Try to time your feedback for when people are calm and receptive, too. “Avoid giving feedback when you or the intended recipient are feeling stressed or emotionally charged,” Dr. Simon suggested. Make it clear that you’re commenting on a person’s behavior rather than their character, Dr. Sanderson added. “Don’t make it personal,” she said. “It’s important to separate what the person said or did from who they are.”
是不是emotionally charged
字面意思是“情绪充满”,但仔细想一下charge 这个词是不是和中文的“鼓起来”有点异曲同工。
从上面的并列结构来看,emotionally charged 和 feeling stressed 是等价的结构,上文中的emotionally charged 真要理解为气鼓鼓也不谓不可。
从使用的角度,未来要用到stressed 或类似压力大的场景的时候,也可以用下emotional charged这个词。
再看几个例句,也是来自于NYT# 2
"I am absolutely overwhelmed and veryemotionally charged, really. I did not expect this," Ms Maathai told Norwegian state television once her award had been made official.
这个句子的背景是Ms Maathai得到诺贝尔和平奖以后,接受记者采访时候的描述。
从这个例子的使用语境看,emtionally charged 不代表一定是stress 这个情绪,也可以表示emtion 这个单词的本意,就是宽泛意义上的“情绪”,所以上文的 “overwhelmed and very emotionally charged” 就是很激动的意思。overwhelmed 如果要理解下的话,到是和中文的“上头”很接近。
再看一个例句# 3
It is anemotionally chargedand divisive subject. Most of my correspondence from readers is strongly in favor of The Times’s retaining the phrase “illegal immigrant.”
这个例句里的emotionally charged 和divisive 并列,使用意思上接近“有争议” (contentious)的意思。
如果说第一个例句里的emotion 是偏负向的情绪; 第二个例句是是偏正向的情绪(毕竟拿诺贝尔奖了);第三个的情绪就是那种五味杂陈,啥都有的了。
简单总结下emotionally charged 这个表达能用的语境还是蛮多的,不管是正向的,还是负向的,还是各色各样的,只要是存在emotion 的,并且是激烈存在的,都可以用emotionally charged 这个词。