

图片来源:CIC News

加拿大国际教育局(Canadian Bureau for International Education, CBIE)最近发布了一份2021年度关于国际学生的调查结果。该调查包含来自67所加拿大教育机构的41000多名学生的数据。国际学生提供了他们在加拿大学习各方面的经验,包括回答了决定在加拿大学习的原因、学习期间的经历和毕业后计划等问题。

The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) has recently released the results of their 2021 annual international student survey. The survey contains data from over 41,000 students from 67 Canadian educational institutions. International students provided input on their experiences with all aspects of studying in Canada. They answered questions about why they decided to study in Canada, their experiences while studying and their post-graduation plans.


Students and families planning to study in Canada can take this as a reference.

#1安全性、稳定性是国际生 选择加拿大的主要原因


Canada consistently ranks among the safest countries in the world. However, this is the first time safety has outranked educational reputation as the deciding factor for students choosing to study in Canada, with close to 80% saying it was the biggest draw.


The reputation of Canada’s educational institutions ranked as the second consideration for 70% of students. Additionally, over half of respondents said Canada’s tolerance, diversity and inclusivity made it attractive as place to study. Nearly 40% reported choosing Canada because they hope to become permanent residents once they have completed their studies.

#2 约三分之一的学生进行校外打工


Most students reported being able to afford to study in Canada through the support of parents, grandparents, and other family members. Approximately one third of students reported relying on off campus work and personal savings in addition to family support.


在加拿大移民局指定的专上院校(designated leaning institution)注册的学生无需获得工作许可即可工作,需要符合的条件包括:

Students who are enrolled in a designated learning institution (DLI) can work without obtaining a work permit. To be eligible:

· 必须是一名参加6个月以上学习项目且会获得毕业证或文凭的全日制学生;

· You must be a full-time student in a program that is at least six months long and leads to a certificate or diploma.

· 已经开始进行学习;

· You have already started studying

· 有社会保险号码;

· You have a Social Insurance Number


Students may work up to 20 hours a week throughout the academic semester. During academic breaks, students are allowed to work full-time.

# 3“住宿”被列为最大难题


Students reported that their experiences living and studying in Canada have been positive overall. They describe their initial arrival in coming to Canada as relatively easy, with finding accommodation listed as the biggest difficulty.


39% did cite some difficulty in obtaining a study visa, getting a letter of acceptance from an educational institution was ranked as the easiest part of coming to Canada.


Students reported feeling able to form connections and a sense of community with other international students or those who are from the same country. However, they do experience some difficulty forming connections outside of these areas.

#4 大多数受访者希望获得加拿大永久居民身份


When asked about post-graduation plans, most respondents indicated that they planned to pursue permanent resident status and remain in Canada. Others said they would gain work experience in Canada for a few years before returning to their home countries.



More than 70% of students said they planned to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) when they complete their studies. Getting a PGWP allows students to gain valuable Canadian work experience that can count toward an application for permanent residence.


A PGWP is an open work permit that allows recent grads to work for any employer, in any occupation in Canada. The length of the permit depends on how long your program was, up to a maximum of three years. Programs less than eight months long are not eligible for a PGWP and a program two years or more can be eligible for up to three years.


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