重复所看到和听到的单词是一个非常容易出现却很难自我意识到的问题。在一些非学术、相对日常的英语表达中,这种重复是可以的。但在学术考试,特别是语言考试中,这绝对不是一个“明智”的做法。从长远的角度来看,这种表达习惯很容易在大学里变成抄袭行为(Plagiarism and copying)。美国大学对这种行为有着非常严格的规定,一旦被判定为抄袭,就会出现成绩作废(fail in assignment),留校察看(academic probation),甚至是被校方开除(expulsion)。
直接引用(direct speech):John said, “I think the university’s new policy is a bad idea.”
间接引用(indirect speech):John said that the university’s new policy was a bad idea.
转述(Paraphrasing):John said that the changes the university made to their policy seemed like a mistake.
在口语综合题task 2中,考生都需要先对阅读材料进行总结和转述。南瓜君以这篇passage为例,给大家示范了以下4种转述之后的表达方式:
Paraphrase 1:
The university will discontinue the sculpture program. Administrators say students simply don’t have much interest in sculpture anymore, and the one sculpture professor in the art department is about to retire anyway.
Paraphrase 2:
University officials have announced that the sculpture program will be cancelled. They cite declining student interest as one of the main reasons for the cancellation. Another issue is a lack of instructors; the only teacher of sculpture courses will be retiring shortly. Finally, the art department doesn’t have enough money for more sculpture classes.
Paraphrase 3:
The school’s sculpture classes are all about to be permanently removed from the art department’s offerings, as students are no longer interested in sculpture, the only sculpture professor is leaving, and there is not enough funding to keep offering these courses.
Paraphrase 4:
The art department at the university is getting more and more students, but at the same time, fewer and fewer students are enrolling in sculpture classes. Because students are no longer interested in sculpture and because the sculpture professor is retiring, school administrators decided to cancel the sculpture program.