考情分析 -- Set 1
本次放出的两个set中set 1考题难度小于set 2考题难度。Set 1的题目比较常规。第一道大题考察了之前选择题中出现过的,完全竞争市场作为price takers无法改变价格的结论。
第二道大题考察了外部性与价格天花板的结合,比较综合,但属于常规题型。第三题的game theory考法与本次CB放出的session 8最后一题的思路基本一致,也属于中等难度题。
考情分析 -- Set 2
Set2中第一大题的(a)题的最后一问与往常的economic profit不同,考察了consumer surplus的图像,如果没有仔细看容易出错;
(b)题考察了marginal revenue与total revenue的关系,需要对公式和知识点有比较好的理解才能进行回答;(c)题考查的也是最近命题热点,关于perfect price discrimination的定义和结论;最后一小题则是通过对background information的阅读理解来考察了影响弹性的因素。
第二大题出现的对quantity变化不为1的情况下MC的计算也是一个易错点。而第三大题中per-unit subsidy在市场中如何引发deadweight loss的内容考察了学生对于课本上per-unit tax的图像举一反三的能力。
Set 1, question 1
(b).If a perfect competitive market, firms are price takers. If a firm raises its price to $15, whichis higher than the market price, $14, it will lose all its customers, causing its revenue drops to 0.
(c).The demand of soybean, as a derived demand, will increases.
(d).Increase. As the demand curve shifts to the right, price will also increase. Economic profit = (Price -ATC) x Q > 0 and there is no barrier to entry, so new firms will enter into the market in the long run.
Set 1, question 2
(d).No. The new quantity is 200 (Pc = MPC), which is less than the origin quantity, 300, and will exacerbate underproduction.Set 1, question 3
(a).Power, because $35 > $ 28.
(b).No. If FC chooses Reliability, NR will choose Comfort ($30 > $10); If FC choosesPower, NR will choose Safety ($32 > $25).
(c).Yes. Except(b), if NR chooses Safety, FC will choose P ===> ($32, $35)
(d).($30, $40) because the sum is the greatest = $70.(e).
Set 2
Set 2, question 1
Answer(a) &(b).
Set 2, question 2
Set 2, question 3