深度专访 | 搭建文化桥梁:与叶里依的一次面向未来的对话


Liyi Ye, Advisor to Stanford e-China, piloting a plane over Stanford and the Bay Area; courtesy Liyi Ye. 上图为斯坦福e-China项目首席顾问叶里依,图中的她正驾驶飞机,飞越斯坦福大学及旧金山湾区

Liyi Ye has been an instrumental force behind the success and growth of Stanford e-China, SPICE’s first program enrolling students in China in virtual courses featuring Stanford professors and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, launched just before Covid closed schools and flights between the United States and China. Not only has Liyi been an invaluable advisor to Stanford e-China, she has also helped model the value and efficacy of cross-cultural collaboration that we strive to teach in all our SPICE courses.


Originally from Chongqing, Liyi earned her master’s degree from the Center for East Asian Studies on a full scholarship from Stanford. During her undergraduate years studying finance and mathematics at NYU Stern, she was the advisee of Professor Michael Spence, former Dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and 2001 Nobel Laurate in economics. Once back in China, Liyi combined her interest in business and cross-cultural education as she founded an educational company and designed an online writing contest for high school and college students to encourage them to effectively express their independent views and ideas on global issues.

里依来自中国重庆,她在斯坦福大学东亚研究中心获得全额奖学金完成了她的硕士学位。本科期间,她就读于纽约大学斯特恩商学院,专业是金融和数学,她的本科指导老师Michael Spence教授对她影响很大,Spence教授于2001年获得诺贝尔经济学奖,并曾任斯坦福大学商学院院长里依完成学业回到中国后,她将自己对商业和跨文化教育的兴趣结合起来,创办了一家教育科技公司,并在当时设计了面向高中和大学学生的在线写作挑战,鼓励学生们有效表达自己对全球问题的独立观点和想法。  

Affiliated with the Stanford Law School’s China Guiding Cases Project, within two years the company’s writing platform engaged over 50,000 students across China and other parts of the world. Liyi also nurtured an extensive network of schools and educators in both the United States and China, including collaborative partnerships with Stanford Law School, Harvard Business School, and UC Berkeley’s School of Education. As a Stanford alum, her primary focus has been on the development and support of Stanford-related programs.

里依公司的平台得到了斯坦福法学院的China Guiding Cases Project(中国指导案例项目)的支持,发布不到两年,该平台就吸引了来自中国和世界各地超过50,000名学生的关注。在此过程中,里依还与中美两国诸多学校和教育者们建立了深厚而广泛的连接和合作,其中包括与斯坦福法学院、哈佛商学院和加州大学伯克利分校教育学院的合作。作为斯坦福校友,里依也主要关注与斯坦福大学相关的项目发展和支持。

As the inaugural instructor for Stanford e-China in 2019, when I first met Liyi via Zoom I was quickly impressed by her understanding of cross-cultural dynamics and insights into China’s nuanced and shifting educational landscape, industry, policies, and practices. As we talked about prospects for Stanford e-China over the following months, I also increasingly appreciated her young and savvy energy, entrepreneurial drive, and sense of integrity, humility, humor, and candor. For the past three years, we have been very lucky to have Liyi as our Stanford e-China Advisor based in Shanghai, and relish the dynamic educational opportunities that are a direct result of such a vital relationship.


Photo above: SPICE China Day, Summer 2023: A gathering of Stanford e-China honorees and China Scholars Program students meeting for a ceremony and a design thinking challenge. 上图拍摄于2023年夏季在斯坦福大学的SPICE中国日活动,斯坦福e-China荣誉获得者与China Scholars Program(中国学者计划)的美国学生聚集一堂,参加庆祝仪式和设计思维挑战。

During SPICE’s first in-person China Day ceremony in summer 2023, SPICE Director Gary Mukai stated that he only knows a handful of educators like Liyi who bridge U.S.–China relations so enthusiastically and competently and that he has never seen someone of Liyi’s age who is so experienced with cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

在2023年夏季SPICE首次斯坦福大学中国日仪式上,SPICE主任Gary Mukai表示,他认识像里依这样同时具有热情与能力架起中美关系桥梁的教育者屈指可数,而且他从未见过任何人在里依这个年纪就在跨文化沟通与合作方面拥有如此丰富的经验。

*SPICE主任Gary Mukai于1981年毕业于斯坦福大学。今年是Gary Mukai博士在斯坦福SPICE任职的第三十五年。

Carey: Liyi, can you share a few aspects of Stanford e-China’s growth that make you feel proud of your involvement?


Liyi: We have recruited Chinese students from over 50 schools in China to participate in Stanford e-China. At the conclusion of each course, students with academic standing in the top 10 percent have been honored and awarded a visit to the Stanford campus to connect in person with instructors and American students from SPICE’s China Scholars Program with whom they have collaborated on Zoom. This past summer, all the students who had to defer their visits due to Covid since 2020 attended the ceremony altogether. This was very exciting to witness!

里依:我们已经招募了来自中国50多所学校的中国学生参加斯坦福e-China项目。每门课程结束时,成绩排名前10%的学生将受到表彰,获得访问斯坦福校园的机会,并与他们曾在Zoom上合作过的、来自SPICE China Scholars Program(中国学者计划)中的美国教授和学生进行面对面交流。在刚刚过去的这个夏天,所有之前由于新冠疫情而无法访问斯坦福校园的学生,都一起参加了这场庆祝典礼。能看到这一幕我非常激动!

I’m also proud of new courses we’ve developed, and the educator trainings we’ve opened to teachers in China including one I was able to help facilitate in person in China focused on design thinking. I’m proud of the friendships and networks forged among Stanford e-China students in China and also across the Pacific, and also the fact that we successfully and creatively surmounted so many challenges as we grew the program amid the uncertainties and constraints imposed by the pandemic.


Carey:Whatinterests you most in Stanford e-China’s mission?


Liyi: I like to think that we are sowing seeds of mutual understanding in young minds from China and the United States. We also recognize that both nations stand uniquely positioned to address the defining, global challenges and opportunities of our time. In my opinion, Stanford e-China’s mission lies in bridging cultural divides through enriched dialogue and creating a foundation for lasting friendships and shared endeavors that begin in youth. Through such connections, we can help sculpt a future defined by common goals and interests and prepare toface together the rapid changes and big challenges of our global community.


Carey: How does Stanford e-China’s mission resonate with you personally?


Liyi: My personal passion resonates deeply with the mission of Stanford e-China, creating a harmonious synergy of education, innovation, and cross-cultural collaboration that drives me forward. For example, we recently launched our new program, U.S.-China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions. We plan to engage 15 students from each country who are intellectually curious to learn from and with each other while exploring climate solutions. This is SPICE’s first, transnational course. It is my hope to develop more collaborative projects, merging the shared experiences and aspirations of vibrant youth from both China and the United States to contribute to our collective future.

里依:我对斯坦福e-China的使命有着强烈的共鸣,我认为这个项目创造了教育、创新和跨文化合作的协同,正是这种协同推动我不断进步。最近我们推出的新项目:U.S.-China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions(中美气候解决方案联合实验室)就是一个很好的例子。我们计划招募来自中美两国的各15名学生,希望他们充满好奇心,彼此学习、共同进步、并一起探索气候解决方案。这是SPICE开设的首个跨国课程,我希望今后能够发展更多类似跨国合作项目,融汇中美两国年轻人的共同经验和愿景,为构建共同更美好的未来做出贡献。

Carey: What inspired you to launch Stanford e-China’s Wit and Pep Initiative (SWAPI)?

Carey:是什么激发了你发起斯坦福e-China WAPI项目(Stanford e-China’s Wit and Pep Initiative?)

Liyi: SWAPI came to life through discussions that recognized the essential role of language in cross-cultural interaction. Despite encountering numerous students from China with impressive academic records, we consistently seek candidates who can express themselves effectively, logically, and confidently—a quality that is both valuable and somewhat rare. SWAPI encourages young students to engage in public speaking and writing opportunities that explore diverse, global topics. Launched in 2022, more than 1,000 students throughout China have joined SWAPI's network.


深度专访 | 搭建文化桥梁:与叶里依的一次面向未来的对话

Carey: What do you like to do in your free time?

Carey:你在业余时间喜欢做什么? Liyi: I’m lucky to have a natural curiosity that compels me to explore a lot of interests and subjects. I spent my student years seeking adventures that I could embark on independently, like solo travel, voracious reading, language acquisition, and practice of musical instruments. Since leaving school, I have shifted my focus towards experiences that strengthen connections with friends and families. Inparticular, my father and I have discovered a shared passion for aerial photography a few years ago. I am a licensed pilot with 10 years of flying experience. My flight records as the pilot in command span more than 30 airports worldwide. Through the lens of our shared interest, we have captured cherished moments and breathtaking landscapes and created a bond that soars above the clouds, so to speak.


Carey: Have your experiences with Stanford e-China sparked any new passions for you?


Liyi: Absolutely! I have had the privilege to have earnest conversations with many students and school leaders in both the United States and China. I’ve noticed that students, especially ones at top schools, are subject to overwhelming pressure. It is disconcerting to witness some of our most talented students grappling more with stress, anxiety, and even depression than with the pleasure of learning.


This has spurred me to explore how we, as educators, can instill resilience, confidence, and a holistic perspective on life and a growth-mindset among youth today. So, I’ve delved into research literature, reached out to experts in developmental psychology, and begun advocating for integrating mental health awareness into our Stanford e-China curriculum as well as within more schools in China. In fact, this spring Stanford e-China is launching a new course, Design Thinking into Action: Teen Wellbeing.

这种不安也激发了我去进一步探索,作为教育者,我们该如何帮助当今青少年具备坚韧自信的品格、全面完整的人生观、以及成长型思维。随后我开始深入研究相关文献,与发展心理学专家取得联系,并开始倡导将心理健康意识融入斯坦福e-China课程以及更多中国学校的课程中。事实上,今年春季斯坦福e-China在我的推动下也开展了一门新课程: Design Thinking into Action: Teen Wellbeing(设计思维付诸行动:青少年身心健康)。

My growing interest in psychological development and wellness aligns deeply with my core values. As I advise Stanford e-China, my goal is to nurture young individuals with not only intellectual depth but also mental fortitude. Striking a balance between mental wellness and academic success is, perhaps, the most essential message I hope to share in the next phase of my work with the students, parents, and schools.


Through programs such as Stanford e-China, the U.S.–China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions, and SWAPI, I am looking forward to further strengthening bridges between China and Stanford University.

通过斯坦福e-China项目、U.S.–China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions项目和SWAPI等项目,我希望进一步加强促进中国与斯坦福大学之间的链接。

Stanford e-China is one of SPICE’s comprehensive student programs. SPICE also offers online courses to U.S. high school students on China (China Scholars Program), Japan (Reischauer Scholars Program) and Korea (Sejong Korea Scholars Program), and online courses to Japanese high school students on the United States and U.S.–Japan relations (Stanford e-Japan) and on entrepreneurship (Stanford e-Entrepreneurship Japan).

斯坦福大学e-China是SPICE的综合型学生项目之一。SPICE还向美国高中生提供有关中国China Scholars Program、日本(Reischauer Scholars Program和韩国Sejong Scholars Program的在线项目,并向日本高中生提供有关美国和美日关系斯坦福e-Japan和创业斯坦福e-Entrepreneurship Japan的在线课程。







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