辩论赛经济类辩题备赛锦囊 (上):主要特点与备赛要点


从2021年国赛的国际货币基金组织 IMF到去年春季的专利权 Patent,秋季的美联储 Fed,再到今年秋季的航天领域公共与私人投资之争。可以说,经济类辩题以其广博的讨论范围、多元的知识点和丰富的策略选择,成为了辩题领域的常客。



 #1   、Features of Economic resolutions


1. 多维度视角

Multi-Dimensional Perspective

Economic debates usually involve considerations from multiple dimensions. 

Taking the Fall tournament's topic of "Private sector investment in human space exploration is preferable to public sector investment" as an example, what needs to be considered is not just how much money the private sector and government can invest and the returns, but also technological advancements, national competitiveness, short-term vs long-term benefits, and risk-taking.

经济辩题通常涉及多个⻆度和维度的考量 , 以今年秋季赛“私人对载人航天探索的投资优于公共部门的投资”为例,我们需要考虑的就不仅仅是私域与政府能够拿出来多少钱投资和回报,也需要考虑技术的进步、国家的竞争⼒、短期与长期效益、风险承担等多个⽅⾯。

2. 数据为王

Prepare More Data

Economic arguments without data are baseless. 

Especially for the fall resolution, data and facts are indispensable elements in your arguments . Not only do you need ample evidence to support your points in the constructive speeches, but having more data in the rebuttals and cross-examinations will also increase your chances of winning . 

The essence of economics is a game of money; hence, having a robust database to compare and interpret facts and mechanisms against your opponent’s arguments is crucial.


3. 以结果为导向


Compared to many other types of debate topics, economic debates focus more on tangible results. 

What matters is the impact a policy has on the economy, rather than theoretical possibilities. So, if you only have a logical but ideal argument, regardless of its theoretical possibility, it's useless without real-world results to back it up. 


 #2   、How to Prepare for it? 


1、Stakeholder Analysis: 

First, you need to identify the positions and interests of each stakeholder. 

In the context of the Fall tournament’s resolution, stakeholders might include government agencies, private companies, research institutions, the public, and even international partners . What impact would decision have on them? From their perspectives, what positive/negative effects could this decision have on their interests?



Debaters need to find accurate, related, and up-to-date data to support their arguments. 

You can get data from many reliable sources such as official statistics, academic reports, and market reports . However, merely having this data is not enough; you also need to know how to interpret them, like differentiating correlation from causation, and recognizing limitations in the data.


3、Analyzing Interests of Each Stakeholder: 

Debaters need to consider the long-term and short-term interests of each stakeholder, as well as their potential reactions under the resolution, not just on the economic level . 

For instance, in the context of the Fall tournament’s topic, the government might be concerned about how space exploration could enhance the country's global competitiveness, whereas private companies might focus more on the return on investment and market potential.






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