互利共生是一种双方相互依存、彼此获益的共生现象。高羊茅草(Lolium arundinaceum)与Epichloe coenophiala真菌之间的关系便是互利共生的典型代表。该真菌寄生于高羊茅草地上部分,从草中获取全部营养,而草却无任何外部病症或患病迹象。
高羊茅草是多年生冷季型草坪草,具备很强的适应性和良好的抗逆性,常被用作牧草及草坪草。不过,它与牛马健康问题的联系也需引起重视。研究发现,牛体重增长放缓、奶牛产奶量减少,母马妊娠期流产率升高、产后产奶能力下降,都与食用了感染Epichloe coenophiala真菌的高羊茅草密切相关。这种真菌产生的生物碱是引发上述健康问题的关键所在。
Epichloe coenophiala真菌通过合成生物碱发挥防御性互利共生作用。其一种生物碱能抑制昆虫,从而使高羊茅草更耐昆虫侵害。这些化学物质不仅守护草本身免遭食草动物和昆虫侵扰,还会对周边微生物群落产生影响。
与一般真菌靠空气传播不同,Epichloe coenophiala真菌通过种子传播,尤其是感染发育中的种子胚芽来实现传播。这种传播方式给真菌在种子长期保存中的存活带来了难题。研究人员正致力于探索处理感染种子的方法,以培育出不含真菌的高羊茅植株。
虽然Epichloe coenophiala真菌对牲畜不利,但在草坪、运动场等场景下,其增强的抗虫性却大有裨益。而且,随着基因编辑技术的不断进步,科学家们正在尝试利用该技术培育出既抗虫又不对牲畜造成伤害的牧草新品种,这既能有效解决牲畜健康问题,又能提升高羊茅草在多种用途中的价值。
C 1
一名学生和餐饮服务工作人员说她父母为她购买了每学期235顿的餐食计划meal plan,但她认为太多了,想明年换到最小的餐饮计划。工作人员说父母经常为大一新生通常选择大份计划,不想让他们在饮食上担忧。小份餐食计划(190和95餐)仅针对大三大四学生开放,因为这些学生有更多校外就餐选择。学生最终决定选择190餐的计划。
L 1
地质学讲座,讲解了石油的形成过程。石油是一种化石燃料,来自史前生物的有机物质。化石燃料的种类(固体solid、液体liquid或气体gas)取决于分子molecule中的碳链长度chain length。天然气由少数碳原子组成,而石油则由较长的碳链组成。
C 2
讲解艺术修复art restoration实习internship的对话。学生来问老师去意大利的summer volunteer什么时候出结果,因为学生想如果她没有入选,就要选暑期课。老师说如果她需要上课来获得毕业学分要求,就不建议她去summer volunteer。
L 2
人类学,讲述了人类从游牧nomadic到定居生活sedentary life的转变及其带来的影响。教授首先介绍了新石器革命,这一时期人类开始发展农业和畜牧业,从而转向定居生活。定居生活的优点在于食物供给稳定,且产生了劳动分工,推动了文明的形成。
L 3
TASK 1独立口语题
Your professor has offered you the opportunity to assist him with some significant research this weekend. However, you have made plans to travel to your hometown this weekend to attend your sister’s birthday party. What will you do? Explain the reasons for your choice.
TASK 2校园题
Limit Size of Poetry Writing Classes (The number of students in poetry writing classes in the creative writing program is too large. It is suggested that the number of students in poetry writing classes should be limited to within 15. To limit the class size, the professor can select the most qualified students.)
Point1: A smaller class enables students to receive more individual attention and feedback from the professor, thereby helping to improve their writing skills.
Point 2: By requiring all students interested in taking the poetry writing course to submit writing samples, the professor can select the top 15 students in the class.
Man Agrees
Reason 1: In the poetry class, students will read their poems and receive feedback from the professor. However, if the class is large, there will be few opportunities for reading and receiving feedback.
Reason 2: Currently, only a few students in the poetry class take writing poems seriously, but most of the class time is spent on the poems of those students who are not dedicated to writing.
TASK 3学术讲座题
Credence goodsare products that consumers find it difficult to confirm the benefits after use and can only buy and use based on trust. It takes the example of a professor buying calcium supplements. The professor saw an advertisement promoting the importance of calcium and that many people have insufficient calcium intake, recommending the purchase of supplements. Although the professor didn't feel any changes after buying them, he still believed in their effects.
For instance, the professor saw an advertisement for calcium supplements. The ad mentioned the importance of calcium for the human body and that many people don't get enough calcium in their diet, so it suggested people buy these calcium supplements and take one tablet a day to maintain bone health and strength. When the professor first heard this ad, he didn't think there was a problem with his bones, but the TV ad seemed very reasonable. The professor also wanted to ensure he was getting enough calcium, so he bought a bottle of calcium supplements and started taking them regularly. As a result, the professor didn't feel any changes. He just believed that these supplements were working, strengthening his bones and keeping them healthy, but he wasn't actually sure.
TASK 4 学术讲座题
This lecture is talking about two ways in which eco tourism helps the environment. The first way is to help the environment by reducing pollution during tourists' travel and encouraging the use of clean transportation methods, such as hiking to the scenic spot. The second way is to let tourists participate in environmental restoration projects, making the travel experience a part of participating in the projects, such as planting trees in the rainforest area.
Firstly,eco tourism helps the environment by reducing pollution during tourists' travel. Give an example that a travel company focusing on eco tourism organizes a hiking trip to an ancient site instead of letting tourists take buses that release harmful gases. Thus, this way of sightseeing has less impact on the environment and less air pollution because walking is more environmentally friendly than taking a bus (Eco tourism helps the environment by reducing pollution during tourists' travel. It encourages the use of clean transportation methods. For example, a travel company focusing on eco tourism might organize a hiking trip to an ancient site instead of letting tourists take buses that release harmful gases. Therefore, this way of sightseeing has less impact on the environment and less air pollution because walking is more environmentally friendly than taking a bus.).
Secondly,eco tourism also helps the environment by allowing tourists to participate in environmental restoration projects. These projects enable tourists to understand environmental problems and make their travel experience a part of participating in the projects. For example, an eco tourism company arranges for tourists to plant trees in the rainforest in South America to help restore the deforested area. In this way, tourists can not only enjoy the scenery in South America but also improve the environment and provide a safe habitat for local animals by planting trees (Eco tourism also helps the environment by allowing tourists to participate in environmental restoration projects. These projects make tourists understand environmental problems and make their travel experience a part of participating in these projects. For example, an eco tourism company might arrange a special project for tourists to plant trees in the rainforest in South America to help restore the deforested area. In this way, tourists can not only enjoy the scenery in South America but also improve the environment and provide a safe habitat for local animals by planting trees.).
上午场Crewless ships
Recently, the crew-less cargo ships, which can navigate the ocean without a crew on board, are expected to transport goods around the world. The reading claims three advantages of the crewless cargo ships, but the lecture disagrees with the ideas in the reading and holds an opposite belief that the crew-less cargo ships cannot offer significant advantages over the traditional ships.
First, the passage mentions that the costs of crew-less ships are cheaper than the traditional ships. Hiring an onboard crew to operate a traditional ship can cost $3000-$4000 a day, but the expense can be saved if choosing the crew-less ships. On the contrary, the lecture demonstrates a different idea that the crew-less ships cannot save more money than the traditional ships. To be specific, the crew members in the traditional ships can perform maintenance of the ships, while the crew-less ships have to go to harbor for maintenance, and during the maintenance period, the crew-less cannot earn money. Thus, the crew-less ships cannot save much money due to the maintenance of the ships.
Second, the author asserts that the crew-less ships can prevent the pirates from taking over the ships. The pirates may go aboard on the traditional ships, force the crew members to hand over the control of the ships, and steal valuable cargo. Without the crew members, the ships can be less vulnerable to piracy. In the contrast, the speaker states a contrary idea that pirates still have other ways to steal the crew-less ships. The crew-less ships need receive occasional transmission from land, such as the software updates for the technology, but the cyber pirates can alternate the instructions, which means that the pirates can change the courses of crew-less ships even without being near the ships. Thus, the author is heavily challenged by the speaker again.
Last but not least, the article suggests that these crew-less cargo ships can avoid some accidents. There are hundreds of accidents each year in traditional ships, such as fires in engine rooms and taking on water, which are caused by distracted or tired crew members. However, the lecture casts doubt on this advantage and asserts that the crew members can prevent some accidents when the technology fails. According to the listening material, the sensor technology may not work in certain conditions, such as high winds or other extreme weather conditions. If the crew are on board, they can spot the objects in the path and alternate the course timely. Thus, without the crew, technology failure may cause more serious accidents.
下午场Irish Round Towers
There were many stone constructions in Ireland called “Irish round towers”, which were probably built around 1000 years ago. The reading claims that several hypotheses seem to illustrate the purpose of the towers, but lecturer disagrees with the reading and believes that none of the hypotheses is practical.
First, the passage mentions that these towers served as forts to protect residents from foreign invaders. On the contrary, the listening material demonstrates the opposite idea that these towers were not built as forts. To be more specific, most tall buildings need strong underground foundation to support their heavy weight. However, this Irish round towers had no underground foundation, so the constructor piles miles of stones and soil above the ground inside the tower, contributing to the unusual design of doors. Thus, the round towers had no defensive value.
In addition, the author states that the towers were used to be bell towers, as the original name of round towers literally resemble the word that meant bell house. In contrast, the lecturer asserts that the original name is not only similar to the word that meant bell house but also sound like the word that meant stone house. According to the listening material, Irish round towers was the only significant stone-structured building at that time. It is difficult to distinguish whether the name of the round tower comes from the stone house or from the bell tower. Also, there is no archaeological evidence of the existence of bells in the tower. Therefore, the author is heavily challenged by the lecture again.Two words that similar to the original name of round towers were so hard to distinguish.
Last but not least, the article suggests that the towers seem to function as watchtower since the Irish round tower were tall architectures which provided residents a high place to monitor enemies or visitors. However, the speaker is suspicious of the article and asserts that watchtowers need windows from all directions, while many round towers were not built as this way. In fact, certain round towers were built in the valley. Hills around the tower were much taller than the towers, which blocked the views and there were only a few of windows that in specific directions. As a result, the round towers probably did not function as watchtowers.
This week we are studying how policy for public schools is created and how it may change over time. One very important topic for educational policy involves what courses should be taught in schools. Many people believe that new forms of communication and new kinds of employment require that new and different kinds of courses be taught. The question I want you to discuss is whether new, innovative subjects should be taught in public schools.
I definitely think there should be new kinds of courses taught in public schools. For instance, people communicate more and more on the Internet by sharing photographs and videos with each other. I think a course in video composition-that is, how to make good and effective videos-would be really valuable to today's students. And there are many other similar topics that students might benefit from.
I really don't think the high school curriculum needs to change. The main purpose of most courses in high school is to prepare students for higher education, and those basic requirements haven't changed. If students want to learn other things, like how to compose photographs or edit films, they can watch instructional videos on the Internet. They don't need a class in school to learn things like that.
I think new and unique subjects should be included in the curriculum of public schools. With the widespread use of the Internet, online communication has become increasingly important. People now often rely on social media platforms to learn about others, products, and services. In this situation, if students can learn new subjects like video editing, image enhancement, and content writing, it will undoubtedly open up more possibilities for their future presentations and job opportunities.
For example, in the past, English graduates could easily find jobs as English teachers or translators, but now it's becoming more challenging. However, if they had learned video editing during high school, they would be able to adapt to the changing job market. Many have started working in online English teaching or sales, using the video editing skills they acquired during their high school years. These courses and skills have helped them find a starting point for their careers.
Kelly mentioned students who want to learn these subjects can use instructional videos online. However, when students learn on their own, they often approach it with more of an entertainment mindset rather than a focus on learning. By incorporating these subjects into the school curriculum, there will be concrete teaching plans in place. This ensures that students not only memorize information but also understand and apply it. Regular assessments and evaluations will also help students master these skills and make necessary adjustments to their learning. This comprehensive approach will better prepare them for future employment and improve their communication abilities.
Dr. Gupta:
We've been talking about the process of starting a new business. One of the most important aspects of the process is staffing-that is, deciding which people to hire. Please discuss the following question: Is it better for new businesses to hire experienced veterans of the industry or to staff the business with younger employees who are right out of university? Why do you think so?
I think a company should staff a business with the most experienced employees possible. If you're starting a new business, you need people around you who know what they are doing and can get the business up to speed fast. Spending time training inexperienced people will slow you down.
I understand what Claire is saying, but if you are starting a new business, you want people who are particularly enthusiastic and energetic. Who better than a recent graduate to bring those qualities to the job? You would be guaranteed an ambitious hard worker.
I believe that hiring an experienced veteran will be better for a newly founded business. Experienced veterans could lead the business to the right path, just like an adult teaching a baby how to walk. On the contrary, young employees who are right out of the university could not help much of the business since they don't have experience, probably making mistakes on almost every step. For example, my dad has just founded a new business where he receives architectural work from other people and he designs it for them. His employees consist of two younger employees who have just finished university and one 40-year-old worker. The older worker helped almost on every subject they needed to do, designing 3D modeling, managing finance, and even establishing business connections, from which these two young employees learned a lot. My dad's business is now successful thanks to precious working experienced shared by the seasoned veteran.
I understand Paul's point that young people are indeed enthusiastic and optimistic, but I believe that this can sometimes be based on not knowing the harsh environment of society, some young people’s enthusiasm could wane after they experience various challenges and overwhelming pressure in the industry. On the contrary, older workers can be enthusiastic because they have fought for their goals in the fields for many years, and for many of those who have persisted will continue to strive for their ambitions. Thus, these people are highly motivated by themselves rather than reality.