>>>>>> 牛剑学长回顾申请季
个人文书本质上就是自我推销文,目的是 sell yourself 。关于文书的立意请牢记三点:第一、阐述一种观点(我就是适合的candidate),第二、说明这个与众不同的人(我的优点和专业潜质很突出),第三、讲个故事让审阅官轻松获知前面两点。
材料—— 素材
虽为 “推销自己” ,但也不要表现得自命不凡。不要通篇都用I开头的句子展开描述。
1. 如何获取素材
1- 按照UCAS的建议准备个人文书素材,附上UCAS的worksheet,帮你梳理一下思路。英文问卷,涉及到你对专业选择的原因,你个人的特殊技能与经历,你此前的学习与课程专业的相关性,能证明你对专业热情的活动,个人技能与成就,兴趣爱好工作经历未来打算等等。
2- 按照以下几个方面列清单:你对数学/计算机专业的热情表现在哪里?你对学科专业的了解有多深?你的学科专业潜力在哪里?你为数学/计算机专业付出的努力有哪些?然后对照清单问题,仔细去思考你做过的哪些事情可以很好地表现你的优秀品质,一一作答。
3- 以数学/计算机专业为中心,收集所有你能想到的关键词,用树状的结构画思维导图,帮助自己收集并整理素材。有些同学很擅长用思维导图的方式思考问题甚至解决问题,那么思维导图也一种不错的整理素材的方式。
无论是在写PS的过程中,还是在你的整个申请期,时时不忘对自己进行灵魂的拷问:你真的喜欢数学专业吗?你确定自己不是因为参加了几项数学竞赛拿了奖而选择了数学?你了解过牛剑的计算机专业到底学些什么课程吗?你准备此生与那些代码为伴,而不仅仅是为了得到那份令人艳羡的offer? 当这些问题真实地投射进你的脑海,你便有了无穷的动力去搜寻答案,有些答案已经在,你只需收集起来,而有些答案可能正是你后面需要弥补的,这也正是你逐步完善PS的原因所在。
Here are some ideas to help you get started:
● Look at course descriptions and identify the qualities, skills, and experience it requires – you can use these to help you decide what to write about.
● Tell the reader why you’re applying – include your ambitions, as well as what interests you about the subject, the course provider, and higher education.
● Think about what makes you suitable – this could be relevant experience, skills, or achievements you’ve gained from education, work, or other activities.
● Include any clubs or societies you belong to – sporting, creative, or musical.
● Mention any relevant employment experience or volunteering you’ve done, such as vInspired Awards, Step Together, or Project Trust.
● If you’ve developed skills through Duke of Edinburgh, ASDAN, National Citizen Service, the Crest Awards scheme, or young enterprise, tell them.
● If you took part in a higher education taster course, placement, or summer school, or something similar, include it.
2. 如何归纳整理素材?
体察——体察你的梦校对候选人的偏好。做足功课,牛剑官网明确发布Who are we looking for? 另外,University prospectuses也是必要关注的,仔细研读你申请的专业,分析专业课程描述,同时比照自己是否符合挑选标准selection criteria,然后圈出相关的关键词和关键句,这些便是你个人文书中需要重点突出的部分,同时也为你积攒了文书表达所需要的词汇。
At Cambridge, all admissions decisions are based solely on academic criteria (ability and potential). Therefore, in your personal statement, we’d like you to:
●explain your reasons for wanting to study the subject at university
●demonstrate enthusiasm for and commitment to your chosen course
● express any particular interests within the field
● outline how you’ve pursued your subject interest in your own time
This information is often used as a basis for discussion at interview.
Tutors at Oxford are only interested in your academic ability and potential. They want to see that you are truly committed to the subject or subjects you want to study at university but it’s not enough just to say that you have a passion for something: you need to show tutors how you have engaged with your subject, above and beyond whatever you have studied at school or college. This can include any relevant extra-curricular activities.
Try to avoid writing your personal statement as though you are ticking things off a list. There is no checklist of required achievements, and tutors will not just scan what you have written to look for key words or phrases. Tutors will read your personal statement to try to understand what has motivated you to apply for their course. It’s a good idea to evaluate your experiences, to show what you have learned from them and how they have helped develop your understanding of your subject.
牛津 | What are tutors looking for?
数学专业 UCAS code: G100
Tutors are looking for a candidate’s potential to succeed on the course. We recommend that candidates challenge themselves with mathematics beyond their curriculum, question their own understanding, and take advantage of any available extension material. Ultimately, we are most interested in a candidate’s potential to think imaginatively, deeply and in a structured manner about the patterns of mathematics.
数学和计算机科学 UCAS code: GG14
The most important qualities we are looking for are strong mathematical ability, the capability to think and work independently, the capacity to absorb and use new ideas, and a great deal of enthusiasm. We use this set of criteria and the result of the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) to decide whom to invite for interview. At the interview we will explore how you tackle unfamiliar problems and new ideas. We are more interested in how you approach problem-solving than whether you can get straight to a solution. We do not require any previous formal qualification in computing, but we do expect you to demonstrate a real interest in the subject.
数学与哲学 UCAS code: GV15
During the interview for philosophy you will be given the opportunity to show a critical and analytical approach to abstract questions and the ability to defend a viewpoint by reasoned argument. In mathematics you may find yourself asked to look at problems of a type that you have never seen before. Don’t worry, we will help you! We want to see if you can respond to suggestions as to how to tackle new things, rather than find out simply what you have been taught.
数学与统计 UCAS code: GG13
Tutors are looking for a candidate’s potential to succeed on the course. We recommend that candidates challenge themselves with Mathematics beyond their curriculum, question their own understanding, and take advantage of any available extension material. Ultimately, we are most interested in a candidate’s potential to think imaginatively, deeply and in a structured manner about the patterns of mathematics.
计算机科学 UCAS code: G400
We look for proven mathematical talent, the ability to think and work independently, the capacity to absorb and use new ideas, and enthusiasm. We use these criteria alongside the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) results to decide whom to interview.
At interview, we explore how you tackle unfamiliar problems and respond to new ideas; we are more interested in how you approach problem-solving than the solution. We don’t require any previous formal qualification in computing, but we do expect a real interest in the subject.
计算机科学与哲学 UCAS code: IV15
For Computer Science: strong mathematical aptitude, the ability to think and work independently, the capacity to absorb and use new ideas, and enthusiasm. For Philosophy: a critical and analytical approach to abstract questions, the ability to defend a viewpoint by reasoned argument, and a desire to delve deeper into the way we think about things. You do not need to have previously studied either subject.
3. 利用素材,开始写作—— MEET牛剑
M Motivated——
生活背景经历与拓展阅读体现出你的申请动机。审阅官希望在你的文书中找到你的动机来源和你的观点想法。不要将推荐书单走马观花全部scan一遍,书看了却无感,是浪费时间精力。阅读是极好的探索学科的方式,阅读需要你带着批判的思想对待作者提出的结论、假设等。当你真正开始“探索”你的学科专业时,你一定会迷上她。你会在阅读的书中感受到她的美,你会痴迷在推荐的网站上寻找她的神奇,你会如痴如醉地捧读推荐的journals……于是会冒出很多why和很多what if ,这些就是你的动机以及动机催生的观点想法,写下来吧。
【牛津数学offer holder】
【剑桥计算机offer holder】
【帝国理工数学与数学计算offer holder】
Super-curriculum Suggestion 超学科建议
这里有官方推荐的Reading lists,也有一些轻阅读资源,如杂志、博客、短论文等等,还有播客、媒体网站、APP等。
E Enthusiastic——
【剑桥数学offer holder】
【剑桥计算机offer holder】
E Engaged——
【剑桥计算机offer holder】
【帝国理工数学与数学计算offer holder】
▲表达自己的勤奋程度:由于对数学的浓厚兴趣,我在一年内完成了AS和A level数学课程,为了进一步探索,并计划在下学期学习进阶数学。
T Telling a story——
【牛津数学与统计offer holder】
▲ 流畅的故事,读来很轻松,毫无压迫感。
牛津说PS —— 五要五不要
● DO apply for a course you really want to study.
● DO be yourself: tell the truth about your interests.
● DO sell yourself: this is not the time for modesty.
● DO re-read your personal statement before an interview – the tutors may ask you to talk about things you've mentioned
● DO read the UCAS guidance on personal statements.
● DON’T be tempted to make anything up, as you might be asked about it at interview.
● DON’T copy anyone else’s personal statement. UCAS uses plagiarism detection software.
● DON'T list qualifications like your GCSE grades or anything else that's covered elsewhere on the application.
● DON’T just list your other achievements: you need to evaluate them.
● DON'T feel the need to be dramatic in order to be memorable
● 一定要申请你真正想学的专业
● 一定要做你自己:说出你的兴趣所在
● 一定要推销自己:此刻不是谦虚的时候
● 一定要重读PS:在面试前重新阅读你的个人文书,因为导师会要求你谈谈文书中提到的事情
● 一定要阅读UCAS指南
● 不要尝试编造,因为你可能会在面试中被问到
● 不要抄袭文书,UCAS会使用抄袭检测软件
● 不要在你的申请表上列出你的GCSE成绩或其它在申请表中已经有的信息
● 不要只是列举你的其它成绩,你需要评估它们
● 不必为了被记住而夸大或戏剧化