AP 2024 心理学 FRQ 解析来啦!

考情分析 -- Set 1


Part A考点不算热门,主要考察第六单元内容,需要学生对概念有较为清晰的认知,结合题干做出回答。

Gavin’s parents took him to his favorite science museum, and he explored all of the exhibits. One of the interactive exhibits featured glass marbles. He grabbed a large marble and tried to bounce it on the ground. At one point during the visit, he became separated from his parents, and it took a few minutes for them to find him. Later that night, he drew a colorful picture of the exhibits at the museum. The next day, Gavin brought his picture with him to preschool. While his grandmother drove, Gavin talked to her about the picture.

Part A

• Explain how Jean Piaget’s concept of assimilation could relate to Gavin’s experience with theglass marble.


1. 区分assimilation和accommodation,这两个都是Jean Piaget提出的基于schema的理论,答题时不可混淆;

2. 答题时描述要具体,结合题干。

Eg. Gavin came to know that tennis balls can bounce when they drop, so he assumed that glass marbles would also bounce because they have similar shapes and structures like tennis balls.

• Explain how egocentrism could relate to how Gavin interacted with his grandmother in the car.


1. 需要了解pre-operational stage儿童的特点,egocentrism的具体表现。

Eg. Since Gavin is a preschooler, he’s still in pre-operational stage. When his grandmother drove, Gavin did not realize his grandma couldn’t see the pictures he was showing.

•Explain how avoidant attachment could relate to Gavin when he was separated from his parents.


1. 需要对三种不同类型的attachment进行区分,了解avoidant attachment的特点,对父母的态度。

Eg. When Gavin seperated from his parents, he didn’t cry or become overly anxious and continued to explore the museum.

Part B

Explain how each of the following terms could relate to Gavin in this scenario.

• Serial position effect 答题重点:


1. 可以回答primacy effect或recency effect,答题时要注意具体的事例结合。

Eg. In the picture that Gavin drew, he mainly drew about the first things he saw when he entered the museum.

Or: When Gavin first walked in the museum, he saw the automobile models. So he mainly drew about the automobile models because those were the first things he saw.

•Motor cortex



Eg. Gavin motor cortex was giving order to coordinate his movements when he dropped the glass marble.

•Cognitive map




Eg. After Gavin walked around the museum, he had a mental representation of where the exhibits are located. And when he tried to recall the interactive exhibits featuring glass marbles, he could easily remember where they were.

• Cones in the retina


第三单元和视觉系统相关的考点,考察学生对感光细胞的认识和了解,要能够区分cones and rods。

Eg. When Gavin drew pictures of the museum, his cones in retina are active in distinguishing different colors so that he could apply colors to different exhibits.


Professor Gonzalez hypothesizes that students will remember more information from his detailed course description if it is printed on yellow paper than if it is printed on standard white paper. To test this hypothesis, he put the names of all his students into a bowl, then drew out names to assign them to two different groups. He gave one group of the students in his class a course description printed on white paper, and gave the other group of students a course description printed on yellow paper. Students were instructed to thoroughly read the description outside of class in preparation for their next class. In the next class, he gave all students a ten-question quiz asking them about the information found on the course description. Professor Gonzalez then compared the number of correct answers for each group of students. The statistically significant results are depicted in the graph.

Part A

• State the operational definition of the dependent variable.


Eg. The operational definition of the dependent variable is the score on course description quiz.

• Identify the experimental group.


Eg. The experimental group is the group that was given the yellow paper.

• In addition to the manipulation of an independent variable, identify the procedure Professor Gonzalez used to make this study a true experiment.


Eg. Prof. Gonzalez also had the students randomly drew out names for random assignments to minimize the effects of the experimenter bias.

• Explain how the data as presented in the graph do or do not support Professor Gonzalez’shypothesis.


Eg. The difference in the mean score on course description quiz is statistically significant, meaning the result was not due to chance and the data support Prof. Gonzalez’s hypothesis.

Part B

Explain how each of the following might relate to a student’s performance on any quiz. • Context-dependent memory


第五单元考点,考察学生对于encoding and retrieval cues的记忆和理解。

Eg. Students took the quiz in the classroom where they usually study in, so it’s easier for them to retrieve memory in the same context and therefore do better on the quiz.

• Yerkes-Dodson law


第七单元考点,考察学生对于arousal theory的认知。

Eg. When the quiz is difficult, students need to be aroused to an optimum level to give the best performance. If the arousal level is too low or too high, their performance would not be as good as when they’re at optimum level.

• Low level of the Big Five trait of conscientiousness


第七单元关于人格,trait theory的考点。

在回忆trait theory的时候,要能够回忆起OCEAN模型,这五个角度的评分,前四个都是分数越高越好,N是越低越好。Conscientiousness在这里指的是discipline, diligence, consistency, reliability。

Eg. If the students get low level of conscientiousness, they are less likely to work diligently and work with self-discipline, which would cause them to perform worse on the test.


Students with low level of conscientiousness usually lack the self-discipline to organize their study efficiently and they might not allocate much time and effort into reviewing the test.

Set 2-1


Claire’s sports team made it to the championship basketball game. To play the game, the teammates will need to work together to move a ball toward their own goal. They must then aim carefully to throw the ball into a hoop that is elevated about 10 feet off the ground. The winner is the team that gets the ball into the hoop the most times.

Part A

Explain how each of the following might help Claire be successful during the game.

• Retinal disparity


第三单元Sensation and Perception的考点,Binocular depth cues。

1. 不可以和monocular cues混淆;

2. 举出具体事例说明retinal disparity如何帮助Claire观察篮框的距离和位置,成功投球得分

Eg. Retinal disparity, the small differences in visual perception, helps Claire accurately locate where the basketball hoop is and score from a distance.

Intrinsic motivation


第七单元Motivation Theory考点,主要是需要对intrinsic and extrinsic motivation进行区分,是对知识点的直接考察。

1. 不可以和extrinsic motivation混淆;

2. 举出具体的例子,如什么样的情绪/内在驱动力使得Claire想要去参加championship basketball game。

Eg. Claire plays the game because she feels that playing basketball is very interesting.

•Social facilitation



1. 不可以和social loafing混淆。

Eg. Claire performs better and scores more when there are audience watching the game.

Kinesthetic sense


第三单元关于Senses的考点,注意区分它和Vestibular Sense即可。

1. 不可以和Vestibular Sense混淆;

2. 并没有具体的器官和kinesthetic sense相关。

Eg. Kinethestic sense helps Claire know about her movement without constantly looking at her body and coordinate each part of her body to perform in this basketball game.

Part B

Claire’s team won the championship game. Ten years later, the team got together for a reunion at thegym where the game was originally held. At the reunion, they discussed the championship game.

Explain how each of the following might influence Claire’s recollection of the game.

Context-dependent memory


第五单元考点,考察学生对于encoding and retrieval cues的记忆和理解。

1. 不可以和state-dependent memory,mood-congruent memory混淆;

2. 答题时要注意,写出事件发生的地点和回忆起这段记忆时的地点。

Eg. When Claire and her team went back to the gym, they are triggered to recall the final score and the top scorer of the championship game. They would not recall those details when they aren’t at the gym.

Self-serving bias


第九单元考点,需要学生对概念有清晰的认知。Self-serving bias causes people to attribute their successes to their abilities and their failures to others or external factors.

1. 需要具体举例,不能简单重复定义。

Eg. When Claire recalled the memory of the championship, she felt that the team won the championship because of her shooting skills and this memory was distorted due to self-serving bias.

Retroactive interference


第五单元考点,需要知道interference 相关的概念并进行辨别。retroactive interference是新产生的记忆影响了我们旧的回忆。

1. 需要具体举例,不能简单重复定义。

Eg. When Claire tries to recall the details of the championship game, she thinks of the top scorer in another game which followed the championship. The memory of the following game interferes with the memory of the championship.

Set 2-2

常规题型,两道FRQ里必有的一套和实验设计相关的题目。Part A难度较低,Part B主要考察第七单元内容,常规难度,考察的概念在前几年也有出现。

Dr. Dawson is a psychologist who believes that students who read motivational statements before a test will experience lower levels of anxiety as compared with students who read neutral statements. To examine this belief, he conducted a study. In the study, he randomly assigned half of the participants to read motivational statements and the other half to read neutral statements. Immediately after reading the statements, all of the students completed a survey about their current level of anxiety (1 = low; 8 = high) and then took the test. Dr. Dawson found statistically significant results that are depicted in the graph.

Part A

• State the operational definition of the dependent variable.


An operational definition for the dependent variable could be a scale of levels of anxiety from 1 to 8.

•Identify the control group in this study.


The control group is students who read neutral statements.

Explain why the study would be considered an experiment.


This study is considered an experiment because:

1. Dr. Dawson divided the participants into two groups to manipulate the independent variable in order to study the cause-and-effect relationship between motivational statements and anxiety level;

2. Dr. Dawson randomly assigned participants into the experimental group and the control group.

Explain how the results of the study do or do not support Dr. Dawson’s hypothesis.


The average anxiety level for experimental group is 3 and that for control group is 7. The results support Dr. Dawson’s hypothesis because it was statistically significant, and the difference in results was not due to chance.


The test Dr. Dawson gave was a vocabulary test. Explain how the following terms might relate to thestudents who performed poorly on the test in this study.

External locus of control




Eg. Students who perform poorly on the vocabulary test would think that the words on the test were too hard or it was just bad luck that they didn’t do well.

•Stage one of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome



学生需要对GAD有大致的认知。GAD分成三个阶段,alarm, resistance, exhaustion,每个阶段抗压程度都有不同,stage one在这里指的就是alarm stage。如果学生在测试中表现较差,那可以从他们并没有进入alarm stage来作答,即交感神经系统并没有被激活,学生并未获得较高的抗压水平,所以导致结果并不理想。

Eg. Students who didn’t do well on the test did not enter the alarm stage so that they didn’t obtain a high level of stress resistance.

Crystallized intelligence



需要对两种intelligence进行区分,不能和fluid intelligence混淆。

Eg. Students did not have a good habit memorizing words and they did not obtain a high level of crystallized intelligence, so they cannot perform well on vocabulary test.


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