


01、FCE议论文写作真题 7.20上海郑州南京北京



While buying a new item might seem more convenient when something breaks.choosing to repair it offers numerous benefits for teenagers.Firstly, learning to repair items can be incredibly beneficial for teenagers. it notonly saves money but also fosters problem-solving skills and creativity. By fixinga broken gadget or a torn piece of clothing, teenagers learn how things work andgain practical skills that are valuable in everyday life. This hands-on experiencecan boost confidence and encourage a more independent lifestyle

Additionally,repairing items is significantly better for the environment. Themodern culture of replacing broken items contributes to increased waste andpollution.

Each new product requires resources for production and transpart.which often leads to depletion of natural resources and increased carbonemissions.

By choosing to repair, teenagers can help reduce waste and promotea more sustainable world. From my perspective, while the convenience of buying new things is tempting, thebenefits of repairing them are too significant to ignore. it teaches responsibilityand respect for possessions, which are important values in our consumer-drivensociety.Furthermore, repairing can be a fun and rewarding challenge thatpromotes a sense of accomplishment.




A: Do you think it's a good idea for students to work fogether in groups?

B: Yes, l think it is. Working in groups can make us feel more motivated because we encourageeach other to do our best.

A: That's a great point. Plus, we can share knowledge. For example, if one of us is good at mathand another is good at science, we can help each other understand difficult topics.

B: Exactly. it also helps us learn to take responsibility. When we work in groups, everyone hasa role and needs to do their part, which teaches us to be reliable.

A: And by working together, we can make more progress. if we get stuck on a problem,someone else might have an idea that helps us move forward faster than if we were workingalone.

B: l agree. lt also helps us develop skills for the future, like teamwork and communicationThese are important skills for almost any career we might choose.

A: So overall, working in groups seems like a really good idea for students because it keeps usmotivated, allows us to share knowledge, teaches responsibility, helps us make progress, anddevelops important future skills.

B: Yes, definitely! Working in groups has so many benefits that can help us now and in thefuture.




Both pictures show people trying to get information. They are both focused and using tools to helpthem understand something.

In the first picture, a young woman is riding a horse while a man is guiding the horseIn the second picture, a child is climbing a rock wall with an adult supervising. Both pictures have people who are trying to learn something, but they do it in different places.

Thefirst picture is outside in a riding arena, while the second picture is inside a climbing gym. in the firspicture, the young woman is using a horse and the guidance of the man to learn horseback ridingbut in the second picture, the child is using climbing holds and a safety harness to learn rockclimbing.

The people in the first picture look like they might be focusing on balance andcommunication with the horse, but the child in the second picture is concentrating on finding theright grips and maintaining their position.

The lighting is different too. The first picture is bright withnatural daylight, while the second picture has indoor lighting. in the first picture, the environment isopen with fencing and natural surroundings, while the second picture is a controlled indoor spacewith climbing walls.

The first picture shows interaction between two people, whereas the secondpicture shows the child climbing with an adult's supervision from below. Finally, the clothing in thefirst picture is casual and suitable for outdoor riding, while in the second picture, it is appropriatefor indoor climbing.

04、FCE 口语真题 2024.7.27郑州/南京



Both pictures show people listening carefully, They are both focused and paying close attention tosomeone giving them important information.

In the first picture, a group of children are listening to their coach, who is giving them instructions ona soccer field. In the second picture, a group of students are listening to their teacher, who is explaining something ina classroom. Both pictures have people who are listening carefully, but they do it in different environments.

The firstpicture is outside on a soccer field, while the second picture is inside a classroom. in the first picture,the coach is using a notepad to explain the game plan, but in the second picture, the teacher is usinga small electronic device and components to explain a concept. The people in the first picture arepreparing for a soccer game, while the people in the second picture are learning about electronics orrobotics.

The lighting is different too. The first picture is bright with natural light, while the secondpicture has softer indoor lighting. The first picture shows teamwork and physical activity, whereas thesecond picture shows collaborative learning and intellectual engagement.

Finally, the clothing in thefirst picture is sports attire suitable for physical activity, while in the second picture, it is casual andsuitable for a classroom setting.

05、7.27哈尔滨 PET 2024口语真题(part3)



Student A:"l think walking is better than looking at phones. When we walk, we can breathe fresh air and see trees and birds, Plus, when we walk with friends, we can talk about lots of fun things.not just stare at screens."

Student B:"Walking is nice, but i like playing chess more. Chess makes our brains work hardlearning how to plan and strategize, Each move is like solving a little puzzle, which is really funAnd when we play chess, we can spend time with family or friends, which helps us becomecloser."

Student A: "Chess is good, but l prefer playing tennis. Tennis not only gets us moving and keepsus fit, but also teaches us how to focus and react quickly. Playing tennis with friends means wecan chat and play at the same time, which is healthier than sitting and playing with phones.'

Student B: "Sports are great, but sometimes l enjoy shopping. Shopping gets us out of thehouse and lets us see lots of new things. We can go to different stores, look for clothes or toyswe like, and even get some snacks. it's more fun than staying at home and looking at phones.

Student A: "Shopping is fun, but l think reading books is a better choice. Books take us intodifferent worlds and teach us new things, Plus, reading helps with our studies and makes ourreading and understanding skills stronger."

Student B: "Books are great, but I think going to museums is also very interesting. Museumshave things we can't see in books, like old fossils and beautiful paintings. We can learn about history and art, which broadens our view more than just looking at phones."

Student A: i was thinking we could do something different instead. Like, maybe we could stardrawing or painting?

Student B: Oh, l love that idea! Drawing is so much fun, and it's really relaxing too. Plus, we get to be creative!

Student A: Yeah! And we could even go to an art show sometime. You know, to see lots of coo paintings and sculptures.

Student B: Wow, that sounds cool! it would be like going on an adventure to explore all kinds of amazing artwork.

Student A: Totally! Plus, it's a great way to hang out together without looking at screens all thetime.

06、FCE口语真题 2024.7.27杭州



Both pictures show people traveling around cities. They are both anjoying the city views and usingdifferent means of transport.

In the first picture, people are on a bus tour, observing the city from the top deck of an open-top busIn the second picture, a person is riding a bicycle through the city streets, surrounded by tallbuildings. Both pictures have people traveling around cities, but they do it in different ways.

The first pictureshows a group of people on an open-top bus tour, which allows them to see the city from a highe!vantage point. in contrast, the second picture shows an individual riding a bicycle, which provides amore personal and active way to explore the city.

The bus tour in the first picture is likely guided, withthe passengers being able to relax and listen to information about the sights, while the person on thebicycle in the second picture has more freedom to choose their own route and pace. The first picturecaptures a busier, more communal experience, whereas the second picture highlights a solitary andpossibly more adventurous journey.

The open-top bus offers a more comfortable and leisurely way tosee the city, ideal for tourists who want to cover more ground without much physical effort.

On theother hand, riding a bicycle, as shown in the second picture, is a healthier and environmentally friendway to navigate through the city, providing exercise and a closer connection to the surroundingsBoth methods allow for a unique experience of the city, each catering to different preferences andneeds of the travelers.


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