不知道打开这篇文章的大家是不是和我以前一样苦苦struggle withIBCHEM。被化学折磨后的我幸运地遇到了一个特别会打比方的化学老师,我们的课堂总是充满着欢声笑语。那么今天这篇文章就和大家分享下我认为我们老师打过最好的一个比方,希望对大考前的你,有所帮助!
1.The Collision Theory
2.Factors affecting the rate of reaction(影响反应速率的因素)
Particle size of solid reactants
Concentration/Pressure of liquid/Gaseous reactants
×01The Collision Theory
其实the collision theory真的很简单,只要把关于两个particles的reaction看成是两个人之间的化学反应就行了。为什么大家一起聚会,有的人可以摆脱单身狗,而有的人却……
下面我们一起来看看,什么样的“碰撞”能让两个人之间产生chemistry, 告别单身?
(以下因素仅供记住the collision theory,请勿当真/狗头保命)
属于两个人的chemistry | The collision theory between particles |
要相遇 | Collide with each other |
要有相同的方向/目标 | Collide in the correct orientation |
要对对方有足够的吸引力 | Collide with energy (E) activation energy![]() |
考点提示⚠️⚠️⚠️:只要看到the collision theory, 就找上面的3 factors: collide, correct orientation &.
大家可能对前两个原因并没有什么疑惑,但对最后一个吸引力有些不太明白。到底要多少吸引力呢? 这就是牵扯到了中的
。下面让我们一起来了解下(Activation Energy):
Activation Energy
1️⃣定义:the minimum amount of energy which the reactant particles must possess for a collision to result in a reaction
2️⃣考点提示⚠️⚠️⚠️:在图上看从reactants到transition state的这个energy就是。
×02Factors affecting the rate of reaction
Particle size of solid reactants
Particle size 对rate of reaction的影响是非常直观的。是一勺盐在水里溶化的快,还是一块盐快?当然是粉末状的(powder)的盐。但是一定要记住decrease particle size = increase surface area。
满分回答:Decreasing the particle size of the solid will increase the fraction of particles available for collision, increasing frequency of effective collision & hence the rate of reaction.(如果是increase particle size 就相反哦)
Concentration/Pressure of liquid & gaseous reactants
Concentration和pressure其实差不多,唯一的区别是liquid是concentration, 而gaseous reactants是 pressure。
重点⚠️⚠️⚠️:在看这种volume-time diagram的时候,如果concentration or pressure of reactants increases by twice但是volume of reactants没有变,volume of products also increases by twice。
满分回答:Increasing the concentration of a reactant(or the pressure of a gaseous reactant)will increase the number of particles in a unit volume. This will increase the frequency of effective collisions & hence the rate of reaction.
因为HCl是limiting agent, 但是图上的volume of没有变化, 所以concentration of HCl也不变, 也就是
。那么唯一可以的就是decrease size of lumps, 所以答案选C。
• When the temperature(T)increases, the reactant particles gain kinetic energy(KE).
• The frequency of collision increases and the fraction of particles possessing energy equal or greater than the activation energyincreases.
• This results in an increase in the frequency of effective collisions between time.
• Hence, rate of reaction increases.
当我们想答案时, 只需要想
frequency of collision & particles with
rate of reaction↑就好啦!
重点⚠️⚠️⚠️:Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution curve
大家只需要完全记住这个图!真的每年IB必考!y-axis & x-axis 的labelling 也很重要。还有就是图的形状:当temperature increases,这个图会变宽边矮!
Using a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution curve, explain how increasing the temperature increases the rate of reaction.这道题的答案都在啦!(满分回答+重点的图)
说到catalyst, IB真的非常喜欢考, 所以定义必须得熟记于心:A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being chemically changed at the end of reaction.大家可以把catalyst想象成僚机,加速一段感情,最后功成名退。那么catalyst到底改变了什么?为什么它可以加速reaction?答案就是activation energy is decreased!
Energy profile diagram
Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution curve
满分回答:Adding a catalyst decreases the activation energy of a reaction. Hence, the fraction of particles possessing energy equal or greater than the activation energyincreases. This results in an increase in the frequency of effective collisions between time.
关于catalyst 的考题真的非常多,有考定义的,也有考图的。下面一起来看看吧!
首先,一定要记住catalyst只能改变 decrease,不可以改变enthalpy change
, 所以
最后,祝愿看这篇推文的你,早日拿到IB CHEM 7!