

虽然政策类辩题难度较高,但是只要找对方向、条分缕析就一定能让问题迎刃而解!今天就为大家带来 政策类辩题备赛锦囊 ① 从4个方向入手助你庖丁解牛,备赛更轻松!

Prep Guide FocusedOn Policy Topics

政策类辩题备赛锦囊With the third online debate of the spring seasin coming up this weekend, are you ready?Don't worry! There are plenty more tournaments ahead. We've put together a prep guide focused on policy topics to give you a helping hand!

#1 Framework⽴论稿的框架/价值排序

At the start of your argument in policy debates, it's a good idea to highlight your most crucial value. Nowadays, many debaters assume judges use Cost Benefit Analysis to assess debates. While the framework may not always decide who wins, in policy debates, a strong framework can be your secret weapon. Clearly stating your most important value in the debate and explaining why it should be the standard for judging the entire debate can help you establish your own rule of winning.

For example, common frameworks for this season's debates include public interest (considering what benefits more people in society) and democratic core values (everyone having the right to influence political decisions).

在政策类型的⼀辩的⽴论稿的开头,建议你给裁判⼀个你⽅最重要的价值观/最想达成的⽬标。在成本效益分析(CBA) 盛⾏的时代,很多辩⼿会默认裁判采⽤CBA来衡量⽐赛的输赢。的确,在很多辩题下,价值框架对输赢也没有决定性作⽤。但是在政策辩题中,⼀个优秀的框架可能成为你的制胜法宝。清楚地告诉裁判你⽅认为⽐赛中最重要的价值,并解释为什么这应该成为裁判衡量整场⽐赛的标准,可以帮助你制定只属于你的⽐赛规则。


#2 Economic Insights 经济

While politics and economics are distinct concepts, in a capitalism context, they're mutually dependent. Explore how political lobbying impacts economic factors like tax policies, market competition, and industry growth.

For instance, how does political lobbying affect business behavior and individual interests in the US? Consider the positive and negative effects of political lobbying on the US economy in this season's debates. Which economic policies could be affected, and are these impacts ultimately positive or negative?



#3 Policy Outcome 政策落地的实际影响

Politicians' promises often have mixed results: they may promise one thing during elections but act differently afterward. Even if they implement policies as promised, whether these policies achieve their intended effects is another story. For example, think about the impact of past affirmative action in US university admissions – did they really make admissions fairer? When discussing post-policy changes, analyze how political lobbying influences aspects like social equity, economic growth, and environmental protection, and how these impacts vary across different societal groups.



#4 Social Justice Considerations 社会正义

Policy-making serves various purposes, from safeguarding public interests to promoting social fairness. Does political lobbying support these public interests? Does it contribute to societal fairness or reinforce existing disparities? For example, look at policies like tax exemptions – while they may benefit specific industries or individuals, do they uphold overall societal fairness and legal integrity? During preparation, think about different policies and their actual impact on societal interests.



We hope these four strategies will broaden your perspective for the spring season, enrich your

knowledge, and help you craft winning arguments for the upcoming weekends!







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