


U.S. News近日公布了录取学生的文书范例,大学招生办也分享了这些文书,并表示这些文书之所以能脱颖而出,是因为它们让学生的形象生动鲜活,帮助学校更好地了解学生。





“学生们可能会为了给招生官留下深刻印象而思虑过多。”康涅狄格学院招生和资助主任Andrew Strickler表示:“事实上那些展示了学生真实个性,能让人真正听到学生自己声音的文书,才是我们认为的好文书。”

佐治亚大学临时招生主任David Graves表示:“相较于查看文书的五段式结构分配,我更关心申请者的经历。”。

达特茅斯学院前招生官,机构美本咨询部副总裁John Beck先生分享,优秀文书的撰写是基于学生个人有意义的经验和反思。招生官不仅想知道学生做了什么,还想知道这背后学生的想法和观点。

“个人陈述不需要囊括学生所有的经历,但学生应该理解文书作为申请材料的一部分,将与推荐信、获得奖项等其它材料一起呈现给招生官,通过讲述一个独特的成长故事,结合学生的学术兴趣和个人特质,展现独特的自己。所以学生应该更有策略性地、全面地、深入地根据自身情况去思考如何通过文书更全面地展现自己。”John Beck先生说,“优秀的文书不取决于学生做了多少“令人印象深刻”的事,而是思考这件事对学生的意义。”


02、选择合适的语气(right tone)去撰写属于自己的故事,对学生来说可能是不小的挑战。虽然现在科技很发达,但还是建议学生不要使用ChatGPT这样的捷径去完成文书。




If you asked me what object I’d save in a burning fire, I’d save my notebook. My notebook isn’t just any notebook, it’s bubble gum pink with purple tie dye swirls, and has gold coil binding it together. But more importantly, it’s the key that unlocked my superpower, sending me soaring into the sky, flying high above any problems that could ever catch me. However, my notebook is simply the key. My real power rests in the depths of my mind, in my passion for writing. But to know how my powers came to be (not from a spider or a special rock), I must travel back to the first spark.

Four years ago, I wrote my first 6-word memoir in my eighth-grade rhetoric class. Inspired by my father’s recently diagnosed terminal illness, I wrote “Take his words, don’t take him”. It was as if all the energy of my powers surged into six meaningful words meant to honor the man that I would soon lose to a villain known as ALS. This was the first time I felt my writing. Three years ago, my dad’s disease severely progressed. The ALS seized his ability to speak and locked it in a tower with no key. The only way we could communicate was with an old spiral notebook. ...


One month ago, I needed my powers more than ever before. I needed them to convey who I truly am for the chance at the future of my dreams as a writer. Except this time, I didn’t need the key because my powers grew into fruition. Instead, I opened my laptop only to type out one sentence… “If you asked me what object to save in a burning fire, I’d save my notebook.”


下面这篇文书由康涅狄格学院的官网分享,并附康涅狄格学院招生副主任 Susanna Matthews的点评,“这篇文书成功地全方位展现了作者个性,又不会过于琐碎或冗长”。

Every person who truly knows me believes that I was born in the wrong century. They call me "an old soul" because I'm a collector, attracted to books, antiques, vinyl records and anything from the 80's. But they also think I am unique in other ways. I believe it is because of the meaningful connections to my two languages and two cultures.

When we moved into our first American house, I was excited to decorate my new room. The first thing I knew I needed was a place to organize my most cherished possessions I have collected throughout my life. I searched and finally found a bookshelf with twenty-five thick sections that I could build and organize alphabetically ... Each shelf holds important objects from different parts of my life. ...

These books are a strong connection to my Brazilian heritage. They also remind me of the time when I was growing up in Brazil, as a member of a large Italian-Brazilian family.







Gabrielle Alias申请巴布森学院时,选择拍摄了一段名为“生活中的一天”视频,来回答的“我是谁?”。

“通过两次访校,我确信自己可以成为巴布森大学校内众多有趣、创新和吸引人的学生之一。”她在视频中说:“我是谁?我是学生。我是读者。我是研究人员。我是音乐爱好者……我是Gabrielle Alias,我为未来自己将成为巴布森学院的一员而感到兴奋。”

巴布森学院的另一位学生Bessie Shiroki选择在文书中描述她访问招生办的经历,以及她是如何迅速找到归属感的。

I immediately smiled at the sight of my favorite board game. Babsonopoly. I love the combination of strategy and luck in this traditional family pastime. Seeing this on the wall in the admissions office gave me immediate comfort; I knew I was home.


It is natural for me to be in a small class where more than one language is spoken. I am accustomed to discussions with diverse viewpoints, open minds, and where differences are seen as advantages. I embrace my cultural uniqueness, and I will add my voice to the community. I can’t imagine not continuing this in college.


Babson recognizes the potential of their students, and FME is a great way for young entrepreneurs like me to find our place in the business world and learn from our mistakes. I am capable of this challenge and will conquer it with tenacity. I will bring my dedication, commitment, and innovative skills to Babson College.

Now it’s my turn to pass go and collect my Babson acceptance letter. I’ve found my next challenge.





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