

干货课堂 | 秋季PF备赛锦囊:我们都能给⾃动驾驶技术哪些政策⽀持?

What Policies Can Support Autonomous Driving Technology?


Since the PRO side advocates for these policies, it's crucial to include specific measures you want to implement to boost the development of autonomous vehicles. Doing so will not only enhance the impact of your arguments but also make weighing them later in the debate much easier. Here are three common policy supports that the government can offer:


#1、Government Funding& Tax Incentives


This is a common economic policy. The government can provide financial support and tax incentives to encourage research and development (R&D) in autonomous vehicles. The goal is to reduce the costs associated with R&D for businesses and individuals, accelerating the technology's adoption. For instance, the government might offer grants, subsidies, or tax deductions for research expenses to stimulate more companies to engage in this field.

Can you think of other examples where government funding has successfully boosted industries? How did these industries thrive, and what benefits did they bring to the country?




#2 、Pilot City Programs


Pilot city programs select specific cities or regions as testing grounds for autonomous vehicles . In these areas, the government eases relevant restrictions and invests in infrastructure to support the operation of autonomous vehicles . This allows policymakers and developers to collect data in real- world settings, verifying the technology's effectiveness and safety.

The advantage of such programs is thatthey enable gradual implementation while accumulating experience and minimizing risks associated with widespread deployment. For example, China has approved ten cities for autonomous vehicle trials: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Chengdu, and Nanjing.

Do you think these ten pilot cities are enough? Is there room to expand these trials? Why or why not?




#3 、Laws and Regulations


The promotion of autonomous vehicles depends not only on technological advancements but also on a robust legal and regulatory framework. This policy involves the government creating laws to regulate various aspects of autonomous vehicles, including production, testing, operation, and

liability. Without clear legal guidelines, the operation of self-driving cars on public roads could lead to issues such as unclear responsibilities and data privacy breaches, making the establishment of relevant regulations essential for safe implementation.

China is currently accelerating the development of laws related to autonomous vehicles, with several local governments issuing temporary regulations in pilot areas, such as the Jiangsu Road Traffic Safety Regulation , Guidelines for Building a Standard System for Basic Maps of Intelligent Vehicles (2023 Version) , and the Guidelines for Transportation Safety Services of Autonomous Vehicles (Trial) .

What issues will arise in the future? How can we better address them now?


中国⽬前正在加快⾃动驾驶相关法律的制定,已经有多个地⽅政府在测试区域内出台了临时法规,如《江苏省道路交通安全条例》,《智能汽车基础地图标准体系建设指南(2023版)》, 《⾃动驾驶汽车运输安全服务指南(试⾏)》等。你觉得以后还可能有什么问题需要法律规整呢?

I hope you are inspired by these three policies and good luck withyourfirstfalltournament!



2024年BMO数学竞赛报名中 附BMO培训辅导课程安排




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