
EPQ会有很多同学在选择主题的时候非常纠结, 为了让这一个申请加分项更大的发挥作用,A-level选课、成绩、自己的兴趣、大学的目标专业等等 ,都需要考虑进去, 在这里我们可以先来看看常见的EPQ选题几大误区!

# 01❌❌❌一定要是和我的大学专业一致的论文


首先如果你的大学专业是专业性很强的一个专业,ALEVEL并没有相配套的课程时, 例如目标法律专业, 但是前序的学习中没有学过任何相关知识的时候, 选择法律作为你的EPQ主题就会有很大的风险, 因为你很有可能花了很多时间,做出来的只是一个非常直白的百科全书, 同时可能会出现一些你作为非专业人士而忽视了几处错误。

第二种情况是如果你的大学专业是一个并不要求你ALEVEL也学过相关课程的时候, 例如目标是心理学专业, 但是我们往往会发现心理学本科专业只会要求你在高中阶段学习 数学、生物即可, 那么就代表着这个专业是一个相对比较好上手了解的专业,为了保险起见,我们可以先去了解这个专业都学习什么课程, 再把其中可能和自己已学习过学科联系在一起的主题调出来, 例如心理学可以划分出社会心理学,临床心理学,认知心理学,生物心理学, 行为心理学等等, 那么作为一个alevel学习过生物的学生,我们就可以从生物心理学的内容里,尝试找一个合适的交叉主题, 如果是alevel学习过社会学的学生,我们就可以从社会心理学或认知心理学的内容里,尝试找一个合适的交叉主题。

第三种情况是如果你的大学专业恰好就是你ALEVEL一门课程的延续, 例如现在就是alevel经济,目标也是大学经济,那么我们就非常幸运, 这个时候选择经济类的主题就可以在你已有完善的学科了解的情况下,去尝试更进一步的探究与扩展啦!

# 02❌❌❌一定要是我ALEVEL学习中的科目

解析:作为被全世界绝大多数国家所接受的高中课程,A-LEVEL课程提供非常广泛的学科选择, 但是通常同学们只会选择其中的3-5门进行学习, 因此如何从中挑选符合自己兴趣的EPQ也是一个技术活。


那也许有同学会说,我好像都没兴趣, 挑不出来一个合适的科目, 那么这个时候我们就可以从成绩的角度来去进行考虑,那门课是你花的时间少,还能考得好的,通常也会代表着你更有这个学科的天赋, 做一个EPQ不失为一个很好的尝试,提前体验到这个学科未来的生活。

但是这里有一个小小的陷阱, 作为中国学生,相信很多同学都会是数学这门课程可以取得最高的分数, 但是这不一定代表你很有数学天赋, 并且与数学相关的课题往往涉及到大量的建模,分析等,做起来可以说是脑力智力的双重压迫,在选择的时候一定要慎重又慎重哦!

# 03❌❌❌一定要是与该领域最新的热点话题,或者是反之的一定要别人没做过的课题

解析:很多同学因为对自己的大学专业非常热爱,因此也会经常了解最新的科研成果,最新的行业动态等, 这是一个很好的课题开始时的切入思路, 不过在确定最终课题细节时,也还是有很多陷阱要避开的, 例如通常来讲,科研类的最新概念,最新期刊,都代表着这个领域非常新的概念, 但是其真实度,可信度,可落地性都还需要时间的检验, 而且通常这些概念都是由顶尖科学家们提出,对于高中生来讲, 看懂一篇文献可能就要花费你一整周的时间,那么完成整个课题,可以说是会耗时又耗力了。

但是另一方面,从来没有人做过的课题,我们最好也不要轻易选择, 如果一个主题,连在网上搜索相关文献都不超过十篇,那么要不是这个主题没有意义,要么是大家的共识下这个主题是不可行的,才会出现全球七十亿人都不研究它的情况, 作为七十亿分之一的你,就要慎重考虑了。

# 04❌❌❌一定要够“高精尖”才能体现我超强的学术能力

解析:每个同学都会有一颗名校的梦,那么在EPQ选题时的另一大误区就在于很多目标牛剑,G5,藤校的同学会认为, 我一定要选择一个难度非常高的主题,才能够增加我的竞争力。

这个想法在一定程度上是对的,因为我们可以通过Personal statement ,向大学来展示你对这一个领域有着深入的了解,有自己辩证性的思考,但是在选择时,我们还是要量力而行,因为EPQ毕竟只是一个针对高中阶段学生开设的探究性课题,在它的评分标准中, 没有期待高中生提出一项改变世界的发现, 也不会因为你做的太难而给你额外加分, 相反的是,很多同学会因为花了太多时间在搞明白困难概念, 而放弃了整个探究的逻辑完整度, 导致了不必要的扣分,是非常可惜的。因此,选择适合自己难度的,才是最重要的


Dissertation: AO1 — Manage 满分九分

The research question is identified and is developed with limited guidance, support and assistance from the tutor-assessor but is then finalised and refined independently by the learner. The question is well defined and clearly focussed.The project plan is clear and concise, with clear and thoughtful objectives and rationale. All of the main tasks to be completed are provided in an appropriate order and described in detail with an appropriate time span allocated for each task.The learner shows a high level of organisational ability and time management skills when managing the project. The learner maintains clear and detailed records of activities undertaken during the project, including problems encountered and steps taken to overcome them. Progress is monitored against the original plan and adjustments made to the plan where necessary.

Dissertation: AO2 — Use resources 满分12分

A wide range of different types of sources have been used and thoroughly investigated. Research sources are referenced appropriately and consistently and a bibliography is included, listing the sources in an appropriate and consistent format.Information and resources relevant to the research question have been carefully selected. The information has been analysed and synthesised in reference to the research question posed. Clear, concise and detailed links have been established between the information used.A thorough understanding of the complexities of the research question has been shown. Learners have placed the research question into the wider context of the research area. The learner makes use of the distinction between fact, speculation and subjective opinion in evaluating the reliability of sources and does this consistently effectively.

Dissertation: AO3 — Develop and realise 满分24分

The dissertation is well structured, with appropriate sections that are linked together coherently throughout.Information is presented in a logical order and it is consistently clear and relevant. Effective and consistent use is made of techniques that aid clarity, eg numbering, headings, paragraphing, labelling.There are few language errors (eg grammar, syntax, vocabulary) and they are not intrusive and do not interfere with communication. Technical terms are used consistently and effectively.The content shows a thorough and perceptive understanding of the topic area and a clearly argued and well-thought out argument that answers the research question and is supported by several lines of reasoning. Counter arguments or alternative interpretations are considered carefully and systematically in the discussion.There is a clear and well-developed conclusion that proficiently summarises the point of view and the case that has been made. There are well-thought out suggestions for further work and an awareness of any wider implications.

Dissertation: AO4 — Review (满分9分)

Overall the learner shows a high level of insight and self-awareness in evaluating the project and the extent to which they have achieved their aims. The learner is highly adept at identifying and analysing in detail limitations of their project’s methodology and interpretations.The learner explains and justifies ideas for what they could do differently next time. They have drawn clear and perceptive conclusions about the process of researching and writing a dissertation that could help them in future.The presentation is clearly and logically structured so that it is completely clear to the audience how the different parts link together and the learner shows a high level of ability to convey the main ideas.If an oral presentation is given, it is clearly audible and well paced. The learner may make some use of supporting materials, eg notes of cue cards, but the presentation is not simply read aloud. The learner engages well with the audience and holds their attention. Where visual aids are used, these are relevant and are consistently effective at supporting the presentation. They are clearly visible to the audience, are well designed and do not contain too much information.The learner handles questions calmly and confidently. Questions are answered clearly and insightfully and the learner shows good subject knowledge.


EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)是英国教育部和高等教育招生服务中心(UCAS)强烈推荐的研究性学习认证项目,是一门不需要考试的课程


EPQ研究性学习认证等同于半个A-Level课程成绩,可以获得最高UCAS 28学分加分


根据英国资格认证委员会统计,累计超过30 万英国高中生选择学习EPQ,每年英国优秀高中二分之一的学生超过4 万名学习EPQ。

英国和美国多所名校官方明确表示欢迎有EPQ 经历的学生。在同等课程和标化考试成绩情况下,有EPQ认证的优生将形成巨大的差异化竞争优势。







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