1. 降低对具有潜力的STEM学生的入学门槛;
2. 提供新的短文书题目;
3. 使用人工智能 (AI) 撰写文书的道德问题指南。
然而并非所有学校都开设这些课程,为了缩小这种差距,Caltech正在与Khan Academy和Schoolhouse.world合作,推出免费的在线项目,成绩需要达到90%及以上才算合格。申请者也可以提交AP或IB成绩,以满足申请要求。
Because of the rigorous courses in the core curriculum, Caltech students don't declare a major until the end of their first year. However, some students arrive knowing which academic fields and areas already most excite them, or which novel fields and areas they most want to explore.
If you had to choose an area of interest or two today, what would you choose? Why did you choose that area of interest? (Max: 200 words)
- At Caltech, we investigate some of the most challenging, fundamental problems in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Identify and describe two STEM-related experiences from your high school years, either in or out of the classroom, and tell us how and why they activated your curiosity. What about them made you want to learn more and explore further? (Min: 100/Max: 200 words for each experience)
- The creativity, inventiveness, and innovation of Caltech's students, faculty, and researchers have won Nobel Prizes and put rovers on Mars. But Techers also imagine smaller scale innovations every day, from new ways to design solar cells to how to 3D print dorm decor. How have you been a creator, inventor, or innovator in your own life? (Min: 200 / Max: 250)
- Caltech's mission – to cultivate learning, discovery, and innovation for the benefit of humanity – relies on its community members embracing fundamental Caltech values:
- Openness and enthusiasm for having preconceptions challenged
- Respect and appreciation for the idea that, while we are all members of the same community, the opportunities we've had to develop, showcase, and apply our talents have not been equal
- Passion for the ideal that science can and should meaningfully improve the lives of others Share what one or more of these values evokes for you. (Min: 200 / Max: 400)
- If there are aspects of your life or social or personal identity that you feel are not captured elsewhere in this application, please tell us about them below. (Max: 150 words)
- When not surveying the stars, peering through microscopes, or running through marathons of coding, Caltech students pursue an eclectic array of interests that range from speed-cubing to participating in varsity athletics to reading romance novels. What is a favorite interest or hobby, and why does it bring you joy? (Max: 100 words)
- Did you have a hard time narrowing it down to just one interest or hobby? We understand – Caltech students like to stay busy, too – tell us about another hobby or interest! (Max: 50 words)
· 使用AI工具来生成问题或联系,以帮助启动头脑风暴过程;
· 可用于审查已完成的文书中的语法和拼写问题;
· 可用于研究大学的申请过程。
· 直接复制粘贴AI生成的文章;
· 依靠AI生成的内容来概述或起草文书;
· 用AI生成的内容替换你的内容;
· 使用了经过翻译的其它语言的文章内容。
要知道,加州理工虽然规模不大,但其录取难度一直都是最高的几所学校之一。 在刚刚过去的申请季,加州理工学院的录取难度位居全美第一,录取率只有2.6%,且所录取的学生大部分都居于班级的前5%-10%。根据第三方数据统计,去年有7名中国同学拿到了Caltech的录取。