It is difficult for people living in cities to get enough physical exercise. What are the causes and what solutions can be taken to solve the problem?
这篇讲述的是城市居民锻炼减少的题目,属于健康类的话题,是一个高频考点。篇幅较为简单,可以多看看相关文章积累。本文可以围绕这两个部分去分析:Why 和 How 。
原因1: 没时间锻炼 全球化和技术发展增加了企业间的竞争,为了存活和发展,公司不得不增加产出。这导致公司员工工作量加大,工作时间变长,下班回家已经很晚,并且身体疲惫,没有时间,没有精力去健身。
原因2: 没地方锻炼 城乡发展不均衡,大量农村人口进城务工。为了容纳更多人口,政府把本公园改造成住房,开发商大大缩小了或者直接取消了房子的户外部分(素材可以串联到“现在房子内的户外区域越来越小”的写作题目) ,而公共的锻炼区域(公园)和家里的锻炼区域(通常是后院和阳台等户外区域)都减少了,人们也没有锻炼的积极性了。
主体段2: 解决方法
方法1: 个人层面 个人可以更合理地规划时间,在日程表中删掉无意义的活动,加入锻炼的时间,锻炼产生的多巴胺也能带来精神的愉悦,比做无意义的活动更值得。
方法2: 公司层面 企业通过其他方式增加产出, 而不是单纯通过加班。精简流程, 改善系统, 增加研发,员工能准点下班。保持生活和工作的平衡,才能迸发更高工作热情,还能反哺企业的生产率。
方法3: 政府层面 个人和企业的做法是增加锻炼的时间,而政府可以提供地点:修建公园和健身器材,吸引市民来锻炼,毕竟人们都喜欢免费的东西。同时,激增的人口可以通过盖更高的公寓楼来解决。
globalization and technological development全球化和技术发展
intensify competition 增加了竞争
in order to survive and thrive为了存活和发展
increase output 增加产出
heavier workload 工作量加大
work longer hours 工作时间变长
have neither the time nor energy to do exercise没有时间和精力锻炼
imbalanced development between urban and rural areas城乡发展不均衡
rural workers swarm into city for jobs大量农村人口进城务工
accommodate the exploding population容纳更多人口
public parks are converted into housing projects公园改造成住房
shrink or complete slash outdoor areas inside homes缩小了或者直接取消了房子的户外部分
the enthusiasm to do workout锻炼的积极性
plan their to-do lists more effectively更合理地规划时间
remove meaningless activities from their daily schedule在日程表中删掉无意义的活动
dopamine released during physical training锻炼产生的多巴胺
streamline their processes, improve the systems and expand research and development精简流程, 改善系统, 增加研发
achieve work-life balance保持生活和工作的平衡
release greater initiative for work迸发更高工作热情
attract more city dwellers to make use of such facilities吸引市民来锻炼
1. Given the increasingly bare-knuckle competition in most industries, be it because of globalization, technological development, or both, companies would have to boost their output in hope of surviving and thriving. 状语从句
2. Little surprise, then, that the duty of expanding company output falls on its employees, who now grapple with heavier workload and have to work longer hours. 同位语,定语从句
3. In order to accommodate the exploding urban population,municipalities replace public parks and sports facilities with housing projects,and property developers shrink or even completely slash outdoor areas in the homes they build.As a result, public and private places for exercise become rare. 目的状语
4. The steps that could be taken to solve this problem fall into two buckets. 定语从句