
Difficulties Learners of English Language Often Face in Reading Classes and How to Deal with Them.


In today’s world of communication, learning English language is almost an essential step everyone should take. Being an international language, English serves us well in many ways such as providing job opportunities, making communication with people from other nationalities possible, etc. When talking about English, it must be noted that learning this language requires obtaining skills in all different aspects of it. One of the most important skills is reading. Reading is not only the ability to read the texts in English, but also to be able to understand and comprehend all the details of the text. There are so many ways to improve one’s reading skills and no matter which way is chosen, the role of the teacher cannot be underestimated. Throughout the learning process, learners might face many obstacles and only a teacher can clear up the path for them; offering them solutions and alternatives at any step. With all that being said, it becomes much more understandable how crucial the role of a good and experienced teacher is, when it comes to learning English. As a teacher who has been teaching for many years and working with Wintutor for a few years now, I am writing this article to share my experience of reading classes along with the tips and tricks on how to make these classes even more effective and get the best results out of them. When it comes to English reading classes, there are usually some common complications and difficulties that learners seem to have; and today, in this article, I explain them in details and offer some practical solutions for each.



One of the main problems learners have in reading classes is the lack of understanding of the text. This means that learners can easily read the sentences and paragraphs and they usually have little to no problem pronouncing the words, but when it comes to comprehending the meaning of the phrases and the text, the problems appear. This results in them not grasping the message or some of the details explained in the text. Fortunately, this can be adjusted. The first thing the teacher should do is to ask the learners some questions from the text and try to recognize the parts that seem to be rather vague. Next, is to go through the new vocabulary and make sure the learners understand all the words in the text clearly. Since words are the keys to understanding the text, if learners know the meanings of all the words, it will be easier for them to comprehend the text. Finally, if there are any phrases, sentences or parts that are still unclear, the teacher can explain them in details for the learners.



Another common problem of the reading classes which most learners usually struggle with, is the lack of knowledge in vocabulary. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, vocabulary is considered to be the root of any text, and therefore, it is highly recommended for the learners to expand their range of vocabulary since this will be a great help in their overall understanding of any text they might ever read. Speaking from my own experience of the reading classes, most of the learners are usually having this problem and they do not know it can easily be fixed. There are a few steps that must be taken when addressing this problem in the class. First, the teacher must let the learners guess the meaning of the new words based on the context and sentence they appear in. This will give the learners a chance to connect all information they already have from the text in order to come up with the closest meaning of each of the new words. If they cannot figure out the meaning, then the teacher is supposed to provide some examples for the learners. Giving examples especially if they are already related to the context, will help them connect the dots and get to the aimed meaning. Even with all of that, there are still some learners in lower levels whose vocabulary range hasn’t been expanded yet. For these learners, the best way to help them with the new vocabulary is to explain the meaning through describing it in details or showing pictures of it if possible. After making sure the learners have fully understood the meaning, it will be the time for them to have a little practice. In this final step, the teacher is required to ask the students to use the new vocabulary in example sentences in order to help them keep the words and their meanings in mind.



While on the topic of the vocabulary, it is time to point out one of the other troubles learners of the reading classes mostly face; and that is the slip of the new words from their minds. Believe it or not, it is completely normal for students not to remember all the new words they have learned in their previous lessons. The more the new vocabulary, the harder it is to recall them. However, there are some techniques that I have found very helpful in my own experience. Writing the new words in a notebook along with their meanings is the first and one of the most important things learners should do. It is recommended that the teacher asks the students to bring a notebook to the class and jot down all the new vocabulary of that lesson with their meanings and details. Needless to say, the learners then will have the chance to review the written words any time after the class. Aside from that, the teacher can dedicate a few minutes of the class to the practice of making example sentences and using the new words in each sentence. These sentences should be made by the learners and in case of any errors, the teacher will then correct them. This productive method will teach students the correct sentence structure for each word plus carving the word in their minds even deeper. And finally, reviewing the new vocabulary every day is the way to learn them permanently since they will go into the long-term memory.



When it comes to reading and learning this highly important skill, not everything is about the understanding of the text. It is also very important for the learners of English language to be able to read a text correctly, smoothly and in an acceptable pace. However, some learners are weaker at this than others. One common reason of this is because they have been learning English through listening and speaking only; which will result in them not being familiar with the spelling of the words, and therefore, not being able to recognize it in the text when reading. As a teacher who has been dealing with students having the same problem, I have a few solutions to share. First, it is important to ask the learners to slow down and try reading the text at a slower pace than normal. This will help them have more time to read each word; therefore, there will be lower chance of them just skipping over or mispronouncing the words they already know. It is also recommended that the teacher waits for the learners to try and guess the words that seem unfamiliar and read them on their own. If not right, then the teacher can stop them and read the words for them in the correct way. What comes after, is for the teacher to ask the learners to look at the word, listen to the teacher saying it, and then repeat it afterwards. A few times of repeating is recommended for the learners to keep in mind the correct pronunciation of the word. Last but not least, asking the learners to practice reading a variety of texts from different sources will help the them become familiar with more words and structures. Over time, they will improve and consequently read the texts easier.



Another main issue of the reading classes that can lead to a decrease in the improvement process of the learners is when the students do not participate enough in the class. One thing that can cause this lack of participation is distraction. Some learners might get bored because the material is not suitable for their level. Others might lose focus over objects or people around them. These and many other reasons might cause distraction, and when that happens in a reading class, not only the learners will not fully follow and understand the topic that is being taught, but also this lack of information on the topic will affect their active participation in discussions. To solve this, the teacher should find a way to keep the learners active. Here are a few tips on how to do so. The first step is for the teacher to ask the learners for a summary of the text page by page. This will notify the students of the fact that they should keep their minds fully engaged in the topic or they will not be able to summarize it later. Next, is to ask them some questions from the text and try analysing it together through having a conversation. The best thing to do after that, is to bring up similar and related topics to discuss and keep the learners engaged in the discussion. Finally, asking for their personal experiences and sharing their own cases is a great way of encouraging them to be more and more active in the class.



Eventually, I feel obliged to mention how effective or destructive parents can be regarding the progress of their children. There is no doubt that the help of the parents can be advantageous and learners can benefit from that. However, some parents go out of their way and even though they mean well, they actually stop their children from improving. Pressuring the students while in class can be extremely damaging. Unfortunately, some parents sit by their children in the class and force them to talk or answer faster. Some even say the sentences or answer the questions instead of the students and tell them to repeat the answers for the teacher. These were only a few examples of what parents do wrong sometimes. Talking from my own experience of the classes, students usually get distracted in these situations. They feel like they are in a hurry and mostly get confused about who they should pay attention to; the teacher or their parent. To avoid all that, parents must try to let their children be on their own when in class; and this can only happen by trusting the teacher and believing they do what is best for the students. However, it will be a good idea for one of the parents to sit in the same room as their children and just monitor them in order to make sure they are paying attention to the class and not doing anything on the side. Trying to be in contact with the teachers and receiving feedback from them will be a great way of knowing what materials and lesson parts are being covered in the class each lesson. Moreover, the teacher can let parents know of all the strengths, weaknesses, improvements and deteriorations of their children throughout the course.



In short, considering reading as one of the most important skills in English language, learners must put enough time and effort on practicing it. The ability to read different texts, understand, analyse and summarize them is what all English learners should improve. A reading class is an effective way of helping learners upgrade their reading skills with the guidance of an experienced teacher. Throughout the course, teacher will assist the learners and teach them how to read a text smoothly and correctly regarding the pronunciation of the words and sentences, how to learn and keep the new vocabulary in mind, how to analyse a text and understand the hidden details and messages of it, etc. Just like any other classes, the students of the reading classes also have their own struggles and difficulties sometimes and although the amount of progress a learner can have during a reading course depends on so many aspects, a good teacher can always be a great guide to show the learners the best way throughout their experience.









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