
经济学人系列 2 | 为什么说美国堕胎权之争与性别无关?



Church and choice教派与选择

Religion, not gender, is the best predictor of views on abortion


Shocked by a draft Supreme Court opinion that would allow states to ban abortion, American liberals are hunting for silver linings. Some hope that women enraged by the loss of Roe v Wade will vote en masse for Democrats in November.


That would put Republicans in swing states at risk. However, liberal activists focus solely on the gender gap at their peril: women are almost as likely as men to oppose abortion. The most reliable backers of abortion rights are the 30% of Americans with no religious affiliation.

这将使摇摆州的共和党人陷于危险之中。然而,自由主义活动家只关注性别差异,这对他们来说很危险:女性几乎和男性一样反对堕胎。堕胎权最可靠的支持者是 30% 没有宗教信仰的美国人。

Views on abortion have been fairly stable over time. Big majorities favour legal abortion in cases of rape or health risks. Since 2002 the share of participants in the General Social Survey, a large poll, who say abortion, for any reason, should be legal has climbed from 40% to 54%. Compared with the change in support for gay marriage, however, this increase looks modest.


Although state-level polls on abortion are sparse, public opinion in each state can be estimated using demographic and geographic patterns in national surveys. This method shows that just 12 of the 50 states have majorities that want to ban abortion, or allow it only if the mother’s life is at risk.


In contrast, 19 states have laws limiting abortion that would take effect the day Roe is reversed. They include Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin, where an estimated 60% of people favour abortion rights.


Voters likely to mourn the loss of Roe can be targeted demographically. The gender gap in views on abortion is modest, at six percentage points. Religion and race, in contrast, account for up to 65 points.


In a sample of 13,659 people surveyed by YouGov, a pollster, just 28% of white or older Hispanic evangelicals wanted abortion to be “always” or “mostly” legal. Despite the Catholic and Orthodox churches’ opposition, 53% of whites and 65% of Hispanics in these groups favoured abortion rights.

民意调查机构 YouGov 对13659人进行了抽样调查,其中只有28%的白人或年长的西班牙福音派教徒希望堕胎“总是”或“大部分”合法。尽管天主教和东正教会反对,但这些群体中 53% 的白人和 65% 的西班牙裔支持堕胎权。

Among agnostics and people who did not list a religion, the shares were 61% for those who did not attend college, and 79% for people who did. Other strong backers were Jews (76%) and atheists (a hefty92%).


America’s political coalitions reflect these cleavagesalready. However, whites who are non-evangelical Protestants, or who are not religiously affiliated and lack college degrees, favour abortion rights more than they do Democratic candidates. Their loyalty may now be up for grabs.




affiliation [əˌfɪliˈeɪʃn] n. 归属;加盟

hefty [ˈhefti] adj. 笨重的;相当大的;有力的

cleavage [ˈkliːvɪdʒ] n. 劈开;分裂



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