

01. 什么是DECA?Introduction of DECA Inc.

DECA (Distributed Distributive Education Clubs of America) 美国最大的商业教育组织,成立于1946年。DECA致力于培养全球高中和大学的营销、金融、酒店和管理四大领域的新兴领导者和企业家。自成立至今涵盖了金融财务、市场营销、商业管理、企业创业等多种领域职业导向比赛,吸引到来自全世界3,700所高中的222,628位同学加入其中。

02. DECA商赛含金量 Competition Value







03. DECA赛事详情 Content of Competition


其中,DECA 的竞赛活动可分为三大类:角色扮演(Role-play) 和案例研究 (Case Study)、准备活动 (Prepared Events) 和在线模拟 (Online Simulations)。在每个类别和类型的活动中,DECA 为四个职业集群(营销、金融、酒店和管理)以及创业和个人金融知识提供了多种选择。



04. DECA课程大纲 Course Outlines

1. 什么是案例商赛?

What is a Case Competition?

- 识别和交流DECA的案例竞赛的主要框架。

- 提供大多伦多地区大学和高中层面的值得学习的竞赛示例。

- 回答与准备时间、递交和成功因素相关的问题。

- Identify and communicate the main frameworks of case competitions in general and for DECA.

- Provide examples of notable competitions at the university and high school level across GTA.

- Answer questions related to preparation time, commitment, and factors for success.

2. 选择DECA竞赛领域

Choosing DECA Categories

- 逐个领域讲解,包括个人财务、市场营销、金融等。

- 讲解选择一个行业相对于另一个的重要性。

- 理解书面展示与口头展示之间的区别。

- Walk through each category including personal finance, marketing, finance and more.

- Talk through the importance of choosing an industry vs another.

- Understand the differences between written presentation & oral.

3. 案例研究示例介绍

Introduction to Case Study Example

- 演示给定行业的案例研究。

- 带领了解基本的案例框架。

- 问题解答与练习。

- Walk through a sample case study for a given industry.

- Go through basic case framework.

- Answer questions regarding best practises.

4. DECA商赛演讲技巧

Presentation Skills

- 从DECA参与者和评审的经验中介绍口头演示的最佳练习。

- 参考来自商业、科技和不同领域的顶级演讲者的建议。

- 练习技巧并讨论挑战。

- Walk through best practises for oral presentation from DECA participant and Judge Experience.

- Refer to top public speaker tips from business /tech/various fields.

- Practise skills and discuss challenges.

5. 商赛中不同主题案例练习

Practise Case - Different topic

- 选择适合班级学生兴趣的主题,按照案例框架进行练习。

- 问题解答与讨论。

- Similar to Lesson 3, find a topic that fits class interest and go through case framework.

- Ask questions from students.

6. 怎么回答评审的问题?

How to Answer Questions from the Judge

- 讲解讨论如何回答有难度、有压力的问题。

- 在掌握任何问题时使用时间和口语技巧的各种方法。

- Discussion on how to answer difficult questions and pressure type questions.

- Assess various methods when it comes to using time and speaking skills to master any question.

7. DECA商赛着装规范

Dress for Success

- 讲解DECA和案例竞赛的着装规范的要点和禁忌。

- 讨论迎接评审和回答问题的专业着装和礼仪。

- Walk through do's and don'ts of dress code for DECA and case competitions.

- Talk through professional attire and etiquettes for greeting judges and answering questions.

8. 个人财务案例研究-关注特定领域问题

Case Study - Personal Finance - Focus on questions related to specific Category

- 识别、讨论和回答类别和测试的相关问题。

- 识别学生的弱点并讨论最佳的实践。

- Identify, discuss and address questions related to this category and the testing.

- Identify weaknesses for students and discuss best practises.

9. 案例研究-关注学生所需的领域

Case Study - Focus on category based on Student's needs

- 针对所有问题的讨论,就DECA有关话题的开放性讨论。

- Discuss overall questions and have an open discussion on DECA topics to this point.

10. 模拟案例研究和演讲

Mock Case Study and Presenation

- 要求学生完成自己的案例并向导师展示,遵循所有的规定,并在演示结束后进行问题和回答。

- 留出时间讨论演示以及改进方法,讨论出色工作的要点。

- Have students complete their own case and present to instructor, following all protocols and questons and answers at the end of presentation.

- Save time to discuss presentation and ways to improve and discuss points of good work.





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