Part 3 雅思口语 Elderly People

Elderly People


雅思口语part 3中有很多问题都会涉及到老年人,比如问及老年人的购物习惯、饮食习惯、金钱/消费态度或是对于新事物的接受程度等等。其实在回答与老年人相关的一些问题时,我们可以利用老年人所拥有的共性,举一反三,灵活地应用到不同的问题中。



silent generation 1954前出生的人

baby boomers 1946-1964年出生的人

millennials 1981-1996出生的人

generation Z 1997年后出生的人

are taught to be frugal 被教育要节俭

live a frugal existence 生活俭朴

avoid luxuries 力避奢华

thrifty 节俭的,节约的

develop thrifty habits 形成节约的习惯

emphasise the importance of saving 强调存钱的重要性

grow up with little money 在金钱困乏的条件下长大

are less likely to go into debt 不那么容易身背债务

pay for items in full with cash 用现金全额付款

economic depression 经济萧条

barely make ends meet 几乎入不敷出

scrape by 勉强度日

hedonistic 享乐主义的

hedonism 享乐主义

splurge on sth. 挥霍,大手大脚花钱

keep unused/worn-out items 保留不用的/破旧的物品

come handy 派上用场

save for a rainy day (存钱)未雨绸缪

fancy dining establishment 高档餐饮场所

E.g. To my way of thinking, the elderly’s views of money are sharply different from those of twentysomethings and thirtysomethings. Thosebaby boomers emphasise the importance of savingrather than spending like there’s no tomorrow. They tend tolive a frugal existence, avoiding luxuries. They rarelyeat at fancy dining establishments or splurge onmovies, gym memberships and beauty products. I guess it’s because they were born in times ofeconomic depressionandgrew up with little money. They, therefore, understandably havedeveloped thrifty habits.



are in good nick 身体健康,身体好

develop/contract age-related illnesses 患上老年病

deep-fried food 油炸食物

a bland diet 清淡的饮食

to one’s heart content 随心所欲地

irritate one’s stomach 刺激某人的胃

upset one’s stomach 令某人的胃不舒服

explore ways to maintain health 探索保持健康的方法

health-related shows/books 与健康相关的节目/书籍

are conned out of money 被骗钱

nutritional supplement 营养补充品

delay ageing 延缓衰老

protect sb. from cancer/Alzheimer/hypertension/diabetes 保护某人免受癌症/老年痴呆症/高血压/糖尿病

be taken for a ride 被骗

a miracle cure 灵丹妙药

E.g. As people age,maintaining good healthis the priority. The grey-haired usually explore various ways to help themselves be in good nick. They mightgo for a bland diet, cutting back ondeep-fried foodor any food high in sugar, salt and fat. They no longer consume spicy food and iced drinksto their heart contentas these foods canupset their stomachs.



empty nester 空巢老人

seek better money-making opportunities in larger cities 在更大的城市寻找更好的挣钱机会

pay a visit to them very often 经常看望他们

feel isolated 感觉孤独

loneliness affects people in old age 孤独影响老年人

live with a feeling of loneliness 与孤独感

add some spice to their retired life/spice up their retired life 为其生活增添乐趣

square dance 广场舞

socialise with peers 与同龄人社交

a simple and straightforward way 简单直接的方式

chatter about 闲聊 v.

E.g. Square dance is probably the most popular activity among retirees, many of whom areempty nesters. It’s easy to understand why. Their children are either far away,seeking better money-making opportunities in larger cities, or too busyto pay a visit to them very often. As a result, golden agers have tolive with a feeling of loneliness.To add some spice to their retired life, they take on square dancing. At least for them,it’s a simple and straightforward way to socialise with peersfrom the same neighbourhood.


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