一篇好的why school“为什么选择这个学校”副文书,需要首先能列出自己和学校的链接,然后能精准地总结自己和学校的最匹配的点。很多副文书字数有限,需要你精炼地概括大量的信息,包括why major的信息也要包含在这个文书内。这并不是你换个学校名字就可以提交给任何一所学校的,而是要针对目标学校去用心定制的。我们来看看这位同学的“为什么选择西北大学”的300字的副文书吧:
“Why Northwestern”Statement:
I have spent almost every summer attending academic programs under different branches of mathematics. However, it was the online statistics course this summer taught by Northwestern Prof Michael Bailey that showed me how to apply math skills in solving real-life problems. In addition to earning an A in the Northwestern College Preparation Program, I learned different statistical methods and realized the potential of how math helps analyze complex issues and predict outcomes in other fields. It opened a new path for me and inspired me to continue exploring applied math topics including probabilities and statistics, along with pure math.
If admitted, I would take full use of the Boas Mathematics Library and the College Mathematics Journal, making my contributions to Northwestern’s mathematics community. Additionally, I would like to join Prof Bailey's research projects, helping enhance statistical models. I also hope to represent Northwestern in math competitions like the William Lowell Putnam Competition.
第二小节紧接着第一段的夏校课程内容,列出自己进了学校之后在数学方面的三个计划,分别是如何利用数学系的资源,如何跟夏校老师做研究,以及继续代表学校打竞赛的计划。这也间接说明了我在这些方面的经历的储备,已经准备好了迎接大学学术挑战。这一小节虽短,却在why school中包含了why major的内容,信息量很大。
My desire to take undergraduate courses in environmental sciences and economics in addition to math reflects Northwestern's spirit of academic diversity. These topics are ever more relevant today. At Keystone, I have taken part in service activities and research projects in these two areas, and the Quarter System will allow room for more exploration.
Northwestern's perfect combination of “theory and application,” “big city and college town,” and “global presence and close-knit society” makes it the best fit. I hope not to limit myself to textbooks but to work on real-life challenges as well, and the Internship Credits and the Northwestern Career Advancement Office offer great internship opportunities. At Evanston, I will find a balance between the hustle and bustle of Chicago and the calm atmosphere most suitable for in-depth investigations and research. I also expect to meet scholars and students from around the world who share my interests.
在暑假的文书工坊中,我们还会给同学们分享更多的案例故事,协助学生写出适合自己的针对ED目标学校的why school 文书。