

Last week the Australian Government's proposed international student enrolment limits as part of the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 (ESOS Bill) did not become legislation.


It is therefore unlikely that the proposed international student enrolment limits will be imposed on the 2025 intake given that parliament has adjourned for this year and an election is expected early next year.


This news is very welcome as UNSW values the diverse perspectives interational students contribute to our campuses, classrooms and wider community. It is important to note, however, that a high degree of uncertainty remains regarding the Australian policy environment. Both the Government and the Opposition remain in favour of limiting migration numbers and this is likely to feature in the upcoming election.


Given the current policy environment and the significant level of ongoing uncertainty, UNSW is taking a considered approach as we open further offer rounds to future students, implementing controlled and measured growth.


Admissions Approach


"In the near term, our focus remains on providing every opportunity for students with an application,or currently on our offer waitlists, to be assessed. I would like to share the following guidance to help you manage the expectations of your students."


"UNSW has recently made changes in our approach to admissions, adopting weekly offer rounds and implementing an acceptance deadline on full offers. These changes will remain in effect to help streamline the admissions process, with offer rounds to continue as previously advised. An additional offer round for Term 1, 2025 has also been added, with offers released on Thursday, 19 December."


Submit outstanding documentation to be considered for our upcoming 2025 offer rounds


"For students who have not submitted a complete application and have outstanding documents (including proof of English language proficiency), UNSW is keen to make a full assessment and you should submit any outstanding documentation for this group of students as soon as possible so they can be considered for our December offer rounds. Any outstanding documents submitted by Friday,13 December will be considered for our Thursday, 19 December offer round for Term 1, 2025. Any outstanding documents submitted after Friday,13 December may not be able to be processed in time to be considered for this offer round, though will be considered for future2025 offer rounds and intakes as these become available."


"In light of the ESOS Bill not passing, UNSW has also expanded the range of programs we will release offers for in our upcoming December offer rounds, as well as adding an additional offer round on Thursday,19 December. In addition to our program prioritisation list, offers will be released for most undergraduate and postgraduateprograms (excluding the 8543 Master of Information Technology,9201 Master of Laws and the 3896 Bachelor of Exercise Science / Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology)."


"Further to these new offers for Term 1, 2025, if you have previous offer holders who have requested a deferral from Term 3, 2024, we will be releasing these deferral offers for all programs (excluding 9201 Master of Laws)."


Term 2 and Term 3 2025 applications


"We know that you will have future students who are looking to apply for UNSW's Term 2 and Term 3 intakes in2025. Although there will not be further applications invited for Term 1, 2025, UNSW is currently working through timelines and processes and will advise before the end of this year when applications for Term 2 and Term 3, 2025 will open. For now, our guidance for this group is to ensure that they have registered their interest in studying at UNSW through our Expression of Interest form.”





“关于你自己的25件小事” --那些有意思的文书 杜克Fuqua商学院




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