雅思口语Part 2 医疗人士(难题)

Part 2 医疗人士

在今天的推送中,给大家分享一篇当季Part 2新题“A person who works in the medical field/A person who has chosen a career in the medical field”的参考范文。很多备考的小伙伴都觉得这道题十分有难度,但其实细想一下,自己从小到大或多或少也接触过医生、护士或是其他的医疗从业者。



For this topic, I’d like to talk about Wang, a cardiologist at a local hospital near where I live.[cardiologist一词不会也没关系,可以直接说a doctor或者在a doctor后面跟个定语从句进行解释就行,比如a doctor who’s good at treating heart diseases或者who specialises in treating heart diseases.]

cardiologist 心脏病医生

Wang is probably in his late 30s, with a crew cut and adark complexion. He’s got a tall figure and seems well-built. Judging from his way of work, I can tell he’s passionate about his work, and he’s always patient and empathetic. [这个部分其实无论是哪种人物,都适用。简单描述人物的一些年龄、性格、外貌特征。]

in his late 30s 30多快40岁

a crew cut 平头

a dark complexion 深色的皮肤

has got a tall figure 个头高高的

well-built 健硕的

empathetic 有同理心的

I first knew him about two years ago. One early morning, my father suddenly felt terribly sick and was unable to stand on his own. Immediately, my mom called an ambulance. When my dad was transported to the hospital, Wang was the doctor who treated him. I wasn’t at the site, but Wang called me and patiently explained the situation to me. Learning that my dad needed to undergo surgery immediately, I was gripped with fear. I could barely speak and started sobbing uncontrollably. Hearing my worried voice, Wang comforted me, saying he would do his best and help my dad recover. [采用举例罗列的方式描述人物的工作日常也是一种选择,不过如果有相关的场景和经历的话,完全可以将其融入进来。毕竟,我们在讲述自己亲身经历体会时更熟悉。]

undergo surgery 接受手术

be gripped with fear 被恐惧笼罩

sob uncontrollably 控制不住地抽泣

After surgery, my dad was hospitalised for about 10 days. During that period, Wang was always reassuring and attentive. He would take the time to address my concerns without rushing. Whenever I couldn’t get the point, he explained everything nicely and clearly.Two weeks later, my dad was discharged from hospital, with regular checkups required. So far, we’ve had quite a few follow-up visits. What impressed me the most was that Wang never seemed to tire and that he would always prescribe his patients the most effective yet affordable medicine.[利用一两个简单的行为细节,体现前面提及到的人物性格特点或品质]

be hospitalised 住院

reassuring 令人感到放心的、令人感到安心的

attentive 关心的,周到的

address my concerns 解决我的担忧

be discharged from hospital 出院

regular checkups 定期检查

know all the ins and outs 了解详情、每个细节

refer to 参考

prescribe 开药方

To this day, I still feel deeply grateful for Wang. His expertise, dedication, and genuine care not only helped my father recover but also reassured our family through one of the most difficult times we’ve ever faced. [最后,结合个人的经历感受,对这个人物进行简单评价即可。]

grateful 感激的

expertise 专业知识和技能

dedication 奉献 n.







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