我们这里示范的文章是今天LAB Reads 打卡的第一篇 In Defense of J.K. Rowling
文章大体上是为J.K. Rowling 鸣不平,觉得是因为J.K. Rowling 的仗义执言的性格给她带来了很多莫须有的坏名声。
如果是刚开始接触外刊阅读的读者,可以从写summary 开始:主要用文中的语言就好:在阅读的时候就可以去重点注意下文章的结论,以及作者用的主要的一些证据。
这个过程首先可以验证下自己文章是不是读清楚了,其次最好写summary 的时候不要看原文,这样通过回忆原文可以刻意的积累一些表达。
# J.K. Rowling这篇文章的summary的示范
The article discussesthe accusations of transphobia leveled against J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.【大意总结】While Rowling has been attacked by some activists and internet trolls for expressing her views on issues such as self-declared gender identity and women-only spaces,the author argues thatRowling's views are not transphobic.【观点】The article citesa journalist who was commissioned to find examples of Rowling's transphobia, but ultimately found none.【证据】The article also discussesthe danger of demonizing writers and the importance of considering diverse perspectives, including those that challenge mainstream ideas.【影响】The article announcesan upcoming podcast series, hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper, in which Rowling speaks at length about her advocacy and why she has been subjected to such vitriol despite her work promoting empathy, loyalty, and the virtues of being an outsider.【其他文中内容】
蓝色部分是我们写summary 时候可以调用的一个结构。其他的就是来自于文章的内容了。
我们可以有一个月的时间就只写summary,然后第二个月开始可以尝试着在summary 的这个段落的基础上,修改下表达丰富度。就是写完summary 以后,比对下原文,看还有哪些表达或者句式可以学习下的。
# 语言层面升级的一个summary 的示范
Acclaimedauthor and human rights activist J.K. Rowling has been labeled a "transphobe" by avocalgroup of internet users and powerful LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. Many fans of Rowling's Harry Potter series have also accused her of endorsing "harmful and disproven beliefs about what it means to be a transgender person."【引用原文内容的方式】Bookstores havepulled her books from shelvesand she hasbeen subjected toverbal abuse, doxxing, and even death threats.【多积累列举】However, Rowling insists that her views are being misconstrued and that she supports the protection of transgender individuals. She has received criticism for asserting the rights of biological women in spacessuch as sex-segregated prisons and domestic abuse shelters, as well as expressing skepticism about phrases like "people who menstruate" in reference to biological women.【多积累并列表达】Despite this, she has never denied the existence of gender dysphoria, opposed allowing people to transition under evidence-based care, or denied transgender individuals equal rights. Rowling has faced similar condemnation in the past for her Harry Potter books, which were among the most banned in America due to Christian opposition to the series' depiction of witchcraft and magic.
如果已经summary 了一段时间了,觉得可以基于文本有一些自己的输出了,就可以写类似我们下面这个版本的review 了。
# 有自己内容输出的一个review
This article isa commentary on the controversy surrounding author J.K. Rowling's stance on transgender issues.The author of the article argues thatthe characterization of Rowling as a "transphobe" is unfounded and that her views have been misrepresented.The article examinesthe reasons behind the accusations of transphobia, including Rowling's support for spaces for biological women only, her skepticism of phrases like "people who menstruate," and her defense of feminist scholars and detransitioners who have come under attack from trans activists.【阅读文章概括】
In analyzing this article, we can consider a few different perspectives. One perspective is thatof media and censorship, as the article discusses the campaign to pull Rowling's books from shelves and the threats of violence she has received.This raises questions about the limits of free speech and the responsibilities of media platforms in promoting certain views over others.
Another perspective is thatof identity politics and intersectionality. The article notes the tension between transgender rights and women's rights, as well as the broader debate around gender identity and the construction of gender as a social construct.This raises questions about the extent to which different identities can be reconciled and the ways in which social movements compete and intersect.
A third perspective is that ofactivism and social change. The article notes the prevalence of violence against transgender people and the potential harm that could come from airing views contrary to those of trans activists.This raises questions about the efficacy of different strategies for promoting social change, the risks and benefits of taking controversial stances, and the responsibilities of individuals and communities in promoting equality and justice.
Overall, this article isa thought-provoking exploration of a complex and controversial issue, and it provides a valuable opportunity to engage with a range of perspectives and considerations relevant to contemporary debates in media, identity politics, and social change.
目前这个版本更多是自己从文章提取出来的一个思考,如果要再更为丰富些的话,可以在每一个perspective 的后面,加上其他的例子,可以是个人的例子,也可以是从其他文章阅读获得的例子。
大家打卡的时候或者自己阅读的时候可以对应的尝试下,如果summary 写熟练了,可以多样化表达,如果感觉表达也不错了,可以加点自己对于文章的理解。