第1题What is the value of
请选择你认为正确的选项:A.0B. 6C. 10D. 18E. 24
第2题Wind chillis a measure of how cold people feel when exposed to wind outside. A good estimate for wind chill can be found using this calculation
wheretemperatureis measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F)and the wind speed is measured in miles per hour (mph). Suppose the air temperature is 36°Fand the wind speed is 18mph. Which of the following is closest to the approximate wind chill?
风寒是衡量人们在室外受到风吹时感觉有多冷的标准。通过这种计算方法可以很好地估算出风寒,其中温度以华氏度 (°F)为单位,风速以英里/小时 (mph) 为单位。假设气温为 36 华氏度,风速为 18 英里/小时。以下哪项最接近风寒值?
请选择你认为正确的选项:A. 18B. 23C. 28D. 32E. 35
第3题A lake contains250 trout, along with a variety of other fish. When a marine biologist catches and releases a sample of180fish from the lake,30are identified as trout. Assume that the ratio of trout to the total number of fish is the same in both the sample and the lake. How many fish are there in the lake?
一个湖里有 250 条鳟鱼和其他各种鱼类。海洋生物学家从湖中捕获并释放了 180 条鱼样本,其中 30 条被鉴定为鳟鱼。假设样本和湖中的鳟鱼占鱼类总数的比例相同。湖中有多少条鱼?
A. 1250B. 1500C. 1750D. 1800E. 2000