•GRE 考试困难户
- 国内保研、考研不满意的同学
- 秋招和留学两手抓的同学
- 原来只打算申请英国等不需要GRE或GMAT成绩的同学(现在你可以申请美国了)
- 处在工作平台期,希望通过留学深造再出发的同学
• MIT激推,想看看自己还有哪些申请机会的
老师把 MIT 的各专业翻了个底朝天,发现绝大部分专业都不需要GRE考试成绩。但估计大部分国内申请人还是秉持着“有总比没有好”的心态,即使知道了,也不敢相信真的可以不考GRE或GMAT就能申请上好的硕士博士项目。
1. 理工科专业几乎都不需要GRE考试成绩
学校的官网原文一般都是“GRE is not required.”, 或者“no longer required“, 只有4个专业还标着“optional”。这也就意味着可能你连提交成绩的入口也没有,不要也包放心的。
以商学院为例,所有专业包括商业管理MBA, 商业分析BA,金融Finance, 管理Management都依旧强制要求GRE。其他文科如传媒、政治等专业也清一色需要提交GRE成绩。
Aeronautics and Astronautics
The GRE is NOT required for any Architecture program
Chemical Engineering
MIT Department of Chemical Engineering will not be accepting or considering GRE scores from PhD/ScD and MSCEP applicants. We recommend that PhDCEP applicants submit unofficial (self-reported) GRE General Test scores.
!!另外敲一下重点:申请截止日非常早,就在November 13
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEE will no longer require the GRE scores for admissions decisions.
Data, Economics, and Design of Policy
GRE notrequired
Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) – Not required
Media Arts and Sciences
GRE scores are not required.
Nuclear Science and Engineering
The GRE is optional.
Master of Science in Operations Research Center
The general test is optional.
Science Writing
Optional moving forward
Supply Chain Management Residential
Applicants to the residential master’s programs are encouraged to complete SC0x – Supply Chain Analytics. In order to utilize the SC0x in lieu of the GMAT or GRE, applicants must earn 85% or higher in the course.
System Design and Management
GRE or GMAT score recommended but not required
Technology and Policy Program
General test optional for 2025-2026 admissions cycle
Urban Studies and Planning
• GRE scores are not required nor accepted for the MCP and SM programs.
•GRE scores are optional for the PhD program.