雅思口语Part 1 Collecting things

说到“收藏/收集”,有的小伙伴可能会吐槽说“我平时不收藏/收集东西啊,那这个话题的那些问题我要怎么回答呢?又要编吗?”刻意编造一些不符合自己实际情况的答案并不是不可以,不过在雅思口语中,尤其part 1的部分,是比较生活化的,回答的方向本身也没有绝对的对与错,所以如果真的不喜欢或者从来收集东西,那就实话实说好啦,然后再补充一两句表明“感觉没什么意义”“反正到最后这些东西可能都会扔掉”“自己不喜欢在房间里放这么多东西”甚至感叹“理解不了为什么有的人会为了一张纪念邮票(commemorative stamp)或动漫手办(anime figures)花大价钱?”

Do you collect things?

Answer 1: Yeah, I do have a collection of something. For example, in junior high, I was obsessed with Backstreet Boys, a hugely popular boy band. Back then, I hunted from one store to another for their posters and albums. In fact, I still keep them, though I no longer indulge in such idol stuff.

have a collection of … 收藏……

be obsessed with 对……着迷,特别喜欢

indulge in 沉迷于……

Answer 2: Well, I’m not particularly interested in collecting things, but I do keep some as keepsakes, such as train tickets and flight tickets. I've probably accumulated more than a hundred over the past few years.

be (not) particularly interested in 对……不是很感兴趣

keepsake 纪念品

accumulate 收集,积累

Answer 3: No, I don’t collect anything. In fact, I don’t see the point of collecting stamps, postcards, fridge magnets, or anything of that sort. It always makes me wonder why some people are willing to fork out on these things.

not see the point of doing sth. 看不到做某事的意义

fridge magnet 冰箱磁贴

wonder 好奇,想知道

fork out 花很多钱

Are there any things you keep from childhood?

这个问题可以从“收藏物品”的角度回应,也可以是简单的“保留”。所以如果没有收藏、收集某种物品的爱好,小时候拍的照片、收到的某个特别的礼物亦或是上学时期获得的奖状(certificate of achievement)都可以。

Answer 1: In fact, I have a lot of items that hold sentimental value to me. For example, I still hold on to the dolls my friends and family gave me on my birthdays. I also have an extensive collection ofidol merchandise, like photo cards, posters, music albums, and stickers. The posters of Avril Lavigne and Aaron Carter are still hanging on the walls of my bedroom.

hold sentimental value to me 对我来说有情感价值

hold on to 保留

have an extensive collection of 有大量的……

idol merchandise 偶像周边

sticker 贴纸

Answer 2: No, I rarely keep old items. If they’re outdated or fall apart, I buy a new one. Perhaps the only thing I keep from childhood is a couple of group photographs I took with my schoolmates. When I flick through these photos, it feels like they were taken yesterday. How fast time flew!

rarely 几乎不,很少

outdated 过时的

fall apart 坏掉,散架

a couple of 一些

group photograph 集体照

flick through 浏览

Where do you usually keep things you need?


Answer 1: I must admit that I'm a bit disorganised. Despite having drawers and storage boxes, I tend to misplace my belongings quite often. For instance, I can't find my Apple Pencil sometimes, but after a few days, I discover it somewhere in a corner!

admit 承认

disorganised 无条理的,杂乱无章的

drawer 抽屉

storage box 储物盒

misplace 乱放

Answer 2: I always make sure that my belongings are stored in the right place. For example, I have a bedside table where I keep my phone charger and removable hard drives. Besides, I have a makeup bag where I store my cosmetics such as foundation, lipsticks, and eyeliner pencils.

bedside table 床头柜

phone charger 手机充电器

removable hard drive 移动硬盘

makeup bag 化妆包

cosmetics 化妆品

foundation 粉底液

eyeliner pencil 眼线笔

Would you keep old items for a long time?


Answer 1: Well, it really depends on what the items are. If it’s something I feel sentimentally attached to, the first concert ticket I had, I will keep it forever. However, if it’s a digital device and it’s broken, I’m more likely to throw it away. I hate to make my place full of clutter.

feel emotionally attached to 对……有感情

digital device 电子产品

throw it away 把它扔掉

make my place full of clutter 把我的地方搞得乱七八糟

Answer 2: In fact, I have a clear-out and get rid of the old items regularly. There’s no point in keeping things that are no longer working. Even if they can be reused or repurposed, I don’t bother to hold on to them. My room is small and cramped. I’d better go for a minimalist lifestyle.

have a clear-out 清理一下

reuse 重复使用

repurpose 改造利用

small and cramped 狭小局促

go for a minimalist lifestyle 选择简约的生活方式

与Collecting things话题相关的其他表达:

priceless antique 价值连城的古董

antique shop 古玩店

vinyl disc 黑胶唱片

cassette tapes 盒式磁带

a pile of 一堆,许多

commemorative coin 纪念硬币

knickknack 小摆件,小装饰物

doodad 小玩意儿

an avid collector of 特别喜欢收集……的人

take great delight in doing sth. 享受其中,享受……

give me a feeling of sheer delight 给我纯粹的愉悦感

search high and low 到处寻找



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