5月SAT考情解析 | 难度中等偏上,重题率下降 数学计算量明显提升!






Module 1难度不大,Module 2难度提升较大。阅读部分难度和题干长度都明显提升,数学部分计算量较以往大很多。






✔️ misconstrue✔️ prohibitive✔️incongruous✔️ distinct✔️ imperfect✔️ incongruous✔️ publicity✔️heterogeneous✔️unassuming✔️tenuous✔️buttress✔️inextricable✔️mitigate✔️repudiate✔️counterbalance✔️comprehensive✔️interdependent


Some African companies spent a significant amount of money and effort in their quest to find investors. If it weren't for external assistance, the money and effort expended to seek investment would have been an ________ burden for these companies.

A) misconstrued

B) distinctive

C) prohibitive

D) beneficial


Everyone previously believed that a certain writer had a significant influence on a particular literary field (writing children's literature for children) and considered this to be_______. However, in reality, it is not the case; his influence has been overestimated.

A) irrefutable

B) pretentious

C) provocative






The bird species Myiobius barbatus (the bearded flycatcher), which forages in relatively dense vegetation, and Platyrinchus saturatus (the cinnamon-crested spadebill), which forages in open areas or low density vegetation, share territory in French Guiana with Thamnomanes caesius (the cinereous antshrike), which emits a loud alarm call when it detects predators. Biologist Ari Martinez and colleagues, who studied the ecological community the species share, hypothesized that there is an inverse relationship between birds' field of vision while foraging and their sensitivity to alarm calls from neighboring species

Which finding, if true, would most directly support Martinez and colleagues' hypothesis?

A. When Martinez and colleagues played T. caesius alarm calls. M. barbatus and P. saturatus displayed no reaction, whereas T. caesius displayed predator-avoidance behavior.

B. Many local bird species with similar foraging habits to those of M. barbatus displayed no reaction when Martinez and colleagues played T. caesius alarm calls, whereas M. barbarus displayed predator -avoidance behavior.

C. Some individuals of P. saturatus displayed predator-avoidance behavior when Martinez and colleagues played T. caesius alarm calls, whereas nearly all did when M. barbatus alarm calls were played.

D. P. saturatus displayed no reaction when Martinez and colleagues played T. caesius alarm calls, whereas M. barbaris displayed predator avoidance behavior in response to the calls.





Mongolia, which, according to international indices, has relatively strong democratic institutions and low intranational income inequality, experienced an inflation rate of 4.30% in 2017. whereas Cameroon, which shows the opposite pattern on such indices had an inflation rate of 0.64% that year. Such comparisons have engendered speculation that diluting control over the economy, democratic institutions inhibit states' ability to counteract inflationary pressures. To test this possibility systematically. Raj Desai et al. examined democratic strength, intranational inequality, and inflation in more than 100 counties, finding that democratic strength if associated with low inequality, restrains inflationary pressures suggesting that

A. it would be a mistake to treat the relative inflation rates of Mongolia and Cameroon as indicative an inherent shortcoming in democratic institutions with regard to controlover inflation.

B. speculations about the relative inability of democratic institutions to counteract inflation are based on measures that tend to exaggerate the levels of inflation in strongly democratic countries suchas Mongolia

C. the fact that contributed to Molheu's elevated inflation rate relative to Cameroon's have less to do with the countries' political institutions than with the countries' levels of income inequality.

D. the difference between Mongolia and Cameroon with regard to democratic institution strength may have been greater in 2017 than was representated by international




3. 其他题型整体都难度中等



4. 其他重复考题



The Nile River delta system is located in Northern Egypt, where the river drains into the Mediterranean Sea, and is shaped by ________ factors: for example, the geography of the coastline influences sedimentary deposition, which over time alters coastal geography.Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. comprehensive

B. interdependent

C. tenuous

D. unyielding


1. Some robots such as Surena (developed in 2008) and COMAN (developed in 2012) feature humanoid characteristics like bipedal locomotion so that people will find it easier to interact with them. While these features can help to _____ feelings of comfort in people, a robot that looks too like human can fall into the “uncanny valley,” meaning that its appearance unintentionally unsettles those who encounter it.Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. engender

B. constrict

C. counterbalance

D. repudiate

2. Some robots such as Surena (developed in 2008) and COMAN (developed in 2012) aredesigned to resemble humans so that people will find it easier to interact with them. To this end, certain features such as the ability to respond to voice commands can help to create the comforting semblance of humanity, but a robot that appears too similar to humans can make people feel more unsettled than _____Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. soothed

B. indifferent

C. revolted

D. vindicated


Some robots such as Surena (developed in 2008) and COMAN (developed in 2012) aredesigned to resemble humans so that people will find it easier to interact with them. To that end, certain features such as the ability to respond to voice commands can help to ______ people’s feelings of comfort, but a robot that looks too human can fall into the “uncanny valley,” meaning that its appearance unintentionally unsettles those who encounter it.Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. constrict

B. repudiate

C. buttress

D. mitigate




5月SAT考情解析 | 难度中等偏上,重题率下降,数学计算量明显提升!



不同于语法和阅读,SAT数学遇到原题的可能性很低,有些题目可能题干类似,换了几个数字做起来就很费劲。本次考试需要注意在quadratic equation和polynomial部分有相对较难题型出现,出现了对于计算量和细节度要求很高的题目,对于同学们的计算和思考有进一步的要求了。几何方面考查了congruence和similarity的证明。




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