Junior WSD春季首赛报名即将截止!Sample Argument发布

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Junior WSD 春季已备辩题 I


THR the rise of social media as a primary source of news distribution.


THS the narrative that "one should never give up".


THW replace traditional punishments with positive reinforcement in primary schools.

春季已备辩题 I适用比赛




2024 NHSDLC春季Sample Argument I


Social media has changed the world. Information is now globally disseminated at a rapid pace, available to users at their fingertips. Every area of communication has been transformed, from news to political discussion to friendly chats.
Today we are zooming in on the way this phenomenon has affected news distribution. This topic is a raging debate in real life that is discussed by governments, universities, and journalists themselves.





There are many reasons to regret the rise of social media as the primary source of news distribution.

The first thing to consider is the emergence of fake news.

There used to be barriers to entry for becoming a journalist: one had to obtain a journalism degree at university where he or she would be trained to conduct research and focus on evidence. In addition, TV channels and media companies would be highly selective when hiring journalists, adhering to standards of professionality and objectivity.

Nowadays, anyone can create a news website with little to no cost.Social media influencers with no formal education in journalism post news on platforms likeFacebook and Twitter(X). This has led to an avalanche of incorrect information.

Furthermore, journalists have an incentive to push fake news on the Internet.The way online creators earn money is through sponsorships and ad revenue, both of which generate higher profits the more attention their content gets. Therefore, online journalists often come up with falsehoods to get more engagement, such as views, likes, and comments.This is called sensationalism.

While traditional media may be sensationalist to some extent, sensationalism is made worse on the Internet due to features such as online comments and AI algorithms that reward “outrage” and “hate-watching” content that people disagree with.The consequences of fake news are many.To start with, you can make the principle argument that individuals have a right to correct information.

After all, one cannot make informed decisions about their life, such as how to seek proper healthcare or how to vote without having access to true information. When people are misinformed, they make decisions that are against their interests and to which they cannot meaningfully consent.

Other arguments to consider from side proposition relate to the way engaging with news online makes people feel.Sometimes, news on the Internet gets more engagement by making people feel sad, concerned, or angry, as this makes people more likely to click on a “clickbait” article. This can have devastating mental health consequences for people who spend too much time consuming endless amounts of depressing content online.

Furthermore, political radicalization is a problem that emerges on the Internet, as people can choose to only engage with news that agrees with their worldview and never have to interact with opposing viewpoints.





The most intuitive benefit of news distribution moving to social media is ease of access.Traditional media used to be inaccessible, especially for people living in poorer areas that did not have a wide range of options. In the developing world and in rural regions, there is a small number of TV channels and newspapers that are available.

In comparison, anyone who has an Internet connection can access a wide variety of news sources: from western media to local media, to an endless array of private media companies, and to individual influencers that post online.This piece of framing can be weaponized to attack the proposition claim about misinformation.

Since there are so many different sources of news available on social media, individuals can cross-reference the facts between different sources and spot inconsistencies. Communities can hold journalists accountable by “fact-checking” their claims at the press of a button and “canceling” those who spread misinformation. In comparison, if a traditional news source is lying to you (because of profit incentives or corruption) there is no way to fight back against it.In addition, reputable news sites, such as the BBC, also have online articles that can be shared online.

Therefore,if side proposition is concerned with the accuracy of news and thinks traditional news platforms are better at keeping their information correct, individuals can access these traditional news channels online as well. The difference is that this information is free and accessible to a much larger number of people.The impact of the argument can be the same that I suggested for the other side:the value of information.The more information an individual has, the more he or she can make decisions that can improve their lives.

For example, if an elderly person can research which city has the best facilities for elderly care, they can make a better choice in which city to spend their retirement.

As a result, people have more freedom to make choices that improve their own quality of life due to the increased availability of news.Another argument side opposition can develop on this motion concerns discussion and debate.

Prior to the emergence of the internet, people could only discuss important topics with people around them, who might all share the same opinions and beliefs. Online, people are exposed to a much wider variety of perspectives and viewpoints.

The reason why this is important is not only that information is more available, as we discussed in the first argument, but also thatone can develop critical thinking skills and their own opinion much more when they can interact with ideas from all over the world.This has also had a huge impact on people learning second languages, particularly English, which allows them to connect with people worldwide and increase their employment options.

以上就是Junior WSD春季常规赛

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