the site was highest during the related period of time.
C) at each depth below the surface in the cave, the difference in the numbers of tools of each type suggests that Neanderthals preferred to use clamshells from the beach because of their durability.
D) the higher number of tools at depths of 5–6 meters below the surface in the cave than at depths of 4–5 meters below the surface suggests that the size of clam populations changed over time.
今天我们先通过真题来看看facts and data 和 visual这两类论据evidence的使用方法,下次我们再来看看examples 和 expert opinions这两类论据是如何使用的,以及SAT是如何考察的。