The key to solving environmental problems is simple: present generations must have a less comfortable life for the sake of future generations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2021/12/4)
关键词:solving environmental problems + present generation + less comfortable life
It is well knownthat our present lifestyle has caused serious trouble for the environment.That is whymany people suggest that we should give up our comfortable life so that the future generations will be able to enjoy a better environment.Though I thinkthis suggestion is quiterelevant, it isfar fromthe best solution to environmental problems.
To be sure, the environment would beconsiderablyimproved if we chose to live a less comfortable life.As a matter of fact, our present lifestyleis largely responsible formany environmental problems. As more and more carsfind their way intohouseholds, the exhaust gas emissions from cars have become the majorculpritin the air pollution and even global warming. The cheap air travel, too,has contributed a great deal to the consumption of nonrenewable energy. In addition, many people like to use animal products, so they never hesitate to kill wild animals,resulting inthe loss of speciesdiversityand destruction of the ecological system.Needless to say, if we drove less, traveled less, and enjoyed less, our environment would become much better.
The issue is, however, thatfew people would like to give up what they have already had.Once having been used tothe conveniences of modern lifestyle, they may find it hard to go without them, evenfor the sake ofthe environment. Furthermore, in most countries in the world, it would be too much to force people to adopt the simpler lifestyles of their parents and grandparents.
The key to solving environmental problems, then, does notlie ingiving a mandatory order that people must live a simpler and less comfortable life, but probably in developing new technologies. Environmentally-friendly alternative energy such as solar energy ought to be widely used so that people may continue their present lifestylebut with little environmental impact. Besides,even with people continuingtheir presentlife style, the importance of environmental protection should bedriven hometo them.
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