gluten 这个东西就是谷物类的食品中含的。
第二个是, 它可能会导致胃的疼痛,还有疲劳,
@156期 X.
Dr. Achebe
Today we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding availablefor schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on schoolteachers’ salariesbecause, if the salaries improved, more qualified people will beattracted to the profession.Others believe the money should be spent on additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with?
I believe that increasing teachers' salaries will improve the quality of education. If they earn more money, people will consider teaching as a viable profession rather than opting for private sector jobs. We need the brightest minds in the classrooms.
I acknowledge that school teachers already earn a decent salary and provide high-quality education. I'm not certain how much of an impact increasing their salaries would have. Nonetheless, schools always require new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are constantly evolving, and we need to prepare students with the most up-to-date materials.
(1). 这个题目是一个很经典的教育类-老师和学校设备的话题。今年9月10日刚考过。因为这个题目太经典,所以选作为写作团day4的延伸联系题目。写作团day5也重点推送了关于教师和设备的语料。认真学习过老师写作团的同学,应该写起来很轻松过了。
1. "given the limited funding availablefor schools."从学校角度:
学校的资金也是有限的。可以分析哪一个选项会给学校造成大的经济压力。比如,相对而言,购买更多的书籍, 电脑等是一笔不菲的开销。为了负担这个支出,可能会需要提升学费、或者政府收更多的税收来拨款… (写作团-政府话题思路)
2. 学生的角度:
老师对学生的影响比其他资源更大一些。因为老师不仅能给他们讲述课本上的复杂知识,还给学生传授一些重要的价值观。比如, 帮助一些问题少年回到正轨等(写作团语料/老师的功能)。这些都是其他教学资源比如书籍做不到的。所以,老师值得更高的薪水,促使他们更加努力工作,帮助学生…
3. "more qualified people will beattracted to the profession".老师的角度:
提供工资才会让老师更投入工作,和吸引到有才华的人做老师。因为现在老师工资很低,很多老师无法养家糊口,所以很多有才华的人都不愿意从事教师的行业。但是, 如果学校提升他们的工资。在职老师就会认真工作;有才华的人就愿意加入老师的队伍…
4. “books and computers”设备:
好的教学设备能够帮助学生更有效地理解知识。很多知识对学生来说都比较抽象,比如天文宇宙,物理学中的光波传输… 这些知识无论老师的阐释多么清晰,学生可能还是觉得难以理解。但是,如果学校购买一些先进的设备,比如天文望远镜,投影仪等… 学生就能看到… (写作团语料)
I side with Kelly.I alsobelieve that schools should prioritize increasing teachers' salaries over investing in other educational resources. Teachers play a pivotal role in students' development that extends far beyond what textbooks or computers can offer. They not only convey complex knowledge but also answer students' questions on various life issues, including relationships, and even guide juvenile delinquents onto the right track.However, despite their significance, teachers often find themselves underpaid. The average annual income for a teacher is approximately ten thousand dollars, roughly equivalent to that of a construction worker. Consequently, many educators are forced to take on part-time jobs or private tutoring sessions just to make ends meet, compromising their availability to students in need.If schools were to increase their salaries, teachers would be more willing and able to go the extra mile for their students. This could include staying after school to address individual questions or tailoring lesson plans to better cater to diverse learning needs. Therefore, if the aim is to foster a more effective educational environment, schools would be wise to focus on adequately compensating their teaching staff.