
提高口语和写作比较好的方式是场景积累(不孤立的积累词和句,而是依托场景来积累表达), 这也是为什么在英语环境中,如果能走出华语舒适圈,英语能力会进步比较快的原因。因为某个上课场景,或者某个生活场景里的内容, 你会反复遇到,练习,巩固。

而在非英语的大环境下,如果要通过场景练习去提高写作或者口语能力的话,就需要自己去创造不同的场景了。 当然进步不会像在英语环境中那么的高效。毕竟遇到,练习,巩固这个场景的频度在非英语环境中还是会低很多的。





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# 语料



文章讲的是现在孩子普遍相比于以前在大人面前没有那么拘束了,甚至有些会做出老一辈觉得不合规矩的行为。但是研究显示这说明了现在的孩子生活在了一个他们觉得安全的环境,因为只有在安全的环境下,在被尊重的环境下,孩子才敢表达真实的自我想法。 全文有很多内容适合和parenting 有关的题目。


We all know friends or relatives who would unequivocally say, “yes.” In their generation, they say, children knew their place and respected their elders. I certainly try to teach my kids about respect, and we talk ad nauseam about table manners and saying “please” and “thank you.” Still, the relationship many parents today have with their kids feels substantially different from parent-child relationships decades ago.

Much has been written about the shift in recent years toward more intensive, child-centered parenting, and one byproduct is that many parents today are less likely to bark out orders and punish their kids. They are more likely to empathize and engage in dialogue. Because of this, many children today feel more comfortable around adults, and they are more willing to challenge them and speak up when they feel the impulse.


“It can manifest as kids being a bit more assertive and opinionated, and maybe even more argumentative, and I think that the challenge is to not interpret that as a bad thing, but as an important and necessary process,” said Emily Loeb,

这个段落适合以下今昔对比的题目; 也适合类似现在做家长比较难了的话题。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, young people (ages 12- 18) behave badly (for example, by being Impolite or unkind) more often than young people did fifty years ago.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is much easier for parents to raise children today than it was 50 years ago.


Children of authoritarian parents are at an increased risk for anxiety and depression, exhibit more disruptive behavior and are more likely than other kids to have low self-esteem, studies have found.

“The science says that over time, fearing your parents makes you less confident in yourself and more in need of external validation,”


One of Dr. Loeb’s recent studies, which followed kids from ages 13 to 32, found that children whose parents were psychologically controlling were less academically successful and less liked by their peers in adolescence compared with kids whose parents were not psychologically controlling.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents must have strict rules if they want their children to be successful in life.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents today spend too much time trying to help determine the futures of their children; children should be allowed to make their own choices.

Some children prefer to socialize (get together and have fun) after school with very little involvement from parents or teachers; for example, they enjoy games or activities that they can organize and play safely without help from adults. Other children prefer to socialize after school by joining groups or participating in programs organized and monitored by adults. Which way of socializing after school do you think is most helpful for children's development? Why?



... I wanted to make sure that our contribution would have the maximum impact. But what kind of “impact” was I looking to maximize? I had no idea. There are all sorts of ways to use money to improve the state of the world, and they vary widely in cost and outcome. Should I donate to feed the needy where I live, in the San Francisco Bay Area? Or was it better, in a utilitarian sense, to feed the poor of Kenya, where my money would likely go further, and where people’s need for food might likely be more dire?


And this was not even to consider the more practical questions: Even if I found the most effective use of my money, could I have any assurance that a particular charitable organization was taking care to spend my donation wisely? By this point readers familiar with this line of vexation might be screaming at their screens: GiveWell! I understand the enthusiasm — when I discovered GiveWell back in 2012, I felt like its founders had been reading my mind.


For more than a decade, GiveWell has been investigating the central question in the philanthropic movement known as “effective altruism”: What is the best way to help other people?


Some charitable organizations (groups that help people in need) allow people who give money to charity to choose how their donations will be used. (For example, people can decide whether their donated money is spent directly on goods and services for people in need or on advertising by the charity. If you were to give money to charity, would you prefer to choose how your donation is going to be used, or do you think it is more effective to leave that decision to the organization? Why?



A few of these districts have closed with very little notice, sending parents to find child care, as well as summon the wherewithal to supervise remote learning. Beyond the logistics, many parents are worried that with additional lost days of in-person school, their children will fall further behind.


Ms. Morgan could leave her teenage daughter at home alone but was worried that she would get distracted by her phone or the internet instead of paying attention to school.


Recently, some primary, middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day. In your view. is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number of school days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?



in the short term... in the long term 的对比

e.g. In the short term, sure, kids might be better behaved. In the long term, children suffer.

This is not to say that  表示让步


e.g.This is not to say that children don’t need rules, limits or consequences — they certainly do. So-called “permissive” parenting can pose problems, too, and has been linked to child self-centeredness and poor impulse control.



e.g. One study found that teens whose parents used conditional regard reported feeling more resentful toward their parents and were less academically engaged and emotionally regulated compared with teens whose parents supported them unconditionally.

sow the seeds for... 为什么... 播下种子

e.g. Ultimately, what the research suggests is that harsh, strict parenting does not sow the seeds for healthy development...

take a toll 产生严重的不良影响

e.g. Battles in the classroom — over mask mandates and critical race theory — have also taken a toll, said Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, the country’s second-biggest teachers’ union.


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