









1. Soil conservation in the United States 美国保护土壤


2. Waking Up:Coming out of Hibernation 走出冬眠



1. Pueblo印第安村落的衰退


2.Oviparity and viviparity in reptiles and birds卵生和胎生








1. 地球的大气




2. 工业革命


1.TheChaco Phenomenon

A truly remarkable transformation in settlement patterns occurred in the San Juan basin in northwestern New Mexico in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries, with small household farmsteads giving way to aggregated communities centered on communal masonry buildings that are now called "great houses." These structures are found throughout the basin but are concentrated in Chaco Canyon, where several examples contained hundreds ofrooms and reached four stories in height. The largest great house is Pueblo Bonito, with over 600 rooms covering two acres. The entire episode of great house construction in Chaco, the Bonito phase (A.D. 900-1140), was obviously a time of immense cooperative effort. At least 200,000 wooden beams averaging 5 meters long and 20 centimeters in diameter were brought to the canyon from distances between 40 and 100 kilometers away to build a dozen

great houses, signifying a huge labor investment and a complex production



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这种结构上的差异影响了它们捕食的方式。鳄鱼的下颚牙齿在闭嘴时会外露,这是它们的一个重要特征,而短吻鳄的牙齿则不会在闭嘴时外露。在感官感知方面,鳄鱼和短吻鳄都拥有高度发达的感觉激活系统。它们能够通过皮肤感知刺激,这涉及到感官知觉(sensory perception)的复杂过程。这些感觉包括对化学刺激的感知,这对于捕食和社交互动至关重要。



TASK 1独立口语题

Some people think that parents should help children solve their problems. Others think that children should learn to solve problems on their own. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples.

TASK 2校园题

The reading passage proposes making the campus meal plan more flexible by implementing two changes. First, students should be allowed to use their meal cards at various dining locations across campus. Second, the school should provide the option for carry-out meals.

In the conversation, the woman partially agrees with the proposal. She supports the first change because many of her biology classes are held in the Science Building, which is far from the main dining hall. As a result, she often doesn't have enough time to walk there for lunch and ends up grabbing something quick from the coffee shop in the building. Allowing the use of meal cards at multiple locations would make her daily routine much easier.

However, she disagrees with the second change regarding carry-out meals. She believes this could be inconvenient for students. For example, not everyone might remember to place an order in advance, and some students might have to carry their meals around all day, especially if they have morning classes. This seems impractical and could add unnecessary hassle to students' already busy schedules.

TASK 3学术讲座题

The reading passage discusses the Ratchet Effect, which explains that people tend to increase their spending when their income goes up, but they struggle to reduce their spending when their income decreases. This is because individuals get used to a higher standard of living and find it difficult to cut back.

In the lecture, the professor shares a personal experience that illustrates this concept. He mentions that during his younger years, he had to teach additional classes for a few semesters, which increased his income. With this extra money, he started eating out more often. However, when his income returned to its normal level, he found it very challenging to stop dining out. As a result, he faced financial difficulties and even accumulated credit card debt. This example clearly demonstrates how the Ratchet Effect can lead to financial problems when people are unable to adjust their spending habits to match their reduced income.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

The lecture discusses two protective features that marine animals in open waters use to avoid being detected by predators.

First, some marine animals are almost completely transparent, allowing light to pass through their bodies, which helps them blend in with the surrounding water. Their tissues are mostly colorless, although their internal organs might still be visible. An example of this is eels. In their juvenile stage, eels have a transparent and flat body shape, resembling a translucent ribbon. Their digestive system is also very simple, making it difficult for predators to spot them.

Second, marine animals can develop features that reflect water like a mirror, making them less visible to predators. An example of this is sardines. Sardines have silver scales covering their bodies, which reflect the light entering the water from the surface. This reflection makes the sardines appear like the water's surface, thus reducing their visibility to predators.

These adaptive features help marine animals survive in the open ocean by making it harder for predators to detect them.



A climbing plant known as kudzu was introduced into the southeastern United States, where it can enhance gardens and prevent soil erosion. However, it has since become an invasive species that kills off native plants. The reading claims that three methods of controlling the spread of kudzu have been proposed, but the listening material disagrees, believing that these three methods are not effective.

Firstly, the reading claims that removing the root crown can help eliminate this invasive species. Specifically, new vines grow from the root crown, and cutting it can help eradicate kudzu. In contrast, the listening material presents the opposite argument, stating that removing the root crown may not be effective. According to the listening material, the root crown starts to grow two to three centimeters below the soil and extends deep into the ground, making it difficult to find and cut. If any parts of the crown are left intact, a new kudzu vine will quickly regrow.

In addition, the passage mentions that transporting goats to certain areas and allowing them to graze on kudzu can help remove it. However, the lecturer asserts that this method may not work. The removal of kudzu requires goats to graze on it continuously in the same location for an extended period, but these goats will only stay for a short time before being moved to other areas infested with kudzu. Consequently, the kudzu will regrow soon after the goats are relocated. Thus, the lecturer heavily challenges the author's claims once again.

Lastly, the author asserts that microorganisms can feed on kudzu. According to the passage, scientists conducted an experiment in which kudzu was infected with fungus in the morning, and by the afternoon, signs of infection were already visible. However, the speaker is skeptical of this claim and suggests that there is a problem with this approach. Specifically, kudzu is widely spread, and controlling it would require a significant number of fungi, but there are not enough resources to cultivate them in the lab. Furthermore, if a person comes into contact with the plant infected with the fungi, they may experience skin irritation.







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