今天同时揭晓的还有各组别比赛时间及签到安排以及资深裁判Andrew Li
2023 NHSDLC SUMMER年度冠军赛参赛指南
比赛时间 Date8月4日 - 8月6日
预计签到时间 Check in8月4日 7:30-8:00
比赛时间 Date8月6日 - 8月8日
预计签到时间 Check in8月6日 13:30-14:00
比赛时间 Date8月5日 - 8月7日
预计签到时间 Check in8月5日 12:45-13:15
公共演讲比赛时间 Date8月8日
预计签到时间 Check in8月8日 8:30-9:00
我们邀请了资深裁判Andrew Li为大家介绍参加线下赛的6点建议,帮助大家充分准备,发挥出最佳表现!
2023 NHSDLC SUMMER线下赛参赛建议
Preparation is essential before any debate tournament. As a debater, topic material preparation is paramount. We suggest that you print out or keep your materials in a folder on your laptop, including but not limited to your cases, blocks, summaries, crossfire questions, and evidence. Since you cannot access the internet during the round, it is recommended that you clearly label your materials to avoid panicking and unable to provide materials on time.
If you don’t live in the city where tournament takes place, traveling will also be a crucial part of your journey. You should plan your travel arrangements in advance, book tickets and accommodations. If you travel by plane, be sure to have a plan B: what if the plane is delayed? Can you buy a bullet train ticket at the last minute? Or can you leave earlier to avoid such incidents? If you are lucky enough to live in the tournament city, you also need to plan your travel time to ensure that you can arrive at the venue before tournament begins.
Time management is essential for both online and offline tournaments. Punctuality is highly appreciated. We all know your opponents are going to get a BYE if you are 15min late, so please arrive on time. It’s important to set alarms before you sleep to wake up on time. In addition, it's also recommended that you keep track of your own speech.
Although appropriate dressing code cannot help you win directly, it can demonstrate your attitude towards the tournament and leave a good first impression. For offline tournaments, participants are advised to dress up formally. You’ll be more confident in suits and that will give you an edge over your opponents, no matter how experienced you are. If you don't have suits, try to wear something formal, but never wear slippers and shorts to a debate.
Unlike online competitions, where a small screen makes it difficult to show yourself, you will have plenty of opportunities to impress your judges in offline tournaments. Body language is a way of non-verbal communication, such as gestures and eye contacts, which will help deliver your arguments better. Great gestures not only attract your judge’s attention but also helps you stand out among your peers.
Offline tournament gives you an excellent opportunity to communicate with other debaters, especially in the auditorium and the ones you meet in rounds. It is a great chance for you to meet other participants from different cities and schools and build your own social network. Maybe your opponent now will be your partners in the future.
We also want to remind you that getting enough sleep is very important. We appreciate everyone’s passion, but it is not a smart choice to stay up late to prepare the night before tournament. Your head needs to be clear to come up with adequate responses during the round next day. Besides, if you sleep over and miss calls from our staff, your opponents are going to get an easy win anyway. (Yes, I’m talking from my experience)
Finally, I would like to send NHSDLC's best wishes to all the debaters who will participate in the upcoming off-line tournaments.
Remember: debate is not about winning or losing. What you learn along the way and friends you make is more important than the outcome. We wish you all the best.
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