




欧洲的原始工业化 Proto-industrialization in Europe

近代早期的富裕商人 (约1500-1800年) 将他人生产的商品(产品) 运往遥远的市场。或者他们监督制造企业,特别是从事国内或“外包”系统的纺织企业。在这种制度下,商人获得原材料,将其分发给在自己的小屋里劳动的农村工人,并收集成品出售。这种制度雇佣了男人、妇女和儿童,在18世纪蓬勃发展。它构成了欧洲制造业的“前工业”阶段,以农村生产和城市导向的交换为特征。

技术创新也为欧洲经济增长做出了贡献。到1500年,欧洲已经以生产的方式使用机器。水车和风车帮助研磨谷物、酿造啤酒、抽水、造纸、锯木和处理纺织品。运河网络的建立促进了商品的流通而运河网络的建立又是由水闸的发明 (河流或运河上的闸门,可以改变水位,使船只通过障碍) 所实现的。在接下来的几个世纪里其他新的机器和工业流程改进了纺织和玻璃制造、煤炭开采和钢铁生产。

然而,这种增长有一个缺点:通货膨胀讯速。大量金条(金条或金币) 被注入欧洲经济,现有货币被故意贬值,欧洲人口稳步上升,导致价值和价格的爆炸性增长。商品价格上涨,工资和租金滞后,地区差异:在西班牙,价格在1600年之前的100年里增加了两倍多,在英格兰,基本商品的价格在同一时期增加了近六倍。价格急剧上涨的模式对不同的群体有不同的影响--它使商人能够积累资本,用于投资更多的制造业和贸易,同时它也具有非常大的影响力。


杰克逊时代的交通运输 Jacksonian age transportation




冰川 glacier





Conversation 1

The listening is about a student who wants to apply to be an assistant and says that not all assistants are graduate students. In the conversation, one topic is about dining in the cafeteria. The student always asks questions. Then there is the mention of building a website.

Lecture 1

In an art history class, the professor discusses the development of American photography in the late 19th century. With the advent of portable cameras, photography gradually became an activity that ordinary people could participate in. However, this also led to the devaluation of photographic art as it was regarded as a simple "reproduction" lacking the skills and personal expression required in painting. Alfred Stieglitz had a different view. He advocated that photographers should distinguish themselves from amateurs through artistic expression. He participated in the "Pictorialism" movement which emphasized the emotional impact of images rather than simply reproducing scenes. Pictorialists used various techniques before and after shooting to manipulate the photo effects, including combining multiple images, scratching or doodling on the negative, and using soft focus techniques to create a dreamy effect. The professor mentioned Stieglitz's work "The Terminal" and pointed out that its soft tones and strong contrast between light and dark enhanced the atmosphere of the photo. The use of steam in the picture further added to the dreamy effect. In terms of composition, by having the characters facing away from the audience, the environment became equally important. In addition, the professor emphasized that the progressive idea of Stieglitz and pictorialists was to integrate daily life into art rather than only focusing on major events. Stieglitz was not only an artist but also an editor and gallery owner. He founded the "Photo-Secession" group. Although his strong personality caused controversy, his influence on photography as an art form cannot be denied.

Lecture 2

In an environmental science class, the lecturer discusses the potential of hydrogen and its application as a clean and renewable energy source. Hydrogen is the simplest and most common element in the universe and is a key component in various molecules such as water, ammonia, nylon, and DNA. However, it usually does not exist alone in nature and needs to be extracted from hydrogen-containing compounds. Currently, most commercial extraction methods rely on fossil fuels, leading to environmental problems. Researchers are exploring more environmentally friendly methods for extracting hydrogen. For example, in an experiment, cellulose from grass was used. By combining light, water, and a catalyst, hydrogen was successfully released. Catalysts such as gold, nickel, and palladium were used in the experiment. It was found that nickel had a good effect and the lowest cost. In a subsequent experiment, researchers directly used raw grass and found that this method was also effective. In addition, another group of researchers explored the possibility of extracting hydrogen from plastic materials. By applying a liquid catalyst to waste plastic bottles, immersing them in an aqueous solution and exposing them to sunlight, they successfully converted water into hydrogen and at the same time converted plastic into harmless organic molecules. This method can handle contaminated waste without the need for clean plastic. These studies show the potential of extracting hydrogen from common resources. Although it remains to be seen whether large-scale production is possible in the future, the current progress is encouraging.

Conversation 2

It is about parking for a concert.

Lecture 3

In psychology, whether people will predict future events based on their current feelings, that is, heat and global warming.


Conversation 1

Discussing food service. A student participates in planning a dance activity and wants to introduce the nutrition of food to others because people nowadays are very concerned about food nutrition. The professor says that previous students were not like this. This question was tested. Then the student says that they want to make a website to specifically introduce the ingredients of food such as calories because the current websites are not convenient for students to browse. This was tested. Finally, the student says that a friend will come to help make this website. Many people come to ask for food nutrition information and where it is. Then it is said that in the past, people only cared about whether they could eat enough. Now they are more particular. And a new service will be provided to tell students about these.

Lecture 1

In physics, trying to do work with particles doesn't work, but it can be done with bacteria. Brownian motion in physics.

Lecture 2

In historical archaeology, the source of wheat in the UK. Archaeologists accidentally discovered archaeological traces in the sea. A question was tested on what the role of lobster is. The answer is this. This was not damaged because it was wrapped with peat or something. I can't remember the middle part. Anyway, it is said that through this discovery, it seems that wheat was transported here by ship.

Conversation 2

The second conversation is probably about a student going to ask the teacher how to deal with various conflicting information encountered when preparing a paper. The professor says that the internet is not a very good source of information and one should have a critical spirit. Earlier, the professor also asked the student to help him put up a flyer for a movie. It was mentioned that the characters in it are somewhat related to the student's project. The details were not heard very clearly.

Lecture 3

Art reconstruction recipes. It is said that the fresco needs to be left for a while and then it is verified through experiments.


Conversation 1

At the beginning, the teacher thought the student didn't want to participate in volunteer activities, so he mentioned that volunteering would increase confidence in academics and something else. (Here, there is a multiple-choice question asking about the benefits. There is also a question asking why the professor said these. I chose the option that defends university policy.) Subsequently, the student said that they felt there was no differentiation in the school's volunteer activities. (Here, there is a question asking why the student finds it uninteresting. I chose the option that he had participated in similar activities before.) Then the teacher asked the student what courses they were taking recently. The student said they were learning business strategy. The teacher recommended a garden project to the student. The student thought the teacher was asking her to plant trees. (Here is a question. I chose that the student thinks they are not competent for tree planting work.) Finally, the professor said that this project requires planning social media marketing.

Lecture 1

In a psychology class, the professor discusses when humans begin to understand that others hold different beliefs. By telling a personal experience, the professor introduces the concept of "false belief", explaining that adults can realize that different people may have different beliefs, while young children may not have this ability. The professor mentioned the "candy experiment". Three or four-year-old children watch a person put candy in a blue cabinet.


TASK 1独立口语题

When traveling in an unfamiliar place, some people prefer to use smartphones or other navigational devices to get around and find places. Others prefer to explore on their own and ask others for directions when necessary. Which do you prefer?

TASK 2校园题

The university plans to launch the "Food Truck Friday" event every Friday afternoon in the parking lot outside Newman Hall, henceintroducing international cuisineto enrich the campus's dining options. Firstly, the school believes that students will be satisfied with this diverse options and willing to try some exotic cuisine that is difficult to come by on a regular basis. Secondly, the initial plan is to introduce these food trucks as specialty dining services during Friday lunch hours, and based on their popularity, the university may consider extending the service hours to other times in the future.

The girl agrees with this plan. Since, the selection of dishes in the school cafeteria is limited, and the cooks there may not be good at making authentic international cuisine, providing truly exotic flavors. However, the current schedule may not be reasonable enough, as many students will go home or travel on weekends, and they may not stay at school during lunchtime, so they may miss this activity.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Hyperpredation (某个原题)

Predator-prey relationships are normally kept in balance naturally;that is, if a predator species kills too many of its prey, then the predator s population will eventually decline because it now lacks sufficient prey to eat. The reduction in the predator population then allows the prey population to increase again, and the cycle continues. Sometimes however, the normal predator-prey balance breaks down and predators become unusually abundant, which is known as hyperpredation. Hyperpredation usually occurs following the introduction of a second, alternative prey. This additional food source allows predator numbers to greatly increase and can even result in the extinction of the original, primary prey

Okay here's a great example of this that your textbook doesn't cover.There's a remote unpopulated island near Australia called Macquarie Island.British sailors started visiting it in the early nineteenth century, and sailors at that time normally carried a few cats on board their shipsto control rats.Some of the cats escaped off the visiting ships, and started living and reproducing on the island as wildcats.So that explains how a cat population became established on this island. And one of their favorite foods was a certain bird, a parakeet that also lived on the island.Cats were the only animal there that ate the parakeets and the parakeets were still easily able to survive.In fact, the two populations managed to live together and survive for close to sixty years without any major problem.That all changed in the late nineteenth century, when rabbits began living on the island.Other sailors brought rabbits with them as a source of food while they visited the island and, like the cats, the rabbits escaped and started reproducingvery fast, as rabbits do.Notbefore long, there was a huge number of rabbits on the island as well.

As you may know,cats eat rabbits too.So eventually the cat population began expanding significantly.With more and more cats around the population of the cat's other food source, the parakeetbegan droppingto the point, in fact, that not a single MacquarieIsland parakeet has been seen on the island since the early twentieth century.

Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrates the concept of hyperpredation.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

There are two main motivations for companies to adopt ingredient branding strategies. Thefirst is to enhance trust, so consumers trust unfamiliar products. For example, an emerging ice cream manufacturer has started using a popular candy brand in its products. In the supermarket, customers see the brand name of a well-known candy printed on the ice cream packaging and believe that the taste of this ice cream will be excellent.

The second motivation is to reduce marketing costs. For example, Ice cream and candy companies collaborate to promote a new ice cream product, and the candy company participates in sharing the cost of television advertising. Although ice cream is not its direct product, the advertisement mentions the name of the candy company, which not only saves promotional costs for the ice cream company, but also brings indirect exposure to the candy company.



In Antarctica, there is an area covered by icebergs calledGamburstevrange. Thereadingpresents threehypothesestoexplainhow this mountain range was formed.

One theory suggests that the formation of this mountain range is attributed to the existence of volcanoes and magma under the crust in this region. When magma erupts, this mountain range is formed. However, the lecturer refutes this point by emphasizing that in the area near this mountain range, there are no magma storage points or traces of volcanoes. Because the nearest area is still thousands of kilometers away, it is too far to be connected with this mountain range..

Furthermore, the reading explains that It is possible that it is due to the collision of two large crustal plates nearby. The middle part uplifts and forms these mountain ranges. .In contrast, the lecture claims that f this mountain range has a history of more than 200 million years, then there should be some traces, such as the wear and tear of the local mountains. For example, the mountains would not be particularly high. However, this area is a very young mountain range, so it is unlikely to be the result of an old plate collision.

Lastly, the passage indicates that the ice layer makes the crust thinner, creating internal forces to push up the range. However, the lecture argues that If these mountains were formed by rivers, then at the beginning of the appearance of the entire continent, there should not have been ice.



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