2025 WSC Weekly:养儿不防老 那么养个机器人可以吗?

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【2025 WSC Weekly】01期:养儿不防老,那么养个机器人可以吗?


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Weekly Intro

随着老龄化加剧,“养儿防老”的概念淡化,很多人开始把希望寄托在机器人身上。如今科技发展迅速,为啥养老机器人还没真正普及,反而屡屡被吐槽、没人买账?本期 Weekly,带你一探究竟!

2025 No.1养儿不防老,那么养个机器人可以吗?

Are elderly care robots the solution for an aging society?




Have you ever thought about your old age? With a declining birth rate and an increasingly aging population, the issue of aging has become a key concern for society as a whole. In traditional societies, the care of the elderly mainly relies on the family, while some elderly choose to hire professional caregivers.

Nowadays, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has opened up new ideas in the field of elderly care, and more and more scholars and companies are focusing on the possibility of robotic elderly care. So, is it really reliable to use robots to care for the elderly?






Japan is a pioneer in the field of elderly care robots. As one of the most aging countries in the world, Japan has been working on the development of robots for the care of the elderly for more than two decades, with public and private investment accelerating dramatically, especially in the 2010s. By 2018, the national government alone had invested more than $300 million in the development of such devices. With strong government support, Japanese companies have introduced a large number of care robots. Care robots come in various shapes and sizes.

Some are meant for physical care, including machines that can help lift older people if they’re unable to get up by themselves; assist with mobility and exercise; monitor their physical activity and detect falls; feed them; and help them take a bath or use the toilet.

Others are aimed at engaging older people socially and emotionally in order to manage, reduce, and even prevent cognitive decline; they might also provide companionship and therapy for lonely older people, make those with dementia-related conditions easier for care staff to manage, and reduce the number of caregivers required for day-to-day care.




Despite the publicity, government support, and subsidies—and the real technological achievements of engineers and programm-ers—robots don’t really feature in any major aspect of most people’s daily lives in Japan, including elder care.

A major national survey of over 9,000 elder-care institutions in Japan showed that in 2019, only about 10% reported having introduced any care robot, while a 2021 study found that out of a sample of 444 people who provided home care, only 2% had experience with a care robot. There is some evidence to suggest that when robots are purchased, they often end up being used for only a short time before being locked away in a cupboard.




James Wright, a researcher at The Alan Turing Institute, conducted an 18-month field study in Japanese nursing homes, and his findings suggest a disconnect between the vision promised by elder care robots and their practical application. In the nursing homes James Wright studied, there were three types of care robots: Hug, a lifting robot designed to help caregivers lift the elderly; Paro, a robotic seal that provides animal-like therapy and serves as an emotional intervention tool for seniors with dementia; and Pepper, a humanoid robot that organizes recreational and fitness activities so that caregivers can be freed up to take care of other matters.


然而,问题很快暴露出来。Hug 仅在使用几天后便被护理人员放弃,原因是它操作繁琐,搬运费时,影响了护理人员与老年人的互动。此外,能够被机器舒适地抬起的老年人数量也非常有限。Paro 则受到护理人员和老人更积极的评价。这款毛绒玩具形状的机器海豹会在用户抚摸和交谈时发出声音、摆动头部和尾巴。


Pepper 主要用于每日的娱乐活动,比如代理老人做体操。然而,护理人员很快发现,为了让老人跟随机器人做体操,他们必须站在旁边模仿它的动作,并重复其指令。由于Pepper的音乐和动作种类有限,几周后,老人们开始感到无聊,护理人员也逐渐减少了它的使用频率。

But problems quickly became apparent. Staff stopped using Hug after only a few days, saying it was cumbersome and time consuming to wheel from room to room—cutting into the time they had to interact with the residents. And only a small number of them could be lifted comfortably using the machine.

Paro was received more favorably by staff and residents alike. Shaped like a fluffy, soft toy seal, it can make noises, move its head, and wiggle its tail when users pet and talk to it. At first, care workers were quite happy with the robot.

However, difficulties soon emerged. One resident kept trying to “skin” Paro by removing its outer layer of synthetic fur, while another developed a very close attachment, refusing to eat meals or go to bed without having it by her side. Staff ended up having to keep a close eye on Paro’s interactions with residents, and it didn’t seem to reduce the repetitive behavior patterns of those with severe dementia. Pepper was used to run recreation sessions that were held every afternoon. Instead of leading an activity like karaoke or having a conversation with residents. But care workers quickly realized that to get residents to participate in the exercise routine, they had to stand next to the robot, copying its movements and echoing its instructions. Since there was a relatively small set of songs and exercise routines, boredom also started to set in after a few weeks, and they ended up using Pepper less often.





Wright concluded that the machines failed to save labor. The care robots themselves required care: they had to be moved around, maintained, cleaned, booted up, operated, repeatedly explained to residents, constantly monitored during use, and stored away afterwards.

Indeed, a growing body of evidence from other studies is finding that robots tend to end up creating more work for caregivers. But what was interesting was the type of work that they created. In the past, caregivers would design their own recreational activities and would initiate conversations and interactions with the elderly, however, with the use of the robot, caregivers, who primarily monitor the situation from a distance, must shorten their interactions with the elderly in order to free up time to push the robot back into the storage room. In other words, existing social and communication-­oriented tasks tended to be displaced by new tasks that involved more interaction with the robots than with the residents.

Instead of saving time for staff to do more of the human labor of social and emotional care, the robots actually reduced the scope for such work.

Weekly关键词 Key Words

care robots 护理机器人


#The Best is Yet to Be, or Not To Be?



Weekly FUN Quiz

相信现在你已经对“养老机器人”有了一定的了解啦!那就快来参与本期Weekly FUN Quiz👇,告诉老师你的答案吧!


According to James Wright, which of the following descriptions of care robots is most accurate? 根据詹姆斯·赖特,以下哪项对护理机器人的描述最准确?

A. Creative but ineffective 有创意但效果不佳

B. Popular but time consuming 受欢迎但费时

C. Independent but idealist 独立但不现实

D. Expensive and heavy 昂贵而沉重

E. Emotionally interactive 情感互动性高







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