Junior WSD 国赛已备辩题领域前瞻


今年Junior WSD第一次,亮相国赛舞台,大家是不是也特别好奇国赛Junior WSD已备辩题都是什么内容呢?

今天就由暑期Junior WSD营地主教练Coach Robert我们就为大家带来国赛Junior WSD已备辩题领域前瞻!已备辩题将于7月3日正式公布,记得到时候关注我们的更新哟~

Robert Raos

2023 NHSDLC Junior WSD营地主教练

超6年World School/BP辩论及教学经验



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辩论不仅可以培养我们的思辨能力与逻辑能力,通过研究多元的辩题,及其所涉及的不同论点,辩手们也得以对世界形成更加深入的认识。这同样是Junior WSD想要通过丰富多彩的辩题传递给大家的。


Junior WSD已备辩题将涉及:教育、哲学、生活以及金融&经济四大不同领域


Debating is known for helping students develop critical thinking skills and articulate ideas in a compelling way. However, the hobby may also help them learn about the real world through the research of arguments. The strongest cases are usually those that are argued for in real life – by scientists, politicians, journalists, and activists – in actual discussions. Therefore, pursuing debate as an activity allows young people to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. This article will introduce novice debaters to the various subjects they are likely to encounter in junior world school debating.

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Education is the key to learning and growing as individuals. In debates about education, children can explore topics such as "This House Would Abolish Homework" or "This House Supports the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence into Learning Programs" They can also discuss the importance of different subjects, like science, math, art, and music, and how education can help us become better citizens and leaders. Education motions are of particular importance to students because they touch upon issues that affect their everyday lives. 

Debaters interact with educational institutions on a regular basis and the policies put in place by them are experienced by debaters firsthand. As a result, such motions do not only enable students to engage in an intellectual exercise when debating these motions, they also allow them to provide unique contributions to the discussion as their lived experiences are those that are the most impacted by these topics.

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Philosophy is the originator of all other intellectual disciplines. It begins by asking the fundamental questions. What is being? How to think about concepts? Philosophy motions, therefore, encourage students to consider the premises behind some of their most basic beliefs. Most notably, philosophy can prompt kids to think about morality. Why is something ethical or what defines an ethical act in the first place? These motions often introduce children to cultural and intellectual movements that shaped the ways generations thought about the world. 

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Confucianism, individualism, consumerism, conservatism, and liberalism are just a few of the many streams of thought that can be explored when making philosophical arguments. What philosophy motions teach kids is to not just argue why something practically will or will not work – but to consider why we ought to desire a certain outcome in the first place. That is to say, philosophical thinking can teach students to question whether enemy arguments should be valued even if they are proven to work flawlessly. The interrogation of why we value something in the first place and how people construct systems of meaning will undoubtedly help children make thoughtful decisions about their own life and who they want to become.

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Life motions bring forth a range of intriguing topics that are relevant to children's experiences and personal growth. Rather than focusing on an academic discipline, life motions reflect the situations students are likely to find themselves in their own lives that require difficult decision-making and introspection. Debaters might discuss attitudes toward life such as optimism, pessimism, stoicism, or hedonism. 

They may have to weigh between different priorities people have in their lives, ranging from pursuing career development to settling down and starting a family to exploring the world and accumulating as many experiences as possible. These motions encourage kids to ponder upon the importance of rational thinking and restraint when dealing with moments of interpersonal conflict, uncertainty, and financial crisis. By engaging in debates about life, children gain a deeper appreciation for the people around them, develop a sense of social awareness, and learn how their actions can have a positive impact on their communities and the environment.

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Money makes the world go round. Financial literacy is a critical component of education. We engage with money in every aspect of our lives. The services we use every day, such as electricity, public transport, and water provision are all powered by labor that is paid for in one form or another. The schools children go to are either paid for via government spending or via private tuition fees – this money is used to pay for the educational equipment as well as the staff such as teachers and janitors. 

Trivially, whenever you need a basic good, you need to go to a store to purchase a product. This transaction is not only a transaction between two entities, however. A fraction of the money is given to the government as tax revenue, whereas a part of the profit gained by the store goes into maintenance costs for the building and another to its shareholders. The economy is an interconnected web of activity that stretches across the entire world. It is so extraordinarily complicated that even economists cannot fully predict the market trends of the future. Since the economy is such an integral part of the world today, students should be prepared to interact with it as much as possible. This is why debate motions introduce students to key issues such as central banking, interest rates, fiscal and monetary policy, international trade, tariffs, sanctions, trade agreements, and more.

In conclusion, junior world schools debating offers young debaters a wide range of fascinating topics to explore. From education and philosophy to life, politics, and the economy, each subject provides a unique opportunity for children to develop critical thinking skills, broaden their knowledge, and express their opinions. By delving into these motions, kids can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, reflect on their own values, and become active participants in shaping a better future. So, let the world of debating ignite your curiosity, inspire your ideas, and propel you on an exciting journey of intellectual discovery!







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