

1. “老师,我从哪里能查到信息?”




2. 需要学生收集的信息


- 比赛的官网 -> 获取信息的来源

- 比赛的内容 -> 知道比什么

- 比赛的评判标准 -> 让自己的作品尽最大可能,赢得比赛

- 过去的获奖文章 -> 进行阅读,进行参考,并且探究比赛受欢迎的风格




3. “老师我应该选择哪一场?”

SEPT. 14-OCT. 12, 2022

100-Word Narrative Writing Contest

As we have since 2019, we’re inviting students to write a short, powerful story about a meaningful experience from their lives, but this year there’s a twist: they must do it in 100 words or fewer.

If that sounds hard, the Style section’s Tiny Love Stories series can show you how. Though our version of this challenge allows students to write about any life experience, not just relationships, we’ll be looking for the same quality of story as you can find in collections like this one.

To help, here is a step-by-step guide for participating, with 25 mentor texts to illustrate each part of the process.

OCT. 12-NOV. 16, 2022

Coming of Age in 2022: An Image Contest for Teenagers

What can you show us that might help explain what it’s like to be a teenager right now?

We’ve been asking that question annually since the pandemic began, and the answers have been extraordinary. This year we’re again inviting teenagers to document, reflect and express themselves on any aspect, big or small, of what it’s like to grow up now — but this time we’re asking you to do it via images only.

Students can submit photos, paintings, drawings, illustrations, comics, cartoons, graphics, screenshots or anything else that can be captured in a still image. Each image must be accompanied by a short artist’s statement. You’ll find all the details and resources you need here.

NOV. 16-DEC. 14, 2022

Review Contest

Review a book, movie, restaurant, album, theatrical production, video game, dance, TV show, art exhibition or any other kind of work The Times critiques.

Here are last year’s rules and guidelines, which will stay the same this year. For more inspiration, take a look at the work of the 2022 winners and visit the related writing unit.

DEC. 14, 2022-JAN. 18, 2023

New! One-Pager Challenge

We’re ending the semester with an invitation to teachers across the curriculum that we hope will be both accessible and fun for your students: Make a one-pager in response to any article published in The New York Times in 2022 or 2023.

If you aren’t sure what a one-pager is, this explanation from Cult of Pedagogy might be helpful, as will the full lesson plan with step-by-step instructions that we will publish later this fall. We’ll be offering a broad selection of elements students can include to respond to their chosen articles, and plenty of encouragement to explore The Times across sections to find topics that fascinate them. Stay tuned!

All Year:

Our Weekly Current Events Conversation Challenge

We invite students to react to the news via our daily writing prompts, and each week we publish a selection of their comments in a roundup for the world to read. Plus, we give a shout-out to new schools that join the conversation.


但是我们要分析每一个题目想表达的内容和自己“气质”的契合程度。其实我去年分析了每个 topic 的内容,大家可以“对号入座”。

4. 很多竞赛都有 guideline,一定要善用资源






5. 不仅要理解你的 audience,同时还要了解谁来“评判”

评判标准其实需要看 Rubric,一般都会在官网上。

比如下图纽约时报的 Rubric







2022下半年6大 参赛时间及报名方式整理


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