还没复习也没关系,至少心理学还有救!丁丁来了就一定会拉你一把,救你于水生火热之中!今天我就来为大家讨论一下心理学SAQ的答题套路并与大家分享一个模范回答。(插播一下自我介绍:我之前是一名就读于魔都某国际学校高三IB狗?,申请季在ED II阶段结束,IB 预估分为43/45)
Paper 1 有三个SAQ (短问题)和一个三选一的ERQ(长问题),而总时间是两小时,一般,ERQ至少要一个小时。因为它既需要写大纲的时间,又需要写作的时间。那么,三个SAQ加起来一个小时,一个SAQ最多20分钟。我建议大家优先做SAQ,因为相对于ERQ,SAQ更好拿分,而且SAQ整体难度和用脑力都比ERQ低很多。两小时的考试还是一场持久战,所以同学们要有技巧,先做简单的,保持脑力,然后去挑战大boss,不要一上去就单挑大boss ERQ,不然你会一 败 涂 地!
学Psych的同学都知道Psych的课程分为三大板块 (approach),生物(biological approach),认知(cognitive approach)和社会文化(social-cultural),而三个SAQ恰恰对应着三个板块。
通常SAQ以describe或explain开头,并以using one study结尾,例如“Explain neuroplasticity using one study”。但是SAQ的问题词其实不怎么重要,因为不管是describe还是explain,回答套路都一样,没什么花样。
下面我用生物中的 “explain neuroplasticity using one study”来做一个例子。
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to create new connections between neurons and breaking the old connections.
这时候我们可以使用东西太多记不住?学姐教你IB心理学万能背诵法!这篇文章中的模板。可以按顺序,将各个部分连接起来,组成一个回答,下面那个我将用以前分享过的一个模版的英文版来给大家示范一下高分SAQ的答法。因为SAQ必须要评价study,所以我把最后的strength and limitation 部分给删掉了
开头-解释知识点:Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to create new connections between neurons and breaking the old connections. 引入studyOne study that explain neuroplasticity if Maguire et al.
The aim of the study was to see whether the brains of London taxi drivers would be somehow different because of training that they have to do.
Method/Design(Maguire et al is a quasi-experiment in which the researchers took MRI scans of 50 right-handed male taxi drivers and compared them to those of 50 right-handed males who did not drive taxis. )
解释procedure中是怎么控制变量的( By selecting a range of ages, the study controlled for age so that it would be a confounding variable. Furthermore, the selection of right-handed males also controlled for the effect gender and dexterity had on the brain.)
解释procedure中的技术以及它们是怎样在study中被利用的(MRI scans were interpreted using two different techniques: Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM) and pixel counting.VBM was used in this study to measure the density of grey matter in the brain. Pixel counting is counting the pixels in the images provided by the MRI scans to calculate the area of the hippocampus.)
结果(VBM showed that the volume of the right posterior hippocampi correlated with the amount of time spent as a taxi driver. The longer the time beng a taxi driver, the larger the volume of the right posterior hippocampi. Pixel counting revealed that the posterior hippocampi of taxi drivers were significantly larger relative to those of control subjects.)
In conclusion, Maguire et al provides support for neuroplasticity as the increase in size of the right demands, and the reduction in size of the frontal hippocampus indicates that it breaks old connections, thereby supporting neuroplasticity.
总结,以上就是SAQ的回答方法啦,当然如果你记忆力强,能够记住更多procedure里的细节,如单盲实验之类的,那你可以以尽情的秀,当然在秀的时候各位同学别跑题了,时时刻刻问自己是否在回答问题!最后,希望大家能都在IB psych大考中斩获好成绩!