近现代的古典学在文艺复兴和之后的新古典主义思潮的影响下,成为了所谓的精英教育的隐形环节。欧洲,比如德国法国意大利的大部分初中以及高中都会强制学生学习拉丁语,希腊语则作为可能的选修课程提供,正是这一传统的延续。美国的精英高中学校对此也进行了模仿,大部分提供拉丁语(古希腊语课程相较欧洲则极为罕见),一方面将其作为孩子所处的社会阶层的象征,另一方面也是将这些古典语言的学习作为博雅教育的基础。就如同哥伦比亚大学古典学系标榜的拉丁语名言:INLVMINE TUO VIDEBIMUS LVMEN (We shall see light in your brightness)
课程示例:Stanford University斯坦福大学:
Introductory Level:BeginningLatin/Beginning Greek
Intermediate Level:IntermediateLatin: Introduction to LiteratureIntermediateGreek: TragedyIntermediateLatin: Greeks, Trojans, and Romans in the Bay of NaplesIntermediateGreek: Homer's OdysseyIntermediateLatin: Vergil
Advanced Level:AdvancedLatin: ComedyAdvancedGreek: AristophanesAdvancedLatin: OvidAdvancedGreek: Ancient Scientific WritingAdvancedLatin: Bad Emperors: Tacitus and Suetonius on Nero
Columbia University哥伦比亚大学:1101-2: Introductory language course inTWO semesters. This is the normal course taken by those beginning a languagenot previously studied; it covers all the basic grammar and gives some practicereading easy texts.1121: This one-semester course is theequivalent of both 1101 and 1102; it covers all the basic grammar in onesemester and enables the participants to take courses at the 2100 level thefollowing semester. This is an intensive course, so you should be prepared tomake a substantial time commitment.2101-2: This sequence providesintermediate language training in both prose and poetry. The completion of 1202satisfies the language requirement.3012 (Latin only): This is thefifth-semester Latin course and the beginning of the Latin literature sequence.It is highly recommended for incoming first year students who have had enoughLatin to place out of 2101-2 or for those who have completed the intermediatesequence here.3013 (Latin only): This new course isdesigned as a sequel or alternative to 3012 and aims to sharpen translationskills by concentrating on classical Latin prose.3309, 3310, 4009, 4010: These advancedliterature courses are offered annually with changes in subject matter, so thatstudents will have a chance to read as many representative authors as possible.Courses at the 4000 level are not necessarily more difficult than those at the3000 level when taken by undergraduates; the significance of the designation isthat graduate students as well as undergraduates may take 4000 level courses,but in many cases undergraduates and graduates will not be given the sameworkload in these courses. Students who are in doubt about the level of aspecific class should consult the instructor.3033, 4152 (Latin only): These coursesconstitute the sequence in medieval Latin; in most years both will be offered.3996: The Major Seminar is intended forsenior majors in Classics, Classical Studies, and Ancient Studies but is alsoopen to juniors. The course considers a different topic each year, analyzing itacross time periods, genres, and both languages. It focuses on honing skillsthat are useful for working on the senior thesis, such as how to frame adiscussion topic, how to analyze a text philologically and thematically, andhow to develop a bibliography. The course also provides upper-level students inClassics, Classical Studies, and Ancient Studies with an opportunity to get toknow each other in a congenial and interactive environment.4105-6: The literature surveys aredesigned to give advanced Classics undergraduates and entering graduatestudents a grasp of the broader picture of Greek or Latin literature, asopposed to the more focused topics offered in other advanced courses.5139: This course focuses on enablingstudents to write, as well as read, Greek and Latin. It consists largely of anintensive review of grammar and syntax at an advanced level, with thetranslation of sentences or short paragraphs into the ancientlanguages. Note: This is technically a graduate course, but undergraduatesare welcome to enroll with the instructor’s permission.
作为一门在Liberal Arts中非常受欢迎的学科,古典学的就业前景非常广阔。
美国的古典学协会Societyfor Classical Studies(SCS)提出的本科生的职业规划建议:
Most Classics majors have no desire tobecome a "professional Classicist" and wish to enter the work forceor to enter a professional school immediately upon graduation. If this isyour choice, you should know that the Classics has been seen, and continues tobe seen, as one of the strongest liberal arts degrees a student can earn. Future employers view Classics majors as students who have been trained to readoriginal and difficult texts as well as to think about them critically, and whoare able to communicate these thoughts persuasively in speech and onpaper. These skills are as rare as they are sought after by employers inmany fields. Remember that your BA in the Classics can lead you to a widevariety of final destinations. Look at this list of famous Classicsmajors: Jerry Brown began as a Classics major, went to law school at Yale,and is the current (and past) governor of California; Raymond Joseph Tellerstudied Latin in high school and college and taught the language in high schoolbefore becoming the silent half of the famous magic team Penn and Teller; TedTurner was a Classics major for a while and went on to found CNN. SarahPrice, the Community Manager for Gmail, studied Latin literature atYale. Finally, a young woman with a minor in Classics named Joanne Rowlingwent on to become J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books.
与专业直接相关 | 与专业间接相关 |
Academic researcher | Archivist |
Museum/gallery Curator | Barrister |
Archaeology firms(strictly in England) | Civil Service |
Editorial assistant | |
Heritage manager | |
Higher education lecturer | |
Market researcher | |
Newspaper journalist | |
Secondary school teacher | |
Solicitor | |
etc. |
古罗马诗人,被称为奥古斯都时期最伟大的诗人。他的田园诗Ecologue,Georgics是古罗马田园诗的典范。模仿两部荷马史诗写作的史诗Aeneid则被称为罗马帝国的“national epic”。这部史诗的文学地位因其中对奥古斯都皇帝本人的“政治宣传”的内容,在中世纪被极大低估。直到近现代,这部作品本身才开始在学术范围内引起比较广泛和深入的讨论。
Homer’s Iliad
Vergil’s Aeneid
Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Cicero’s On Duty
Euripides’s Medea
Plato’s Symposium
The Cambridge History of ClassicalLiterature. by Knox et.al.
The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece.by Shapiro
An Introduction to Classics: A short guideto the world of ancient Greece and Rome. by Wheeler
Translations of the original classicalworks