此活动来自学生自组织运营,CHN HOSA 官方公众号仅做转载宣传
Email: globalhealthyouth@gmail.com
Instagram: glocon2022
The “Global Health Perspectives Conference” aka GloCon is an online conference with the aim to introduce students to careers in global health. The 2-hour conference will consist of sessions and Q&As given by global health professionals.
01、Dr. Marieke Hartman
Erasmus College University
Introducing Dr. Marieke Hartman, one of our conference speakers! ? ?
Dr. Marieke Hartman is a researcher and a professor at Erasmus University College who is particularly interested in bridging public health research and practice. She is also the Public & Global Health major coordinator at EUC and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
She carried out her Ph.D. project in Amsterdam on the topic of health promotion (weight-gain prevention) in a multiethnic population.
After her postdoctoral fellowship in the US, she continued developing training and internet tools to promote evidence-based practice, as well as collaborating on the dissemination and adaptation of evidence-based programs to new populations and settings.
Join the GloCon conference to learn more about Dr. Hartman's work in her session and Q&A!
Marieke Hartman 博士,我们会议的发言人之一!??
玛丽克·哈特曼 (Marieke Hartman) 博士是伊拉斯谟大学学院的研究员和教授,她的研究将公共卫生与实践联系起来。她也是欧盟委员会和鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学(欧洲)的公共与全球卫生专业协调员。
加入 GloCon 会议,在她的会议和问答中了解更多关于Hartman 博士的工作!
02、Dr. Dmitriy Khodakov
Torus Biosystems
Introducing Dr. Dmitriy Khodakov to speak at GloCon! ?
Infectious diseases are a global health crisis that has brought us face to face with the limitations of modern diagnostics.
Scientific co-founder and Director of Science and Innovation at “Torus Biosystems” — Dr. Dmitriy Khodakov — works towards delivering breakthrough innovations in this area.
He has created cutting-edge technology that delivers quicker and more comprehensive insights into infectious diseases at the point of care than any other system.
As for Dr. Khodakov’s career, it brings together several perspectives of science and global health ranging from biotechnology, molecular biology, and DNA diagnostics to nanotechnology.
Moreover, his career has an international aspect to it — Dr. Khodakov has had work experience in several countries, including Australia, Russia, and the United States, making his story even more insightful and unique.
Don't miss Dr. Khodakov's session to learn more about medical technology breakthroughs!
我们邀请了 Dmitriy Khodakov 博士来 GloCon 演讲!?
科学联合创始人兼 Torus 生物系统公司科学与创新总监Dmitriy Khodakov 博士致力于在这一领域实现突破性创新。
至于 Khodakov 博士的职业生涯,它汇集了从生物技术、分子生物学、DNA 诊断到纳米技术等科学和全球健康的多个视角。
不要错过 Khodakov 博士的会议,了解更多关于医疗技术突破!
03、Dr. Aisha Yousafzai
Harvard T.H. Chan of Public Health
Introducing Dr. Aisha Yousafzai to speak at GloCon! ? ?
Dr. Aisha K Yousafzai, currently an associate professor at Harvard University, completed her doctoral degree at the Institute of Child Health, University College London with a focus on international child health, nutrition and development.
She has 20 years of field research experience in low- and middle-income countries having lived and worked in South Asia and East Africa and led programme evaluations in Central and Eastern Europe.
The goal of her research is to promote early childhood development, and to support capacity in order to develop, evaluate and improve early childhood interventions.
Dr. Yousafzai also serves on a number of global advisory groups on ECD for agencies such as UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank.
Incredibly excited to hear from Dr. Yousafzai at Glocon!
Aisha Yousafzai 博士在 GloCon 演讲!??
Aisha K Yousafzai 博士目前是哈佛大学的副教授,在伦敦大学学院儿童健康研究所完成了她的博士学位,主要研究国际儿童健康、营养和发展。
非常高兴邀请到 Yousafzai 博士!
本活动由学生自主发起并运营,转载目的是希望鼓励和促进同学们间的交流,并非 China HOSA 组委会的官方活动。如涉及作品内容、版权和其它问题,请在30日内于本公众号后台留言说明,我们将在第一时间跟进,China HOSA 组委会拥有对此声明的最终解释权。