20230422 Many countries aim to improve people’s living standards through economic development, but some important social values are lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?
# 问题1 What are "social values"?
Social values can be cultural, moral, or ethical, and they vary depending on factors such as religion, tradition, and social norms. Some examples of social values include honesty, respect for others, responsibility, fairness, empathy, and justice.
Social values play a critical role in shaping the character of a society, and they help to promote social cohesion, cooperation, and harmony. They are often taught and reinforced through various social institutions, such as family, schools, and religious organizations, and they can also be influenced by media, politics, and other social forces.
首先内容上social values 展开的时候可以喜欢为“诚信”“责任感”“同理心”等,这一步的具体化还蛮重要的,会让我们的思路一下子打开很多。
另外social values 的学习一般来自于家庭,学校等... 这一点也可以比较好的让我们建立起来为什么social values 会和economic development 有关,因为可能经济的发展影响了家庭结构或者家庭成员的关系,也可能经济的发展影响了学校的教授内容和方式。这些因素进一步的影响了个人有的social values。但我们还是不妨直白的问下第二个问题:
# 问题2 What is the relationship between economic development and social values?
Economic development can have both positive and negative impacts on social values, and vice versa. 理论上经济和社会风气是相辅相成,互相影响的,但我们不用写的太复杂,我们就简单的说下经济对于社会的影响就好。
Economy ➜ Social values
On the one hand, economic development can contribute to the promotion of certain social values, such as individualism, self-reliance, and entrepreneurship. 【这部分特别是individualism,可以说的是经济发展让人们越拉越distant from others,同时也更为自我了,比较少empathy 了。这算是一个不好的影响】It can also provide opportunities for people to improve their standard of living, access to education, and healthcare, which can in turn enhance their quality of life and well-being. 【这部分特别是education 的部分,可以说经济发展,让人们受教育水平提高,更可能有社会责任感了。 这算是经济发展促进了social values 】
也可以谈一些其他的经济发展对于social values 的负面影响:
比如 rapid economic growth can lead to increased inequality, social stratification, and materialism, which can erode social cohesion and trust. 【经济发展带来了贫富差距,物质主义】
总体来说感觉还是 disadvantages好说些。