1. Make a mind map of all organic reactions,make sure you know the conditions for all of them (e.g. excess NH3 for thehalogenoalkane reaction and WHY)
2. Do ALL structural elucidation questions inyour ALL of your past year papers, better yet, do EVERYTHING
3. For inorganic make sure you know very wellwhat types of electrostatic attractions are between different types ofcompounds and what are the factors affecting them. (e.g. melting points ofbranched alkane vs. straight chain alkane)
4. LE CHATLIER’S PRINCIPLE (e.g. know what happens when an inert gasis injected into a constant volume container, what about constant pressure?)
5. Remember you can always reverse-engineeryour way through a question, e.g. if they ask you to explain why the solubilityof Ba(OH)2 is better than Mg(OH)2 you MUST know that it is already true andjust piece together a REASONABLE explanation. Principle is charity says as longas it’sreasonable you get marks.
6. DON’T PANIC during MCQ (you will), don’t ever spend too much time stuck on one MCQ question, just move on,it’s not worth the time and 1 qn isn’t even worth 1 mark so just screw it ok
Level 1:
1) Naming of organic compounds
2) Chemical Bonding and interactions
3) Drawing of ionic and covalent compounds
Level 2:
1) Isomerism
2) Reaction mechanisms
Level 3:
All kinds of organic compounds (alkanes,alkenes……)
Level 1:
1) Mole Concept
2) Atomic and molecular Structures
3) Balancing equations
4) Periodic table
5) Chemical Bonding and VSEPR
Level 2:
1) Energetics and Kinetics
Level 3:
1) Chemical Equilibrium
2) Ionic Equilibrium
3) Solubility Equilibrium
4) Group 2 and 17
5) Transition Elements
除去有机化学的部分之后,剩下的部分大多都是基础的概念和计算题(Group 2 and 17也算是基础概念偏多的应用章节),只有一个背得多一些的是TransitionElements的反应式。这一部分在复习的时候可能需要更着重于计算的练习,将Energetics,Kinetics和Equilibrium的计算正确率练起来,保证paper2的计算题的分基本都拿到手会是比较快的提分方法。
至于TransitionElements,如果大家有去看最近的题,会发现它是有常考点的,比如说blood-redcompound或者Prussian blue compound的识别之类。在保证前面TransitionElements的性质解释那里没问题的前提下,后面的例子们可以找找规律,背得聪明一些。