


干货课堂 | 秋季PF备赛锦囊Ⅲ:常见论点的拆解

How to Rebut Common Arguments in Fall Season


Here’s how you can respond to the PRO’s arguments on the CON side:


Improving Traffic Safety


• Deny: Limitations of Autonomous Vehicles

While autonomous vehicles are designed to reduce human error, the technology still struggles in extreme conditions, like bad weather or complex roadways. This means it's not reliable enough yet to guarantee improved safety and could even increase the risks in certain situations.

• Turn: Decreased Driver Awareness

Relying on autonomous driving systems can make drivers less alert and reduce their ability to react in emergencies. When the system needs human intervention, drivers might not be ready, leading to potential accidents.

• Liability Issues

In case of an accident with an autonomous vehicle, figuring out who is responsible becomesmore complicated. Is it the driver, the car manufacturer, or the tech provider? This couldlead to lengthy legal disputes and higher management costs for society.

· 反驳:自动驾驶技术存在局限性


· 反转:降低驾驶员的警惕性


· 责任分担问题



Economic Growth


• Deny: High Infrastructure Cost

Widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles requires massive investments in infrastructure,especially in upgrading traffic systems and networks. Many smaller cities in China lack thenecessary infrastructure, and rolling out this technology would be costly, with no guaranteeof the expected economic return.

• Turn: Unemployment

Autonomous vehicles could put many professional drivers, such as taxi and rideshare drivers, out of work. These individuals may have limited skills and find it difficult to quickly transition to other jobs, potentially increasing social instability.

• Urgency

China faces urgent social needs in areas like healthcare and elder care. If the governmentchannels too many resources into autonomous driving, it could strain funding for other critical services, negatively impacting overall social development.

· 反驳:基础设施和成本问题


· 反转:失业问题加剧


· 优先级问题


干货课堂 | 秋季PF备赛锦囊Ⅲ:常见论点的拆解

Here’s how you can respond to the CON’s arguments on the PRO side:




• Deny: New Jobs from New Technology

While autonomous vehicles might reduce demand for traditional driving jobs, they willcreate new employment opportunities, like in vehicle maintenance or tech support.

Technological innovation doesn't just cause job loss; it also opens up new possibilities in thejob market.

•Turn: Inevitable Job Shifts

Every technological revolution leads to job transformations. Through retraining, drivers can shift to new roles and adapt to the evolving market. This benefits both individuals andsociety as a whole.

•Turn: Social Benefits

Autonomous vehicles can elevate workers from low-skill jobs to higher-value roles,boosting productivity. In the long run, this career advancement will benefit the entire societyby creating more valuable labor opportunities.

· 反驳:新技术创造新的就业机会


· 反转:职业转型的必然性


· 反转:职业升级和社会效益


干货课堂 | 秋季PF备赛锦囊Ⅲ:常见论点的拆解


Lack of Regulations


· Deny: It’s Normal for Laws to Lag Behind Technology

When it comes to new technology, regulations always take time to catch up. Just because thelegal framework isn't fully in place yet doesn't mean the technology shouldn't bedeveloped. In fact, it signals the need for legislative updates to keep pace with innovation.

•Turn: Regulation Gaps Can Push Lawmakers Forward

Promoting autonomous vehicles gives lawmakers valuable experience in creating a morecomprehensive legal framework. In this way, supporting the technology will actually speedup the creation of better laws and advance social progress.

•Non-unique: Market Demand Drives Legal Changes

As demand for autonomous vehicles grows, it will naturally push legislators to enact lawsfaster. Governments will adapt based on real-world needs and feedback, ensuring safety andlegal clarity as the technology becomes more widespread.

· 反驳:法律滞后是技术发展的正常现象


· 反转:法规缺失可以推动⽴法进程


· 唯⼀性:市场需求推动法规完善


Now you are equipped with different responses to common arguments for each side! Are you excited to use these strategies in your next debate? Don't forget to support each point with strong evidence to make your case even more convincing!







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