2025香港理工大学招收优秀博士 反应器设计工程师—电合成、电化学反应器方向
张晓,香港理工大学助理教授,博士生导师。张晓博士于2017年在新加坡南洋理工大学获得博士学位,之后于2019年在美国莱斯大学从事博士后研究,2021年秋季就职于香港理工大学任助理教授 (assistant professor)。主要从事清洁能源转换,电解池反应器的设计、组装,纳米材料的合成和等方向。目前在 Nature, Nat. Energy, Nat. Catal., Nat. Chem., Nat. Rev. Chem., Nat. Commun., Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Joule 等国际学术期刊上发表 SCI论文 110 余篇。
并于 2020-2024年连续五年入榜全球 “高被引科学家”,2016 年荣获欧洲材料研究协会“青年科学家奖”,2020 年荣获意大利“fondazione oronzio e niccolò de nora fellowships”国际奖金。2023中国新锐科技人物“卓越影响奖”。
CO2 捕获及还原等清洁能源转化:
- 电化学反应器设计;
- 电化学小分子转化(例如H2O、O2、CO2和N2等)电化学转化为高附加值化学品;
- 膜组装技术及工艺。
- 诚实守信,对科研有热情,工作踏实勤奋,做事严谨,善于团队合作。
- 欢迎具有硕士科研经历的同学,也欢迎优秀的本科生。化学,材料科学,物理等相关专业背景优先考虑。
- 在电催化及反应器设计、能源存贮与转化、CO2 捕获及还原、纳米材料合成等领域有研究经历并有相关论文者优先考虑。
- 英语成绩要求。ielts>=6.5,单科不低于5.5;或Tofel>80。*注意,语言成绩是工程学院的硬性要求。
- 香港理工大学研究生院的其他具体要求请浏览:http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/rpg/20223/me
香港理工大学博士研究生的奖学金约为每月19200 (after confirmation) 港币。(除掉学费和平时生活费,仍有可观的盈余)。条件优异者可申请港府博士奖学金(HKPFS)和校长奖学金(PPPFS),奖学金约为每月26,900和26600港币,并享受学费免除、会议差旅费补贴等福利。
具体福利及申请条件请浏览:具体福利及待遇查询:https://www.polyu.edu.hk/gs/pros ... cholarship-schemes/备注:请注意各类奖学金的报名时间,港府博士奖学金通常从9月1日开始申请,提交截止日期为每年12月1日(香港时间中午12:00)。
有意者请将CV、科研经历、成绩单、语言成绩、发表论文等相关资料发送至张教授(xiao1.zhang@polyu.edu.hk)。并在邮件主题中注明"PhD/Postdoc. application-your name"。
课题:Intelligent Transport Network Optimisation and Decision Support Leveraging Machine Learning and Operations Research主题:运筹学、机器学习。场景:智能交通网络优化、决策支持。联系方式:J.Woodward@lboro.ac.uk, xinwei.wang@qmul.ac.uk(感兴趣的同学请从速联系 Dr John Woodward 和 Dr Xinwei Wang)。联系截止日期:2025年1月5日。套瓷材料要求:个人简历、成绩单、雅思/托福成绩单、研究计划(不强求,有最好)。详情介绍请见以下英文描述。
成功申请者除拥有拉夫堡大学Dr John Woodward作第一导师外,还将有Queen Mary University of London的Dr Xinwei Wang作第二导师;
将有机会到Queen Mary University of London进行为期最长12个月的学习培训;提供CSC奖学金外的额外资金,用于参与国际会议、走访合作大学或工业伙伴等。
拉夫堡大学QS 2024世界排名212、UK National Complete University Guide Rankings 2023全国第7。计算机科学整体满意度英国第一。
General Topic:
Intelligent Transport Optimisation and Decision Support Leveraging Machine Learning and Operations ResearchPrimary advisor: Dr John R. Woodward,Co-advisor: Dr Xinwei Wang.To apply for the Loughborough CSC studentship, the applicant will work with the supervisors to complete a research proposal within the general topic mentioned above i.e. intelligent transport.A list of potential research projects include:
- Truck Platooning Coordination with Uncertainties
- Optimised Coordination of Truck and Drone Routes for Last-Mile Urban Deliveries
- Integrated Airport Airside Operations
- Scheduling Collaborative Ground and Aerial Vehicles for Emergency Reconnaissance
- Analysis of Shared and Personalised Factors Influencing Driver Perception of Risk
About the scholarship:
- CSC will provide living expenses and return flight tickets and Loughborough will provide a full tuition fee;
- Successful applicants will join the Department of Computer Science at Loughborough, working with the primary supervisor at the same department, and with the external academic supervisor at Queen Mary University of London;
- The student will have the opportunity to visit Queen Mary University of London for up to 12 months to boost their skills, grow their network and work alongside other academic researchers;
- Additional funding will be available to cover site visits and dissemination of the results at international conferences, workshops and collaborative universities and industrial partners.
About the applicants:
- A top Master or undergraduate student (top 5%) in the following areas: Computer Science, Operational Research, Machine Learning, Transportation Engineering, Systems Engineering and Control Engineering.
- English minimum requirement: IELTS 6.5 or equivalent English tests.
- Preferably from a top Chinese university (211 and 985).
- Preferably with some decent publications.
About the supervisors:
Primary Supervisor: Dr John R. Woodward (https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/compsci/staff/john-woodward/) is the Head of Computer Science Department and a Reader in Computer Science at Loughborough University. He received the B.Sc. degree in theoretical physics, M.S. degree in cognitive science, and Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K. He has previously led the Operational Research group at Queen Mary, University of London (http://or.qmul.ac.uk/people.html) and prior to that lectured at the Universities of Stirling, Nottingham and Birmingham.
He was with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland, where he conducted research into particle physics, the Royal Air Force as an Environmental Noise Scientist, and Electronic Data Systems as a Systems Engineer. He has expertise in Automatically Building Better Algorithms, and genetic programming. He has worked on domains including combinatorial optimisation problems, scheduling, and software engineering. He is currently ranked at position 36 out of over 10,000 researchers on The Genetic Programming Bibliography and regularly contributes to The Conversation supporting public engagement.
External Supervisor: Dr Xinwei Wang (https://www.sems.qmul.ac.uk/staff/x.wang) is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK. He was a Postdoc at TU Delft, The Netherlands from 2020 to 2022, and at QMUL from 2019 to 2020, respectively. Prior to that, he obtained a PhD degree from Beihang University, China in 2019. Over the years, he has integrated artificial intelligence and systems engineering for risk assessment, motion planning and decision making in aerospace/transport intelligent systems. He has established close connections to world-leading research groups from University of Sheffield, Cranfield University, Loughborough University, TU Munich, TU Berlin, TU Delft, TU Dresden, EPFL and also top universities in China. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal Advances in Space Research, and member of Young Editorial Board of the Journal Astrodynamics. He is a recipient of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Co-Fund Fellowship (2022), and IEEE ITSS Young Professionals Travelling Fellowship (2022). He has authored over 40 papers, including those in TR Part C, IEEE T-ITS, IEEE T-SMC, IEEE T-FS, IEEE T-VT, IEEE T-AES, etc. He has been listed in Top 2% Scientists in Aerospace & Aeronautics Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University.The deadline for submitting your application to Loughborough is 31 January 2025. If you are interested in this CSC studentship, please contact Dr John Woodward and Dr Xinwei Wang with your CV, transcripts, English test scores (IELTS/TOEFL) and (preferably) a research proposal no later than 5 January 2025 by email: J.Woodward@lboro.ac.uk and xinwei.wang@qmul.ac.uk. Interviews will be arranged shortly.